Poxnora Subscription, and Loyalty system.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by IMAGIRL, Sep 10, 2014.


Subscription, and Loyalty.

  1. Good Idea. I like it, and might subscribe to it.

    10 vote(s)
  2. Bad Idea. (Post why in the comments if you chose this.)

    28 vote(s)
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  1. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    I mean dlc. Downloadable content.

    Pay for a full expansion or a faction pack or something and it's yours.
  2. hfok

    hfok I need me some PIE!

    Read it, still a no, subscription on F2P? No thanks.
    You can call it whatever that thing is, it's still a subscription.

    I want more players, new or return, not a way to let people see this is just money grabbing things.
    I think Forge-able Legendaries should be good enough as a starter if numbers are right.
  3. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    pox is also a CCG. Ppl who spend money are naturally suppose to be able to get better access. It shouldn't be a huge gap, but yes gap.
  4. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    Why is the poll made asymmetric? I REALLY hate it when people do that. If those selecting one answer are asked to explain, so should the others.
  5. hfok

    hfok I need me some PIE!

    Knowing that, do we need more ways to create even further gap for the pay and free player? Personally I do not believe it should and thus I am still against this.
  6. ShionNR

    ShionNR I need me some PIE!

    As a f2p player, if anything similar to OP ever happen to come to the game, I'd never touch Poxnora ever again. The idea to create such a gigantic chasm between f2p and p2w on a heavy PvP game it just disgusts me, also it gives the mentality that non-subscribers aren't loyal to the game, I mean wtf.

    Voted no for this very reason. I'd vote yes if the premium account would only give chances(or guarantee) to get alternative champion skins or other fancy stuff that wouldn't give the player actual power on the game.
    hfok and Sirius like this.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    I'd be completely ok with subbing to pox to both support game devs and get a fancy hat or something for my champs. Which is think if there ever was some form of a subbing it should be to remove the gap that it would cause. Ofc, I would still be better because my vothsair reaver has a sweet suit on and a top hat with a monocle on.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I just had an Idea? What if you could also use gold to apply, and keep the subscription? This would have to be a fairly large amount, because you have an entire month to get it. After they first get it. They wills be getting 1 pack every day for a month, and repeating making it easier, and easier for them to keep the rewards.

    This would mean any player wishing to support pox can pay the money simply. Or true F2P players can just enjoy their time on pox, while still getting the same benefits?
  9. BigToastie

    BigToastie The King of Potatoes

    See I have always voiced for a subscription option

    Keep it as it stands, but if you want to show support and get some benefits (like IDK a pack a week and some gold a month or whatever) but its just optional not mandatory.
  10. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    I can not speak to this business related topic specifically, but we have considered many different methods of Loyalty content for Pox Nora. Some of which are being worked on right now as you can see in today's preview: http://forums.poxnora.desertowlgame...view-more-features-in-the-steam-release.7777/

    There would be a major technical hurdle involved in implementing any type of subscription system, not to mention the whole player perception that this would make the game Pay to Win.

    Balancing Accessibility and Paid content is a very fine line and needs to be handled with the utmost care.
    Baskitkase likes this.
  11. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    still recommending DLC if you're on steam.

    Starter faction packs with untradables would be lovely ^^
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