Taking a gobblin' with goblins.

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by Heart, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This is a thread with the purpose for UD and perhaps goblin players to discuss and grow upon the goblin bg theme. I'm going to include some of my own opinions on how we could better approve goblins, and solidify them as a competent theme. While they lack in many regards, the chaotic and highly enjoyable madness of it is very very appealing, and incredibly fun.

    Hopefully with some effort, we can start getting people talking about goblins, and push forward for them to get more focus and attention from the devs!

    What are goblins? How do they work?
    The goblin theme in poxnora, focuses around theft. Stealing what belongs to your enemy, and using it to bolster yourself. We see this with their racial.

    Gain a random ability that is not a basic attack from target opposing champion within 3 spaces. Friendly Goblins within 6 spaces also gain that ability. This ability does not break stealth and is removed upon use.

    With such an ability, many amusing and powerful altercations can happen. Maybe you steal split from the opponent's broken bones?
    (@Willow) Or you basically turn your goblins into flying units. It's very entertaining and one of the most unique themes in pox.


    How could it improve?

    Currently goblins suffer from a few problems. Despite their entertainment value, they aren't really made to win games, at-least not in this state. They have very little support from spells and relics of their faction. They have very low health or defensive options, without the offensive capability to back up this flaw. They also suffer from a few minor inconsistencies such as some of their best options not having the racial.

    Suggestions For
    Below are the suggestions and the state of the rune in my opinion.

    4/5 stars

    This rune doesn't need much in wave of improvements, and goblin thievery wouldn't be very good on it, because it'll be out of range to use the ability most of the time, as it stays behind and snipes from afar.


    I would suggest this rune gain goblin thievery in it's second ability line. Burn is very nice, but its dangerous to get 1-2 range with this unit, as it will melt like the candlesticks on it's head. Atleast with goblin thievery, it could take a roll at finding some way to survive, or at-least help it's brothers out after it gets explodeded.

    I think this guy could use some more health, and maybe he'd be given a better chance. Sometimes you can get resistance physical on him and start seeing the better rune in him come out, but that is only rarely. I'd also love to see this guy get a new sprite and art, but that is just me nitpicking really. (I'll make the sprite for free no problem.)

    Goblin Collector

    I don't think Goblin collector needs anything really. He is at least 1 spot worthy, and isn't ridiculous in anyway. Although it does kinda suck the only way to get detection with goblins, is to throw the nora into equipping this guy....


    This card tries to be something that it just isn't. I'm not sure if it's intended to be a tank, but I believe it should be one. It fits perfectly in theme, with stealing from the enemy, but it just doesn't have the armor to back up it's life, or take advantage from it's unique ability. I suggest it gain 1 or 2 armor, and steal 75% instead of 50% of life on it's ability. Also, no goblin should be 2x2. It would work better as a 1x1

    A rune with very annoying debuffs for the enemy. A very good font contester in 1v1 situations. I think he could be made even better if his 2-4 range was changed to 1-4 range. Also, don't make fun of his bucket.

    Strong, with good anti-range. I've got no quarrels. He works fine. Would be nice if he had the racial though.


    The strongest goblin in the game. No changes needed.


    I will defend this guy until my last breath. Wonderful rune, no changes needed. Mercenary is the only thing keeping it from being OP.

    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
    poinl, Goyo, OriginalG1 and 1 other person like this.
  2. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!

    Spirits Beyond Update.

    Goblins are in a way better spot than they were last expansion. Goblin thievery got a much needed range increase, and the Goblin King has found his way into battle. His unique ability sovereign bounty really makes for some powerful upgrades.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2016
  3. Willow

    Willow I need me some PIE!

    Every goblin should have thievery on base as a racial or a spell or equip that grants it would be nice too. That makes for some really interesting and fun matches.
    noamkeren likes this.
  4. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Regarding Cropsick, this is my original design for the rune: http://forums.poxnora.com/index.php?threads/goblin-cropsick.18512/

    It was never meant as a tank, more a crazy rune with unpredictable results. I wanted it to be able to risk suicide to do big damage, and could potentially heal back a lot if it was left on low hitpoints.

    During discussions on the council forum sok felt it would be a bit too unpredictable on 1:1 hitpoint gain (even on one use of the ability on three champs there would be a chance of it exploding). We settled on 50% healing and uping the range from 1-15 to 5-15, which in retrospect was not enough.

    I think uping the healing to 75% would be a good move. I guess I felt like it was a strange number before, but since it's not something that people can work out a figure for anyway i don't suppose that matters so much.

    The other option would be to give it other ways to heal - life siphon, soul siphon, consume. But then the cost goes up, and i think if there is going to be a chance it could explode it needs to be cheap enough that that doesn't necassarily cost you the game.

    Another option would be to reduce the cooldown on Irrisponsible Essence Imbibement, which would mean you could use it more often to heal up.
  5. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!

    A shorter cooldown would be nice, its a really good ability and a rune that is incredibly satisfying to pull off. As of right now, I equip molten cloak on it, and it does a lot better than before.
  6. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Awesome work... Question though... Where can I find a page break banner like that?
  7. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!

    I just googled forum separator on images.
    Markoth likes this.
  8. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

  9. Hekau718

    Hekau718 I need me some PIE!

    I slapped two of each goblin in a bg and I'm having lot's of fun with it. (Large drops in rank are a side effect though.)
    I'm not too sure if I'm playing them right, or what appropriate non-champion runes should be. Maybe you could help me out with that by posting your bg's.
  10. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!

    Hekau718 likes this.
  11. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!

    I heard a rumor about a new goblin rune coming up. I'm pretty excited.
    badgerale likes this.
  12. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!

    Goblin King coming up guys! Can't wait to start playing him. Gunna be great. Anybody know any cool interactions we could get with this guy while staying in theme? I'm thinking maybe running him x2, and x2 pyromancers. Getting 4 annihilates, or maybe him taking cropsick's devouring ability. Hahaha
  13. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    I've been thinking it might be worth running him in theme without thievery because he has a good chance of him getting it anyway.

    I guess dirtbag has some useful abilities, brute might be good for pummel.

    edit: oh and gloombringer for life siphon
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
  14. Fentum

    Fentum I need me some PIE!

    Does the Goblin King look anything at all like my suggestion from a few months back? Been out for a while but now back.
  15. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    From the preview thread:

    Goblin King

    Type: Champion
    Faction: Underdepths
    Race: Goblin
    Class: Demi-God, Wizard

    • Starting Abilities: Attack: Magica, Regeneration (Rank 3), Sovereign Bounty (NEW)
    • Upgrade Set 1: Pawn, Drain 2, Dictate
    • Upgrade Set 2: Encourage, Goblin Thievery, Boost
    Sovereign Bounty
    Description: This champion permanently gains a random non-basic attack ability from the next 3 champions you deploy from the runedock.
    Fentum likes this.
  16. SMh7

    SMh7 The King of Potatoes

    I propose to take the goblins and give them away to the ridiculous faction, already full of critters insignificant and mediocre, called Sundered Lands, but also Shattered Peaks would be fine.
    H3II likes this.
  17. Fentum

    Fentum I need me some PIE!

    I'm loving pure gobbo decks. After 9 years of playing Pox, they are my favourite guys.

    I think I preferred my King build, but hey ho.
  18. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!

    Updating soon as I can get my hands on a goblin king. Major buff to our thievery though I love it. Long range thievery snipes OP
  19. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!

    Just got a goblin king. Very very powerful.
  20. Kilstuforf

    Kilstuforf The King of Potatoes

    The Goblin King with the drain upgrade synergizes well with the Goblin Cropsick's ability.

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