The Myx Theme – Post Revamp

Discussion in 'Sundered Lands' started by MovnTarget, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    Since it was said in the Q&A we should post stuff such that greens can see the things th areat concerning players I will post my assessment of the Myx theme post revamp and some opinions on them.

    Myx Adamant

    The standard upgrades pre-revamp for the Adamant were typically stun and +6 hp.

    All of the Adamant’s base stats remained the same, but to get the same basic build with Stun and Calcify you will be paying 74 nora as opposed to 72 pre-revamp and you would no longer have Adaptive: SL.

    The loss of Adaptive: SL is no great loss as SL has never been a particularly spell spammy faction. An increase of 2 nora from pre to post revamp is quite minimal and really the champ plays more or less the same way it did since it was nerfed shortly after its release.

    Post-Revamp the Adamant has become the primary tank for Myx simply by virtue of the fact that the old primary tank for SL is now less runnable than previously. It is certainly runnable after the revamp, but you would most likely run it in a Myx deck, but at this point there is little reason to run a Myx deck.

    Myx Broodlord

    Pre-Revamp there were a number of different upgrade paths that were all run with varying degrees of success. The build that I personally ran was Scour (Rank 2) and Consume. This allowed the Broodlord to tank extremely effectively given the general accessibility of meat running around for the Broodlord to consume to heal back up.

    The Broodlord’s base stats were not altered from Pre- to Post-Revamp. Scour can now be upgraded to rank 3 as opposed to rank 2 being the only option previously. Domain: Sand and Unstoppable were both moved to the second upgrade path from base and trample is still available as the 3rd option in that upgrade path. Massive Leap (Rank 2) and Consume are no longer available as upgrades. Assuming that Domain: Sand and Scour (Rank 2) are taken as upgrades the Broodlord now costs 118 nora, while pre-revamp the Broodlord cost 88 nora.

    The Broodlord lost a sizable aspect of its tankiness due to the loss of Consume. I feel that Consume should have been left as an upgrade, not only because it was how I ran it, but also for flavor reasons, if that is something that is of even the remotest consideration any longer. The Broodlord’s flavor text is “Broodlords aren't picky eaters - anyone will do.” That certainly seems to imply it tends to eat things. Beyond the loss of Consume, which is a substantial hit to its sustained tankiness, the dramatic increase in cost for deploying the Broodlord has made it a very inefficient champion to deploy.

    The cost on the Broodlord needs to be dropped. If after a reevaluation of the costing formula it is still prohibitively expensive ways to further reduce its cost could include reducing its damage as its primary role is as tank, not as heavy hitter, reducing its speed to 6, reducing its hp slightly. Just something to improve the deployability of it as tank.

    Currently it is roughly equivalent in tankiness to the Colossal Boa or the Fire Giant, both of which have access to tough 3 and both of which are substantially cheaper to deploy than the Broodlord.

    Myx Drone

    Pre-Revamp the Drone was rarely run as a champion, almost always it was simply summoned via Pupae. When it was run as a champion I had seen it run with every upgrade combination.

    Post-revamp its health was increased by 4 and its nora cost was reduced by 1. By virtue of the fact that it is a cheap champ nora wise it seemed to make out well with the revamp. The summons themselves are also better than they were pre-revamp.

    The only complain I have about the Myx Drone is that now its upgrade options are quite boring. Ranks of charge and ranks of scour. Pre-Revamp you could upgrade the Drone to make it an early font runner or build it to dish out substantial damage. Now it simply charges and scours. Rather boring, but otherwise it made out well in the revamp.

    Myx Matrairch

    Pre-Revamp the Matriarch was run with one of two upgrade sets. Either Cocoon/Soothing Serenade or Improve Speed/Soothing Serenade.

    Post-Revamp the base stats of the Matriarch remained the same and Acid Resistance (Rank 3) was moved from base to upgrade and three of the four upgrades from pre-revamp were moved into the upgrade #2 slot with Improve Speed being the upgrade choice that didn’t survive the transition. With these changes the Myx Matriarch’s cost went from 70 nora pre-revamp to 81 post revamp. I imagine this dramatic cost increase was largely due to a substantial revaluation of the cost of Lay Pupae.

    The Myx Matriarch is central to Myx theme if for no other reason than she is the only champ that can drop the pupaes on which the Myx Racial Brood Bond is designed. Beyond the cost increase is the loss of Improve Speed as an upgrade. That was one of the things that really gave some theme support to the theme. Having Resist: Acid as one of the upgrade tiers is a complete waste and is a pure sandbag slot. All it does is serve to allow only one useful upgrade slot for the Matriarch.

    I would personally really like to see Improve Speed brought back as an upgrade. I’d also rather see the current upgrades all shoved into slot two be spread between upgrade slots one and two along with a few other choices and just see Resist:Acid go. In order to reduce her cost to bring it closer to what it was pre-revamp I’d be fine with it losing its base attack and its damage reduced to 0.

    Myx Sandsnipe/Sandlion

    Pre-Revamp the Sandsnipe typically was run with Multi (Rank 1) and Scour (Rank 1) as upgrades.

    Post-Revamp the Sandsnipe gained 3 damage and 6 range on its base stats. Its nora cost was also increased by 1. It now has one of its upgrade options devoted to Scour and all the other old upgrades have been replaced by stealth options. It lost Resist: Acid, Domain: Sand, and Desert Camouflage base and gained Hidden: Sand and Ambush base.

    The Sandsnipe was completely eviscerated with the revamp. It lost its range and a bit of range protection, picked up some stealth and a little damage and had its nora cost bumped up by 1. The Myx theme lost the one ranged champ it had and gained a stealthed ambusher it did not need as it already had a stealthy ambusher in the Myx Slasher.

    If the issue with the Sandsnipe was that there was a desire to avoid seeing SL just stack ranged champs then the Sandsnipe could have been given Logistics: Range so as to only allow it function at its full potential in a dedicated Myx deck.

    As it exists currently as the “Sandlion”, having hidden: sand base coupled with a stealth option as an upgrade seems like something of a waste given that in a Myx deck sand will almost always be around in large quantities the “Sandlion” will rarely have difficulty stealthing.

    Myx Slasher

    Pre-Revamp the Slasher was run with Pounce (Rank 3) and Counter Attack: Melee.

    Post-Revamp the Slasher gained +3 dmg, while the rest of the base stats have remained the same. The Slasher lost detection and had multi moved to upgrade. It also lost Counter Attack: Melee. To run with multi 1 and Pounce 3 its going to run you 65 nora.

    Overall the Slasher was nerfed a bit but is entirely runnable at this point. Unfortunately it needs to be in a Myx/Sand deck, which is not much of a thing at the moment.

    Myx Spitter

    Pre-Revamp the Spitter was run with some combination of the Scour/Sunder/Piercing Shot upgrades.

    Post-Revamp the Spitter lost 1 base speed. It’s base abilities haven’t changed. It went from 58 nora to 63 nora assuming you took Scour 1 and Piercing Shot 2. The fact that it lost 1 speed and still got a 5 nora bump is a little suprising, but I imagine due to the fact that it has 13 damage it was a bit more expensive due to the formula the Owls are running.

    The loss of the speed hurts as Myx are not exactly the swiftest of themes and the Spitter was one of only two Myx with a base speed greater than 6. Also the fact that the upgrade options are ranks of Piercing shot and ranks of Scour is incredibly boring.

    Also the flavor of the champ doesn’t quite make sense anymore given the destruction of the Sandsnipe. “While Spitters are generally considered by the Arthromancers to be Sandsnipes that hatched prematurely, it'd be a mistake to take them lightly.”

    So this is just my opinion on Myx as presently constituted.

    TLDR: ReRange Sandsnipe & Cheaper + Consume Broodlord.
    Kampel likes this.

    PRESIDENT Member

    I like Myx.

    Can you post workable BG please ?

    thank you
  3. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Myx Spitter does quite a bit of damage still at least... it just dies just as fast XD
  4. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Could you make a Draksar post just like this one? its very well made
  5. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    I could but it probably wouldn't be till this evening after I get off work.

    But like Razz said there are a lot of Draksar.
  6. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    Good thoughts but way too lengthy to read. More to the point:
    • Broodlord losing consume: a central, iconic ability for the theme (Drone Signal, eating drones)
    • Sandsnipe being deleted from the game. This was probably our strongest rune in the entire theme, and our only true long-range unit. Now we are left only with 1-4 Spitter.
    • Everything has mandatory scour upgrade path. Not only is this boring, but scour doesn't stack, so it is a waste of nora and a waste of an upgrade slot
    • New Sandlion unit - completely redundant to the slasher, who was already our hidden:sand ambushing unit.
    • Adamant losing all his late-game ramp-up options - Adamant was always a far inferior tank to Broodlord. So why run him? He had a fun, niche upgrade path identity before with Vengeful + Adaptive: SL that allowed him to, over the course of a long game, become scary! Now he's boring and just a redundant tank to the Broodlord.
    • Matriarch gaining cocoon - nice thematic synergy for her role as a backline support unit. powerful ability in defensive games Edit: She always had cocoon, but soothing serenade and improve speed were mandatory...Would be nice to drop the pointless, boring Resist Acid upgrade path and give players some sort of choice between cocoon/soothing serenade/improve speed that makes for interesting choices...
    Overall, current state of Myx Theme: Boring, redundant, weak, and full of holes.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014
  7. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Matriarch always had cocoon as a choice.
  8. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    Oh, true. I guess I didn't remember as pacify+improve speed were mandatory upgrades for her...woops. Editing post now.
  9. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    Improve speed was hardly ever mandatory. For most cocoon was the upgrade of choice over improve speed with Soothing serenade being the upgrade that was a given.
  10. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    I would have thought, based on the tone and content of my initial post, that I made it clear that there is not an effective workable bg to be made from Myx atm.

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