Pausing the game and Beginner Campaigns

Discussion in 'New Pox Nora Client Beta Discussion' started by Yohan, May 25, 2017.

  1. Yohan

    Yohan Member

    Besides the huge labor of bug fixing, there are less obvios stuff that needs to be pointed out. To begin with, I was surprised to see the community did not mention the lack of a way to pause the game. You may think it's not that important specially when you are a PvP user and matches usually end fast/your opponent can disconnect. However, PvE users/new players like me may find that option quite useful, specially when you don't have much time to play and you need to pause it, do things and resuming it later. Finally, the Beginner Campaigns are no longer available. :mad: For me (and I hope I'm not the only one) it was a great way to try some runes out, BG, combinations, make some gold, earn some achievments, etc. So anybody who's thought about this is more than welcome to say something. Am I whining about something not that great or are these things on a "to do" list?
  2. haroldkin

    haroldkin I need me some PIE!

    Agree a pause option for solo play is mandatory.

    I too liked the Beginner Campaign, even prefer them over Skirmish. Would like to see them return, but can see how they appear redundant for what they are, as they're more or less the same idea as the Faction Tutorials.
  3. Hierokliff

    Hierokliff I need me some PIE!

    why not just go to custom games -> Create game -> change to BOT -> select the faction & map you want to fight and kick AI's ****?
    Pausing has been wished for, DC'ing dont help either against PvE the time keeps going and the turns... but its coming i hope.
    Think most of the things that aint done is because they either got into trouble with Unity codesystem or just out of time for the deadline.
  4. haroldkin

    haroldkin I need me some PIE!

    Custom > Bot is pretty much the same as the old skirmish. Beginner campaigns are distinctly different, as they only throw a limited number of champs at you and win condition is kill shrine OR defeat all champs.
  5. Hierokliff

    Hierokliff I need me some PIE!

    true, but selecting a small map, the enemy you just want to hammer down with Euans new cool flashy hammer...and its over fast
  6. Yohan

    Yohan Member

    not to mention skirmish gold reward is lame compared to the 300 gold for beating legen mode.
  7. dieshi

    dieshi New Member

    I really hope they return the pause function. I have 2 kids (soon to be 3)... if the game can't pause, i can't play anymore. :-(
    I've put way too much money into this game over the years to have to walk away over a dev design failure...
    Hierokliff likes this.
  8. Hierokliff

    Hierokliff I need me some PIE!

    I can only recommend do custom BOT games atm, if you pick forsaken waste map to just farm gold/runes or test new decks the games are often over so fast. and its less frustrating doing these small maps when the client hangs, crashes or your units move in mysterious ways.
    hopefully they got a few patches planned on the way.

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