Treefolk/Plant Consolidation

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by dsjtheman, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    This has been mentioned/suggested by many people in the KF community already... but I felt bringing it up now on the new forums would be a great opportunity for fellow tree huggers to unite and hopefully grab the greens attention early.

    It would be a greatly appreciated if DoG could remove treefolk from the game completely and make it just race:plant. This has been wanted for some time now. If you guys could help me explain the benefits of this Id greatly appreciate it. :D
  2. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    Should they remove every other sub-race as well? Should they remove Vashals and just make them all beasts? Should Vampires become simply undead?

    I'm not sure why anyone would support this change. Sub-races are a part of Poxnora, almost every race has one.
  3. Gorebucket

    Gorebucket Forum Royalty

    Removing the race is neither the objective nor necessary. The goal is for Plants to have access to synergy that is exclusive to Treefolk. Currently, Plants do not benefit from Boost, Greenhouse, Lash Down, and cannot be burned with Fuel. Those first three would make a significant difference in the performance of Plant champions and provide much greater incentive to use them. Having more viable champ choices as a result makes it well worth considering, especially when all that is needed is to change the race of the aforementioned abilities and spells from Treefolk to Plant.
    dsjtheman likes this.
  4. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    Then that's a problem with abilities & effects that should affect plants.

    Boost: Treefolk should become Boost: Plant; that i agree with. Same with Greenhouse (needs to become non-stackable too). What i don't agree with, is that Lash Down & Fuel should trigger-off-of/affect plants. On this same note, Tree Folk's Blessing should give DEF only to Treefolk & Spontaneous Growth should have an extra clause reducing the CD of Uproot.
  5. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    I have noted the synergy issue, thanks for bringing this to our attention.
    dsjtheman likes this.
  6. Andralexis

    Andralexis I need me some PIE!

    I still believe consolidation is unnecessary:

    - Some Plants are Treefolk, but not all Treefolk are plants. It gives you some design space, since you could add another Plant "subspecies". Probably for FS (Vinefolk?). Look at the Beast/Vashal situation, all Vashals are Beasts but not all Beast are Vashals. Thematic differences are an important tool for flavor (ask YGO).
    - Some non-Treefolk Plants would be undercosted if consolidated without further adjustments (looking at you, Skyshear Pegasus).
    - All Treefolk have a distinctively wooden appareance in rune art and sprites, but other plants do not. It is clear they are made to be a separate sub-race.

    It would be much more rich if they added more Plant champs with their own synergies and tricks, than to simply consolidate everything under the Treefolk spectrum.
  7. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    In that case make all treefolk plants as well... and then change boost:treefolk to boost: plant that way the plants that are not treefolk can still be run in tree bgs.
  8. Andralexis

    Andralexis I need me some PIE!

    Run Vinetouch Pedestal.

    Other than Skyshear Pegasus, Spikewood Abomination and Thirion, what Plant do you want to use that is not a Treefolk?
  9. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    making it boost: plant though gives you more room to split with other factions that do have lots of plants like FS.
  10. Andralexis

    Andralexis I need me some PIE!

    Sadly, splitting with KF sucks.

    Furthermore, giving access to Death Lily to the Treefolk's plethora of buffs is just asking for a nerf.

    But I know you already knew what I wrote here...
  11. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    agree to disagree then I guess... i put my 2 cents in you put in yours.
  12. Celestus

    Celestus The King of Potatoes

    I wouldn't like to see them consolidated into one race either, I think that plant bgs might be a great open window though for alot of cool champs.

    Theres a lot of jungle over there in that maljaran, Perhaps in all of his great wisdom Kthun senses those there plants and calls them over here to good old Kthir ;)
  13. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    i just have a hard time thinking they will make a plant theme along side trees. with all the other still developing themes it just seems like a waste to bring a new theme into existence when they can make a few small changes and make the tree theme a little better and more versatile.
  14. Celestus

    Celestus The King of Potatoes

    I've waited this long for trees to be viable I think I can wait another 4 years again ;)
  15. Andralexis

    Andralexis I need me some PIE!

    Trees are viable. Maybe not god tier, but viable nonetheless.
  16. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    i agree. ive wanted to see one of the top ten players use them to see how well a reallllly good player can do with them.
  17. JesterC

    JesterC New Member

    I personally would just like either more champs or an equipment that grants Surge: Plant. I have a silly combo BG that consists of a KF/ST split and i use the Crystalis's ability to replicate as the surge. Giving my runes a ridiculously silly boost. but i only have 3 champs to choose from that have that ability.
  18. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    oakthumper? Wood ele?

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