Skirmish games reward

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CTore118, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. CTore118

    CTore118 Well-Known Member

    With rewards now being a core set rune for any solo game, grinding has become so much better. I love it and am very thankful for the changes.

    However, now solo skirmish games feel like a waste of time in some ways since they are basically on normal difficulty in terms of gold. Any way this could get bumped up to around the same as a legendary or at least hard to give players more incentive to try to stuff instead of the same old bot campaigns? I don't think it would increase overall gold income for players and that's not at all what I am asking for to be clear.
  2. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    Skirmish are now a way to play a Random AI game. People use it to test "raw" bgs an just for fun.

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