LE Rune Reward

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by MrDragco, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. MrDragco

    MrDragco Member

    Well i was just thinking of a very nice way to reward players for playing more games and give colectors more sweets and a way to make one of a kind bg's.

    Lets say DOG made a Limited Edition Champion , not some OP stuff a normaal champ that can be found in raars or uncommons typs.
    There would be only 1000-1500 avaiable.
    After every mache you win there would be a very small chance you could get this LE champion.
    I supose its will take some months till the 1000-1500 LE runes are won and after some time DOG can anounce a new LE champion that could be avaiable to win by playing games.

    This gives lots of motivation for playing games.
    Lots more colectable runes.
    Gives some players a unique chmapion to show off (even if its not strong).

    Like the giving trees that where given.
    I think it rewards player a lot and gives extra dimention to pox.

    What do you think?
    KingJad likes this.
  2. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    As long as it's not OP, and just rare. (And DOES NOT hold a theme together) then okay.

    I mean if suddenly there's like a Voil Chieftain that can be gotten only after a match with a 0.0025%, then I'll kill myself.

    At most it should be a strong, solid champion/relic/equipment that is not suited to any theme. and they SHOULD have Mythical. Good comparables:

    Voil Lancer
    Marsh Warden
    Ranger Elite
    Sunder Hellion
    Ethereal Soldier (this guy needs the nerf rod)

    They can all go into goodstuff, but it's optional. You can still be competitive without them.
  3. Glad0

    Glad0 I need me some PIE!

    I like this, this is interesting.

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