Random split BG's

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by elimilech1, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. elimilech1

    elimilech1 New Member

    So, here are some split BG's I've come up with recently. I usually play KF/FS, but I've been experimenting with mixing UD in there as well. Any feedback is appreciated: they all do well in the daily challenge, but I'm having trouble with some of the campaigns, and I'd like to tinker with them prior to trying pvp.

    1) KF/FS Plants: This one is a typical plant deck. Uses natures connections for healing, and surge plant for damage. Been running it with blood of the swam and backfire boon so I can abuse the tireless harvester (cocoon is also a great ability for bogarting fonts).

    2) KF/FS Mirefolk/delim: This is a little bit different. Uses vinetouched pedestal to turn cheap, replicatable champions into treefolk, that can be sacrificed both for the delim faction, and to boost voodoo shamfie and the witch/rook (who both have death charged). Hurry helps me quickly re-cycle everything sacrificed.

    3) KF/UD delim/fire-eater: Has two synergies. First, almost everything has fire-eater (and the pauldroons let me give fire-eater as needed), which negates the negative part of 'initiate of delim'. Second, the bunny swarm helps boost Jek. Also, threw in ember wasps for the flame volatility fun.

    4) FS/UD soul-siphon: combines psychic stuff with various champs with Soul channeling. Threw in some fire champs with Soul Feed to get around psychic immunes.

    Any advice would be appreciated.
    lifetaker likes this.
  2. Xzablaz

    Xzablaz I need me some PIE!


    this is what im use for FS/KF plants, this bg intended for super champ the aspect of growth with buffs from de'lim champs (u can make him a devotee by source crystal) and free meat greenhouse, mucker, wood marshal druid, and Overgrowth u can kill some of them to with wood marshal druid to empower the de'lim devotees and let the girdle of the x

    marsh gargantuan can pull enemy superchamp and get em in water to trigger spell drown, some gnarlwood i put in there to support whole bg like buffs, healing, and ofcourse 18 dmg long range Launcher, mandrake for pseudo nora gen, coral creeper for long range dps with late game potential (jelly mind)

    counter for this BG is hard spell spammer or spot removal spell like ST adaptive or FW (fading recollection too of course) so i put backfire boon 2x. ( careful with spell with removed from play or redeploy )

    any else is some goodstuffs from FS like PHS, Font eruption, Horn of Order. all of them have good synergy with the other stuffs up there

    some recommended runes to thinks for:
    K'thun the Ancient (freemeat)
    KF/FS Angel (magic dmg)
    Aspect of Life (super support healer)
    Dragonbark Protector (some tanks, nature's connection, can proc Overgrowth)
    Dryad ( alt damage dealer, pseudo heal )
    Bogwood Mireoak ( does all, so priceyy )

    u can make it nora cheaper maybe by swapping some big guy (other than AoGrowth) with Sporegill ( highly cost effective ) or Oaken Defender.
    lifetaker likes this.

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