At little too nora heavy for my taste, but he does look wild, lots of upgrade variety potential First path Warlord vs Unleash is huge, both very solid strong choices, think it might even go down to BG style the 2nd path is also pretty great, Iron will vs Inhibit vs Hunter Meek, tough choice, I think i'd slap hunter meek on him but it's not an easy choice for sure. Attack fire, very viable in non-fire eater Fire BGs, or just a great alternate attack style to the very physical bulk of arrow eater champions. He's not my style, but that invoke ability has so much post-engage potential that would go really well with a hard UD bg. Hard engage, bam, Massive AOE Shruken, very difficult to really do anything about that without an AOE cleanse. I'd definitely consider shifting my style just for him. Really great rune, with an understandably high price tag (Nora) ( Might even be slightly under-costed honestly, not that i'd change him )
The ability is really strong, and can be used in versatile ways - the speed debuff can be good to stop attacks and make it hard for them to run away. Feels like a meta rune to me.
When I see ireguards I see a spell target, they are good, but not nearly as good as their price suggests.
Exactly that. They need to come out late. They require dark pact etc if played early. Scary but usually not worth it. I find they work best in SP splits with tempest crown or Paper Wings. Or ST split with Lonx Bone Charm. Mobility is king!
Well ireguards aren't something you throw in unsupported, they are too much of an investment- you keep them near your guardians, DEPs, summoners and Informants. Of nothing else you need the spell presence
Bodyguard, Masochism, relocation, nexus, cloak are the main ways i can think of to keep something from taking damage.
Secret meeting seems to be best defensive support at the moment, I just need to figure how to use it properly.