Two changes that would go a long way for SL.

Discussion in 'Sundered Lands' started by BurnPyro, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. paldirs

    paldirs Devotee of the Blood Owl

    As about ravenspeaker.
    Currently he is already one of those: I do everything meta runes. He has: detection, antisummons, range, selfcleanse and whatever you choose as upgrades. He is already so good that he is in pretty much every SL deck, even if he doesnt fit to the theme. By giving him also attack magical, he will even more be in every single SL deck, just because he covers so many stuff.
    After having a look at the already existing champions with attack magical (not considering magic dealing abilities):
    -1 angel
    -6 draksar (ravenspeaker would be nr 7)
    -2 dragon
    -5 skeezick
    -1 beast (limited only)
    -3 kanen

    It seems more appropriate to request a champion in the SL beast theme with attack magical for the next expansion.
    Kampel, PhdNiceGuy and Pedeguerra like this.
  2. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    And buff his name. He aint no lion
  3. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Spot on.
    Also Burnzy I have the same feeling when trying to play Yetis, Ferrens and any themed bg.
    Seems meta meta is what we are aiming for.
  4. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    If it weren't for the fact that only 3 champs, one being angel, are currently decent enough to make it to a meta bg from that list. I'm being generous with the paradigm since he's squichy as hell now. Negamage has 9 damage. Angel is 1-2 range.

    Would be lovely to not auto lose to AA
  5. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Tundra Whisper though
  6. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    So you agree that Krikinwing Alpha and Quicken needs ner***e? :p
  7. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I don't see how you get that from my post.

    My answer would be maybe and no. Alpha has too much hp, like 55 no idea what that is. Quicken is fine at 35 nora. I mean, it's generally what 15 damage on average extra? Hardly broken as far as spot damage goes
  8. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    25 on skeez. Still not OP imo, just saying
  9. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    I got that because you were talkinga about an OP rune and I replied accordingly.
    Also, see this is exactly why you are as biased as anyone around here. Of course they are in need of nerfs, you failing to realise it just further emphasyzes my point that balance should come from devs and not from players. Quicken is the most auto include spell since release, it even topdecked Quickening, which is a great spell. You cant look this thing in a vacuum saying "its only what 15 damage", since its mainly a kill and the catch is its versatility.
  10. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    So why didn't we nerf Gale Force two years ago in the CorpsE Pile then? It's been auto since forever.

    It is 15 damage, how is that vacuum. (random number). Ofcourse you're going to use it for a kill, isn't that the point with every other spot damage spell? I mean, what. And how is it versatile. IT HAS ONE USE AND ONE USE ONLY. You can use it on your own champ to get a second hit. that's it.
    Gale is versatile, you can use it to knock back, forward, into other things, cliff, whatnot.

    I'm sorry but those arguments make no sense. You're eager to prove me a zealot, but this is pretty jokes.
  11. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Magical damage wouldn't have to be a crutch if ghost/incorporeal wasn't so broken or if it was more widespread in certain factions
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Aside from a super buffed up netter, your average damage in skeezick is even lower.

    If anything, 10 refund spells are dumb and should all be capped at 5 refund (which I think they did with some spells?)
  13. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    I actually disagree.... I don't have a problem with any of the 10 refund spells
  14. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Burn, you gotta learn to take things lightly man. Honestly. Using caps is coo coo.
    Saying it has one use only is one thing, saying that you can throw it on a sunder champ to get -DEF is another, to get +1DMG from Violent procs is another, saying it can use on a champ for a double tap when the opponent cant foresee it is another. Thus, the versatility.
    Im not trying to prove anything, you have proved it yourself throughout the years. And why is that a bad thing? I'd rather talk to someone who I know where his bias lies than to someone who pretends he is not biased - we are all biased, even if at different levels. That is ok. What is not ok is blindly defending stuff that is out of line.

    Edit: also, to avoid emotion escalation, Im done with the thread. Ive made my points.

    Edit 2: Snogs still OP.
  15. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    Myx Sandsnipe (75 base nora)

    Attack: Acid
    Hidden: Sand
    Domain: Sand

    Scour 1 (+3 Nora) / Strike [default] (+8 Nora) / Ambush (+10 Nora)

    Farshot 2 (+5 Nora) / Logistics: RNG [default] (+8 Nora) / Preparation (+10 Nora)

    what about this? Seems fair. The cheapest he can be is a 67 Nora far shot guy.
  16. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    My bad. I feel annoyed with the accusations of zealotry because I feel they are unjust and I hate the word.

    I feel like you always take into account that there's that extra hit to be expected when playing vs SL. Jus as you have to keep gale vs ST or blink vs IS in mind.I really don't get the versatility use though. I mean, versatility implies that the spell has more than one use. It really doesn't, you put it on your own champ to attack a second time. Combo attacks etc and sunder make it great, but I don't see how that's not exactly what the spell did in the first place, thus not really creating versatility, just a stronger outcome of the same effect. Blink allows for versatility because you can use it on your own and enemy champions. You can use it to get your champ back as if deployed or to take map control by blinking his champ.

    Quickens only problem is extremely high damage champs (surge 2 in dragons) or the combo attacks. I mean for 40 nora in SP you get 16 damage and cc. Land cannon for 50 nora has up to 4 shots of 15 damage and is a relic that can contest. I'm paying 35 nora to get a second attack, sometimes better than these examples sometimes worse. Obviously preferably used when as optimal as possible.

    I mean, I have nerfcalled a lot of things in Sundered Lands over the years. I wouldn't say I'm perfect, but I'm generally open for debate and will admit when something is over the top. In my honest opinion 35 nora is not ever the top (not talking about the refund, see above).

    I love SL, but I don't see myself as a blind zealot. I used to be pretty zealous about SL about 4 years ago and further, but once I started dabbling in other factions every so often I would like to believe that I have improved.

    Just my two cents
  17. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    I've been reading along for the various opinions, but stuff like this irks me on a grammar **** level that most of you will definitely pshaw at. That said, what you're describing is not versatility. Quicken does do precisely one thing: make a champion attack twice. Each of your examples is another way of saying "I slap thee twice, sir!"

    I'm not saying this as a way to indicate I am for or against tweaking Quicken, but I want to make it clear that Gale Force is significantly more "versatile" than Quicken.

    (Edit: curse you Burn for your speedier reply! You will rue the day!)
  18. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    You can cast quicken before Draconic Benediction. But yeah, still not OP
  19. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    With twice as much text as well!

    Work it, make it, do it, makes us harder, better, faster, stronger!
  20. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    You can amp fireblast/borghas/ember wasp/treachery
    You can amp Icestorm and Deep freeze
    You can strip armor TC
    You can hammerhead totem and bane blast

    If we're comparing doing 6 more damage on the quickened attack with using a DB vs not using the DB.

    I mean, if we're talking spell interactions, this hardly seems like a big offender.

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