ST/KF Dual Surge + Take Form, Need help to finish the BG

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Omnipotent, May 24, 2014.

  1. Omnipotent

    Omnipotent New Member

  2. narvoxx

    narvoxx I need me some PIE!

    I have only recently returned to pox so take this with a grain of salt.

    Anyway, playing vs people is going to be a lot harder than campaigns, and you'll need to learn common pricks people use that the AI does not, as well as common tricks and hidden spells that some people use (like righteous deflection (IS) and protection (KF). On top of that tree folk is generally hard to play. If you do want to play tree folk I really suggest you go full faction KF, it's also very playable. So in short, this bg is bad. In long, I'll explain my thoughts with some of the cards/general idea, and the problems with it.

    Be aware that trees in split are EXTREMELY slow due to losing the KF bonus. It hurts them more than most of the other KF guys I would argue (due to dropping under 6 speed, this is important for securing fonts at the start).

    Snowdrift Charm and Crystal Anima seem really randomly added, I would replace with something that helps your goal better or provides an answer to things that generally require answers. Can the crystals eat each other? I guess that would an argument pro-Crystal Anima. Still you would probably prefer to keep your plants.
    Boreal twilight may sometimes provide a minor advantage when saplings from overgrowth die, or to feed a recent deploy by "sacrificing" the Crystalis? Seems waaaay too situational, maybe you just had it in there to try it.

    Wood elemental is pretty bad. Resistance physical is ok I guess, but vul:fire is going to hurt with many people playing UD. Transplant will also backfire hard. So hard you'll want to take it out of your BG. Probably.

    Retrieve is generally not played. But it seems interesting, probably again too situational (situational means that maybe 1/7 matches it will have a proper use, if you even see it, some situational runes are ok but you don't want too many). Might be worth it with the Crystalis, don't really know.

    Staff of ascendance: This type of rune is called a "tempo hit" (explained in this paragraph). It is only used in zeventrech BG's, or BG's specifically with it in mind. It really doesn't seem to be the focus of your deck here. You probably like this from playing campaigns but you pay 40 nora for an effect 12 turns later. This 40 nora could miss you a champion drop, or spell drop in those next 12 turns (of which 6 yours). , and you need to be really careful with it. Basically if you have an advantage you are kind of throwing it away, if you didn't have an advantage you probably won't last another 12 turns by spending 40 nora on nothing. The effect you get 12 turns later isn't even very significant!

    Jakei Soulpainter is also a very heavy tempo hit, as it is not very combative, but a combo card. It does seem like you want this to be part of your tactic though?

    Crystalis is also a tempo hit, as it does rather little except surging your tree folk.

    I don't see what the Jangar Architects are supposed to do for you, or do you just like them for overload?

    So yeah, a lot of problems for this to be a good deck at all imo. Could be fun if it goes off once (against a really bad opponent probably).
  3. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    Start with this
    then find out which runes you never use, and which you always wish you had.

    Also keep in mind, that any crystalis deck is fun to play first several times, but eventually planting the field becomes boring to death.
  4. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    So cool so cool!

    It's not very good, but it's so cool.
  5. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    Agreed on Crystal Anima, perfect timing can win games so easily.

    Ive played against this kinda BG. In large maps, Crystalis really becomes a defining point of how many Surge procs you got, and how protective you are against your Harvest-Moon Crystalis farm on the edge of the screen...

    Yours is good in large maps, but a lot of tempo hits, so I'm guessing its >50% losses for smaller maps.

    However in small maps, its so ez to go up against a non-FF KF Treefolk due to the loss in Patriarch, Boulder throws etc.

    For ST/KF, I have to say that you've got to have at least:
    (A.) 2 Gale Force to eliminate that negative mentality "not as fast as FF". push opponent 3 spaces away into u to doubletap with Oakthumper, or Tanglefoot.
    (B.) range goodstuff: jakei elder, frost queen, heretic, strig warlock
    (C.) 2 Frostfall Icewisp? Its a plant, and you kinda need it because you're lacking AoEs.
    (D.) You don't have any source of detection, if I play you with 2 Nightfall Spider, 2 AoC, 2 Head of Osarius...I'm sure it'll be an unfair fight.

    What set me back in most of my games against KF/ST was 2x Oakthumpers, and 2x Jakei Heretic.
    Gale works wonders as it moves my people towards Oakthumper for easy one-turn kills.
    Crystallize also works well as it protects Oakthumpers/Willowind
    double-Shroud sources basically gives you the chance to move slowly towards my font so easily.
  6. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    Thorn Collection can give you a net gain of 75 nora if you cast it on a bunch of Crystalis, and they won't die if you have an ST banner out.

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