The Wolf Pack open for fellow SP/SL enthusiasts!

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Pipster, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Pipster

    Pipster I need me some PIE!

    Hey guys,

    I'm starting up a new guild. Hopefully I'm not a complete stranger to some of you here.

    We're called the Wolf Pack (WP)

    Guild Description: We love all things beasts, Kanen, and SP/SL in general!

    Our Motto: It's only fun if they run

    About Me: While I may not be the most experienced Poxer I have been here on-off pre ST release and with this recent revamp am looking to be back for the foreseeable future. Currently I am playing Kanen exclusively but in the past have mixed with all kinds of themes relating to SP and/or SL. I'm super active on the in-game client and the forum itself and I'm always up for a chat, whether it's about strategy or deck-building or even things unrelated to Pox.

    I think this is going to be the start of something beautiful. PM me if you're interested and we can get you an invite!

    (I've copied this on the SP and SL forums as well)

    I hope you guys don't find this too intrusive. I'm not planning on bumping this post or anything, I just wanted to get the word out to any like-minded players out there.



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