My boghopper bg

Discussion in 'Forglar Swamp' started by Kharon, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Kharon

    Kharon Devotee of the Blood Owl!/deck/CgPCwCwDcgICgUcjYCg9cugct7cpuC5qs1s33sms5Bs20s6hs7Ys3vr2LrWe2wE1H

    I wish I could just link this as a photo so you guys didn't have go through the extra effort of clicking the link. Anyway, here is my boghopper bg.

    I'm honestly posting this for feedback. Is Augur still 2x auto include? Same with Outlaw? 2x Boghoppers just because they are so awesome lol. Cheap harasser as well as meat! Oh and don't mind the limited Hippo Rider, he is just in there because he is my favorite FS champ. A true champion of the swamp, Hippo Rider for more buffs 2014 :D

    Anyway, feedback appreciated!
  2. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Speaking purely for myself, I like it better this way. You get more data from going to the link (including rune specific information that wouldn't be included even if the image included the stats spread, which would make the image relatively large), and it takes up less space. People can also more easily make changes to post their suggestions as well. Having both would be fine, but it's not necessary in my view.

    On that note, have you considered Misshapen Boghoppers over Boghoppers? A bit higher nora cost, but I think it's worth it as they are more of a threat, and still really quite cheap.
  3. Kharon

    Kharon Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I might have considered it but I hate 5 speeds. Something about them. . . >.>
  4. AmmonReros

    AmmonReros I need me some PIE!

    multiattack and reinforcement as well as leap 3 make up for their "lack of speed". I treally isnt a big deal. Also if you run Mastermind on your Instigator you can make them have Speed 6.
  5. Kharon

    Kharon Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Yes, I agree. It does make up for it but I'm just so used to 6 speed champs, I really just look past 5 speeds. I might in the future replace my one bog for Misshappen
  6. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    If it helps, just think of it as being "at least faster than my Spawnpool Guardian." I know you're feeling though. Even when I'm making a KF deck I often have to force myself to go back and look at those 5 SPD champions to make sure I'm not missing out on something important just based on bias against "slow" champions. Especially since sometimes they have Berserker 2+ or something to help make up for it. Anyway, I hope whatever decision you make works out for you.
  7. MadLotar

    MadLotar The King of Potatoes

    Just a couple of questions? Why the Darkmarsh sorcerer, or the enforcer (if you don't like 5 speed champs)? Maybe it would be good if you replaced those two with concealers, as nightfall is an excellent skill and really adds a strategic element to boghopper bgs.
  8. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    My suggestion:!/deck/CgPCwDctC8OcgICgUcjYCg9ct7cpuC5qs1sds4US33sms46S5Bs3vrWr2ae2w

    Lose the Boghoppers - you're not running Nora Drain anyway. Darkmarsh concealer is comparable as a cheap guy and has way more utility. Sorceror goes for being bad, replaced with Shaman who is a boss. Divine Favor is great especially when you flood the board with so many champs.

    Font Eruption is a 2x or 0x kind of rune. I've opted for 2 in this bg. Drown is auto include - and you run 2 Tidemasters anyway. You're running some weird spells so we got rid of those and added in Fumes (for Augur) and Flood (Perseverance counter). A second Pygmy Hippo Stampede also comes in for being absurd spot damage and combos with Concealer.

    Font of Restoration gets kicked out for having no good targets in this deck (and we added in a Shaman anyway), I can't imagine what you need double bandoleer for (could go to 1x) and Tortun Land Cannon comes in for more spot damage.
    Skullferno likes this.

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