My gold doesn't add up

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Alkioneus, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Alkioneus

    Alkioneus I need me some PIE!

    My gold returned to the state after box purchases(circa 10 hours ago), went a little up after some wins, then it either returned to the state after purchase(6800gld) or stopped to add up. I have the slight reminiscence of 7000+ value when I was taking a brief look at it.

    I don't list system specs, as I am not the owner of the computer and have limited access to the information.

    System specs: Windows 7

    EDIT: gold seems to add up on the website, not in the launcher window.

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Hrm, alright, I will keep this in mind.

    Just to confirm, when you bought packs on the marketplace in the client, it didn't update properly, but it did on the website?
  3. Gajeel

    Gajeel The King of Potatoes

    I believe the same thing happend to me, but after another couple of wins, it reappeared, although im not sure if it was exact, all i know was i had 400, then i won and it became 1.1k

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