
Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Waritine, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Waritine

    Waritine New Member

    I tried to run it, and barely got away with my game... I don't really get why it would only have boost 1, and why did they remove the soulharvester ability? I thought the reasoning for the low stats was from it having soulharvest and the possible nora return from it killing things...

    What do y'all think about her? How should I be using her?
  2. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Her best use is in skellys pumping out 13 damage, 7 speed, 20-something health meat while having decent range herself.

    Summon 3 is very good. Think of boost 1 as Forment. All boosts gives +6hp regardless of rank.

    In the end, if she has Soulharvester she would go to 84 nora instead of 59.

    You should run the Mysian Necromancer if you want boost 3 with summon skeleton 3.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  3. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    She's basically a cheep skeleton maker with a touch of witch synergy.
  4. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I would rework her to:
    race: human, skeleton (no undead)
    DMG 4
    SPD 6
    RNG 1 or 1-2
    DEF 3
    HP 50
    Attack physical
    Strenght of body
    Path 1 : elsari coven , bulwark skeleton.
    Path 2 : chain lightning, soulharvester 1.
    Because is how I see her, using his outer body to tank and to attack while she's wrapped inside, strenght of body represents the damage the skeleton receives affecting the damage otput, devour represents the necromancer using the bodies to repair his giant skeleton, I thought of making it devour skeleton only but it would be non synergetic with summon festering corpse on some witches. Upgrade path1 are for use either in skeletons or in witches and second it's to keep a bit of identity of the rune.
    I think in this form it would help witches with a tank that synergizes nicely with some of the others forming a module with forsaken follower and mysian necromancer and other meat summoning witches. Skeletons don't need tanks much but this could be run in a swarming skeleton battlegroup, and it has the advantage of being 1x1.
    BansheeX likes this.
  5. TinyPickle

    TinyPickle The King of Potatoes

    I don't really see a connection between necromancer (summoning skel/zom champs) and witches. To me it's more like a dark wizard resurrecting the dead. Only fleshweaver going both ways if you look at it's pathways (still some tweaking needed if you ask me). Also blood banshee is a nice candidate for a mix between witches/spirits, due to her ability's and artwork.
  6. Waritine

    Waritine New Member

    It's 6 speed, not 7 :S Summon 3 has 6 speed, summon 2 has 5 speed, and summon 1 has.... ba da da dummm... 4 speed.... And there's no speed boosts in FW.....
  7. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    who likes my rework?
    BansheeX likes this.
  8. Waritine

    Waritine New Member

    What would be the point of having soulharvester if her damage was 4?
  9. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    strenght of body should up his damage to 14, with a banner, it should be 16 (1 bonus and 1 for the 5 hp) with boost skeleton 3 present it should be 20 and it can go higher in skeletons with bulwark.
  10. Waritine

    Waritine New Member

    Ahhh... I don't remember what Strength of Body does <.>
  11. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    I like it and I like it even better than the suggestion I made myself in the Witches thread.
  12. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    it says 6. It summons 7. So either the text is wrong or the ability is bugged. But as far as I recall this was changed when boost had speed removed to not affect the summons. So yeah, they summon with 7 speed.

    She is finally a good cheap meat summoner, and now people want to change her again :(

    I like the idea, but not on the necromancer.
  13. Waritine

    Waritine New Member

    Just tried it out, and you're right, it has 7 speed. Probably a bug, given how its meant to scale 4/5/6... I feel like they tried to boost up internal speed and add mechanics tboost speed went away, but I feel like the mechs were later taken out, and some speeds nerfed further, to the point that some are even slower internally than they were when boost speed was out... My favorite speedy skeleton, Grekin, only has his charge to "rush" around with now. Maybe i'm just being a whiny lil *****, but I would love speed boost on the boost again, or at least a condition that gives only particular slow skeletons a lil movement boost when they're around.
  14. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Either way, it was changed to 7 when the speed boost was lost. I'd try to point that out when they come to "fix" our super op skeleton summons. :p
  15. gillo

    gillo I need me some PIE!

    Im pretty sure summon 3 used to summon 7 spd skellies (I think they're bugged)
  16. gillo

    gillo I need me some PIE!

    It would cost around 90 nora.....

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