Playing Pox and Emotional Fatigue

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kalasle, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    I agree 100%, but that them are not allways bugs but false descriptions (sometimes open to interpretation).
  2. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    I woudnt mind seeing some visual aids if it would help people learn faster, its a big learning curve and losing isnt usually that bad,, not knowing why, or whats goin on is whats frustrating, and may help in discouraging nubs. theres not even enough people for new players to get matched with someone of equal skill. log on get crushed, not learn anything, look for new game.
    I really dont think theres nothing more important to pox then gaining and keeping more and more players.
    I can understand vets not in love with these features as it may appear to dummy down the game....perhaps a disable aids feature can be included? if u still wanna do the math,, fine :)
    Etherielin and Lushiris like this.
  3. Flyingfinn

    Flyingfinn I need me some PIE!

    This is why the best way to play Pox is enjoying a nice movie/series while playing
  4. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Or high as a kite.
    bambino, Etherielin and SPiEkY like this.
  5. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    You guys are all saying a lot of amazingly true stuff in this thread.

    But still. What is this feeling? I feel I am.. different.

    I am so stuck within the Forsaken Wastes experience that it has become all that I know, and all I care about.

    Now I don't know about you guys, but playing Forsaken Wastes is sadistically satisfying. Like, one of the reasons I personally love this game so much is the level of annoyance I bring my foes. I am addicted to the feeling of keeping a shadowshank on the board and camping around just to make my opponent have another thing to stress over. The longer the shank's out, the longer the stress.

    It truly is a beautiful thing. For a long time.

    I've been having so much fun, too. I've got about 10 bgs that can hold their own in ranked with little stress, and they're all FW bgs with completely different things going on in each bg.

    I'd dare say the game is funner these days thanks to the simplicity of how it is these days. If I got paid to play pox, best believe I'll enjoy myself doing that, the joys and the pains. Honestly I just like prolonged suffering at the end of the day. I enjoy rage quits. I live for the qq in the chat log. I pray to the poxanthru undead goddess everyday and everynight that my games be as long as possible. The longer the game, the more satisfied and fulfilled is my desire to give another player a hard time. I avoid shrines and avatars. If the game is long and I lose, I just mentally give kudos to them for putting up with someone like me for such a long time.

    But I gotta say, the worst feeling ever is to try to play a game or two, and lose to something decent in a fairly quick fashion. GOD that is the bane of my existence. Everytime I surrender it's got this mental state of "you got lucky this time" and I feel ashamed for making their life easier. But alas, the only time I surrender is when I know the game won't last long and won't stress out my already-winning opponent. I get off on making my opponent suffer and worry for as long as possible. So they're not supposed to have too much fun. Not on my watch.

    ^ All of this and the attitude behind it is what unintentionally keeps me up to date with the competitive arena, but intentionally keeps me playing the game.
    Etherielin, badgerale and themacca like this.
  6. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    forever loving to be forever hated. love it
    TeaScholar likes this.
  7. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    You kinda sound like a ****

    Hope you get rushed
    Etherielin likes this.
  8. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    and this is why I play shrine rush decks
    Pedeguerra likes this.

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