The token joke is getting old

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LoganMkv, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    Premise is simple as potatos:
    We had no new content in literally a year.
    Playing experimental decks was the only thing to keep interest.
    Now with this token apocalypse it's not possible.

    And yes, I'm fully aware that here are now superpro rare leaguers who think that we should play singleplayer to level champs, or players who can play a single deck for ages, but it's not my case, thx.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  2. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    Step back from the ledge and calm down. Desert Owl Games has owned Poxnora for a month now. For over a week we have known that a big change is in the works. Posts like this only serve to frighten away new players that are looking at the forums to figure out if this is a game that is worth their time to join. If you don't want to buy tokens, then level your champions wherever you feel like it.

    Either way, calm down and wait for the dust to settle.
    Donegals, Tarathil, Geressen and 2 others like this.
  3. Zenity

    Zenity Devotee of the Blood Owl

    What I do is that hopping mad campaign with obelisks. Deploy a champ I want to level, end turn, approach nearest enemy to make one attack, deploy any other champs I want to level if possible, surrender. That's 10+ XP on the attacking champ and 2+ XP on the "bystanders" and takes about 10 seconds of attention (if you do something else while it's the opponent's turn).

    I agree with you that it's stupid, but all we can do for now is make the best of it and wait to see what the big revamp will look like.
  4. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    This for god's sake...
    Tarathil likes this.
  5. RedDain

    RedDain I need me some PIE!

    Desert Owl got the game in a deplorable state, complete with hopping mad (see what I did there?) user base.

    They need to a) get and clean and rebuild the database, b) evaluate and fix the server-side bugs (of which there are a metric Bane Shift ton), and c) evaluate and revamp the rune base.

    During that time, they need to not go bankrupt... they need a revenue stream. They need to get that revenue stream from the hopping mad playerbase. Selling packs helps, but most of the active playerbase has most of the runes they need. Tokens are the only stable source of income they can get their hands on until the existing bugs are fixed, coding issues are dealt with, and balance issues are cleared up.

    If you cannot or will not participate in the revenue side of things, that is completely and totally your call... but don't whine about it.
  6. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    You guys seriously lack reading comprehension. I could have predicted your replies word by word, and made the last statement with purpose.
    I'm neither asking what should I do nor demanding owls to do something.
    I'm merely sharing my personal disappointment that results in the fact that I can't find enough motivation to q in 3 days, and I'm pretty sure there are more players with similar attitude, cause q is emptier than pre-transition.
    The only challenge that remains is bm title, so what, am I supposed to make something like a woodmarshall abuse bg and farm rank?
    Maybe I'm just in a poo-throwing monkey mode after listening to gedden's feature.
  7. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    I agree with Logan here. The new Token prices were bad enough, then they went and reduced the gold from Dailies. I cannot find any reason to log into the game. None at all.
  8. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    Or just spend some gold on tokens... wth is your problem.
    Goyo likes this.
  9. ProR2D2

    ProR2D2 I need me some PIE!

    Then stop playing until the next expansion or changes arrives, like me. No one is forcing you to play.
  10. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    If you can't find a reason, then don't play. Honestly, it's the same people making / writing in these threads every time. And here I thought this would be a thread about bringing back Taunt joke tokens :p
    Goyo likes this.
  11. Zenity

    Zenity Devotee of the Blood Owl

    No need to be rude, I did say that I share your sentiment. But it is what it is, we know it's most likely going to change in some way, and shared what I do because it's the only way which I find at least remotely acceptable in the meantime (yes it's still stupid but at least it doesn't require much time).

    I understand you just want to moan, but you should also understand that you are asking for everybody's time when you write these posts, so getting pissy with people if they don't respond in a manner that is satisfactory to you is rather uncalled for.
    Spiderchap likes this.
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I don't agree.

    It's quite obvious tokens are key to new players staying here and playing the game further after doing the basics, the current token prices are dumb.
    Atherhog and ykmmmm like this.
  13. Mercer Skye

    Mercer Skye I need me some PIE!

    I've only ever really used the extra tokens that come in packs/boxes, with the odd exception of nabbing a clutch here and there for a new deck idea. I can't honestly tell just how much it is worse, but the gold tap I can definitely say felt a little harsh.

    Especially considering the gold payout wasn't exactly spectacular to begin with.

    But, I caught some of Gedden's thoughts on where he intends to take the game in the near future (And some thoughts on the far futture), and believe me, even if only half of it gets implemented, it'll be worth the patience invested.

    Especially, for me anyway, that we might be returning to the old system, where levels actually mattered for something other than a couple rather mandatory upgrades. Very much looking forward to what's in the pipe.

    I've been keeping Pox 'fresh' by rotating it into a mish mash of other games I've recently gotten back to, Maybe that would help the frustration some. For me it's; Mechwarrior Online, Hearthstone, Dominion (Thanks Night2Kill for that one....), D3 (holy ***** it's such a different game now), and Some old school Baldur's Gate: EE, and trolling around on my Wasteland's 2 beta access.

    Keeping the time short has been monumental in keeping me interested in playing. Pop in, maybe do a daily, maybe even just observe one or two games while playing something else. If you love Pox....maybe just need to let it go for a bit.
    Prami and Goyo like this.
  14. Donegals

    Donegals Well-Known Member

    Another thread about tokens? Really?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2014
  15. ykmmmm

    ykmmmm Member


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