Switch view list option in rune checklist, similar to rune manager options

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Runegod, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. Runegod

    Runegod I need me some PIE!

    Sometimes I wanna view certain champ costs, health to nora ratios, damage, defense, speed in relation to other factions.

    Also a compare feature in the future would be kinda neat, like you pick a rune and then hit compare and it brings up the other rune beside it ? Might help discussions on the forums a bit also when comparing different runes in other factions with similar roles.

    Just curious if something like this would be possible in the future, didn't know where else to post this so i'll post it here unless their is somewhere else it should be.
  2. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    been wanting that forever,, we use to be able to see bg in list form in RM, was a big help for me,,(as opposed to looking at little portraits), then one patch, gone. in a game based around stats, youd think it would be a little more accomadating , considering pox is a game of micromanagement at its core.
    anyway, theres no way in the world , were gonna have a new ui without a shiny fresh Rune Manager. right? :)
  3. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    Pretty sure the new client will bring that in. :p

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