Meta help please!

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by Glad0, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Glad0

    Glad0 I need me some PIE!

  2. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    -1 Long Knife Adept, + 1 DEP (gives you shatter, and relocate). 2x is probably too much since you don't have that many demons.

    2x Nightfall and 2x Goblin Spellkaiser is a bit redundant (i.e. both are pretty cheap harassing options). But both are excellent units.
    Still, I'd consider replacing 1x with a minotaur sentry so you can drop a dimension door to help your battlemages and gain a detect.

    I'd probably cut at least 1x demon shield (and probably two times). Demonvein is really the only unit you will/can equip it on. I'd replace w/ a retribution/avenging flame and a firey ambush.

    Maybe 1x fire blast ==> 1x maddening echoes (or superiority).

    Consider experimenting w/ price of victory or masochism. Both are situtational, but they can win games (and masochism works really well w/ demonvein/gloombringer)
  3. Glad0

    Glad0 I need me some PIE!

  4. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    Ill comment on 2nd bg u posted,

    2x reno? it doesnt fit the UD style , 1 is enough
    Ditch x1 of gloombringer(can replace with goblin archer if u want range)
    ditch x1 firstblast for another maddening echo
    (if u lane 1 echos u wanna hit both)
    Ditch one or both the tinderboxes for 1 head of osu
    ditch one of the night spiders ( consider mino flamecrusher for unstoppable)
    You need x1 deep elf priestess in there.. for shatter and relocate
    I dont like demolish.. but a lot of UD players do so ill just leave it at that
    You need a pitdragon somewhere in there...
    Voidraker is good too...
    You lack a detect... consider Griefbearer
    I dislike orb of protection out of fire Bgs... but also some UD players like it...
    Fiery ambush is a good spell too
    Price of victory aint bad either
    GL :)
  5. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    You barely have any kind of ap generation or anything to make powerturns, you'll want to add some of DEP, DEInfiltrator, DESummoner, Puppet Master, Imp alchemist, PoV.
    You could use a head of osarius to contest
    Maddening echoes are ussually 2 or none
  6. fangs13

    fangs13 New Member

    This is for the first BG
    well unlike raikan I can count and you have more then just demonvein that the shield can go on there are 9 demons in the first bg there but I would drop 1 of the spellkaisers 1 of the night falls and 1 of the tinder boxes as well as 1 of the fire blasts im not much for the hook fiend myself but that's just me and in place of these I would put in a cloak of the long knives for 1 of your gloombringers add a fiery ambush DEP is always nice with shatter and all and I like voidrakers myself and a sheoul magus is a nise fit into most ud bgs a box warden is nice for detect as well and think of possibly putting in a blood draught after you get your nora back from the short live being put onto your champs you can shater the thing and still have all the benys from it
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
  7. Glad0

    Glad0 I need me some PIE!

  8. fangs13

    fangs13 New Member

    I gess first off we should know what meta you are going for on this bg with that it might go beter lol
  9. Glad0

    Glad0 I need me some PIE!

    i thought meta is just meta. idk what im doing for :( I just want something good lol
  10. fangs13

    fangs13 New Member

    well I play themed most of the time spiders blood minitors imps and such but you got a good start there need some detection I would drop a rider in place of that but in a box warden with detect on it then run some see how it feels
  11. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    I did miscount...I should have added Korona, so 3x. While you're technically right that there are 9 demons, demonshield's effectiveness on some of them is limited (pit dragon) or inefficienct (hook fiend, bok raider, blood guard, etc. Demon shield is sinking another 25 nora into a champion to protect it from range, and so it is better on more expensive champions (i.e. 25 nora to protect a 65 nora champ is less efficient than 25 nora to protect Grimlic). Given that the bg will have stealth from nightfall as a form of anti range, and given that it has an orb, 2x demonshield isn't worth it imo.
  12. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

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