Uneducated right winger gets owned

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by BurnPyro, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    crossposting from the star wars review thing

    Look I will explain why people think you are a kool-aid drinking right winger.
  2. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Eh dude, I know that the left consider any coherent philosophical analysis of their ideology a conspiracy theory. Anything that undermines their ideology is either racist or a conspiracy theory. I'm pretty sure nothing new here even for the typical right winger that the left have in their mind.
    newsbuff likes this.
  3. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Didn't say you were a conspiracy theory person I said that:
    and that's fine.
  4. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    you seem to not understand the foundation on which such opinion is based. Here ya go.

    Cultural Marxism

    A social and political movement that promotes unreason and irrationality through the guise of various 'causes', often promoted by so-called 'social justice warriors'. These causes and their proponents are often contradictory and are almost never rooted in fact. Indeed, true argument or discussion with proponents of these causes is almost impossible, as most attempts at discourse descend quickly into shouting, name-calling and chanting of slogans.

    Otherwise known as the 'regressive Left' - a play on their contradictory nature, specifically on how SJWs describe themselves as 'progressive' yet display strongauthoritarian, 'regressive' tendencies. This term is even often used by members of the true Left who take reasonable stances based on logic and evidence, and are eager to distance themselves from the fanatics who have effectively hijacked their side of the political spectrum.

    NOTE: Naturally, Cultural Marxism itself is described by SJWs as a 'conspiracy theory', in an attempt to delegitimise their critics.
    Some examples of Cultural Marxism include:

    - Political Correctness.

    - Privilege.

    - Third-Wave Feminism.

    - Anti-Capitalism.

    - Anti-Islamophobia.

    - Identity Politics.

    - Anything that involves perpetual anger and outrage, denies personal responsibility, demands the surrender of personal liberties as a form of appeasement, or legitimises what would normally be considered madness. Or a combination of all of these characteristics.

    https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cultural marxism
  5. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    in case you don't read further than that in the link.

    An umbrella term for identity politics, affirmative action, feminism, radical LGBT activism, Islam apologetics, white privilege, political correctness... Basically the SJW ideology.

    What all these things have in common is the fight of the "oppressed" groups against the "oppressor", the white man.

    Leftists call it the regressive left, because there's nothing liberal about affirmative action (since it violates equality of opportunity), or about silencing your opponents' free speech by labeling it as hate speech.

    But the point of calling it Cultural Marxism is to recognize that this is fundamentally a Marxist ideology.

    Marxism is the fight of the oppressed, the workers, against the oppressors, the business owners. Similarly, Cultural Marxism is the fight of the oppressed, the non-whites/women/Muslims/transgenders/etc, against the oppressor, the white man. Both are also international movements.

    The Frankfurt School (e.g Herbert Marcuse), were Marxists who tried to translate Marxism to the Western world, and are at the root of this ideology.

    Another way to see the link with Marxism is to understand that affirmative action is all about forcing equality of outcome, as opposed to having equality of opportunity. Similarly, Marxism is based on equality of outcome, since in a communist society everyone would have the same salary no matter what their job or performance is.

    Marxism is about the "class struggle", Cultural Marxism is about the "struggle of minorities".
    Regressive leftists and SJWs try to discredit the concept as a "conspiracy theory", but this doesn't make sense because :

    1) It's not a conspiracy. Nobody came together and said "let's turn the West into a communist system". The whole point is that modern-day Cultural Marxists are pushing a Marxist ideology *without knowing it*.

    2) It's not a theory. The parallel with Marxism is pretty easy to see and the peoplewho came up with it were Marxists.

    Fighting Cultural Marxism should unify everyone, from true liberals to conservatives to the alt-right and the far right. Basically everyone on the right of Stalin.
  6. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    (Didn't fully care to read because he doesn't read my stuff either and is incapable of taking the criticism/explanation he was asking for)

    it's also funny how you totally didn't understand rationalwiki and decided to go straight into the role of doing exactly what they describe your tactic here is. while calling everyone who thinks even a little bit like X= stalinists.
    Pot -kettle-b black much??
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  7. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    *uses right wing words*
    "WhY dOeS eVeRyOnE tHiNk I aM rIgHt WiNG"
    -here is why: word used to imply people are secret communists

    "ThE lEfT cAlLs EvErYoNe WhO dIsAgReEs **** Or RaCiSt"
    "eVeRyOnE wHo DiSaGrEeS iS sEcReT cOmMuNiSt STALIN!"
  8. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    @Alakhami keep feeding the troll bud
  9. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    I don't believe that you're that stupid.

    This put me off
    "If anyone rants about "Cultural Marxists taking over culture!", feel free to remind them that they're literally spouting **** propaganda updated for the modern era."

    Such statement is pure demagoguery. Plus, the previous statements are based on an inversed logic and extrapolation of an alex jones kind of conspiracy theory on all of the right. Both sides are like two little babies that don't want to acknowledge their differences and decide to call each other names.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  10. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

  11. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    where you simply don't want to acknowledge your similarity and commit to the name calling, BOOOO!
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty


  13. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Trump much better choice than picking someone who has proven time and time again to support every single war since before 911 (((Hillary))). I would rather vote for a sexist zionist who has no record of supporting wars as a political candidate rather than vote for a lady who supported the destruction of Libya, Iraq, and sold out the US every chance she had. Let me summarize this again for those who are bad readers. Trump = bad, Hillary = worst.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    people keep saying 'well at least it wasn't hilary'. You know we could have voted for other people to be the final candidates right? why can't we argue about that bullshit
  15. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I don't think the US knows how to politics and goverment.
  16. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Oh I could have voted for Ron Paul... Oh right he isn't running for president anymore :(

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