Updating Ironfist Stronghold Public Decks

Discussion in 'Ironfist Stronghold' started by Senshu, Oct 23, 2014.


Which deck you would most like to see as the next Ironfist Stronghold Public Deck?

Poll closed Oct 30, 2014.
  1. Guardians of the Sargnhaver

    3 vote(s)
  2. The Dwarves of the Stronghold

    6 vote(s)
  3. The Stoneborn

    20 vote(s)
  4. Ironfist Inquisition

    26 vote(s)
  5. Drunken Dwarves

    26 vote(s)
  1. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Hello Everyone,

    As many of you are aware the public decks have been in need of some updating given all the changes to Runes. As such we have been working together with the Player Council to put together several new Public Decks. The council went around and pulled together many different deck ideas that show the possibilities of this faction.

    We want all of you to vote for which decks you would like to replace the existing Public Decks. Each forum account can vote for 1 deck per faction. All of these decks have been designed to be comparable as possible to each other and the other factions' Public Decks.

    Note: Public Decks are the static decks you earn from playing the Walkthrough Campaigns or purchase from the Training Match deck selection.

    Guardians of the Sargnhaver

    The Dwarves of the Stronghold

    The Stoneborn

    Ironfist Inquisition

    Drunken Dwarves

    We are open to any suggestions regarding summaries and quotes for these decks. This Poll will be open until October 30th.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
  2. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    I chose paladins because it is a very marketable subject in this industry.
  3. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    Another tough choice for my favorite faction. Barbarians out as I think they need a theme revamp again, or even rollback. "Dwarves of the Stronghold" seems strong -- Gotta love Brubaker Bros., DK and Talgar! Constructs might not be the right choice for beginners, but another decent deck. I might have chosen Paladins if the lineup was better, IMHO. But I'm going with the "Drunken Dwarves" as the popular choice.
  4. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

  5. putoconcarne

    putoconcarne New Member


    The Drunken Dwarves deck looks really neatly built and solid overall. It even looks like the deck I'm currently playing around with (only I don't have Brewmasters at the moment). :)
  6. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    The only thing I don't like about DD BG is the fact that it's only physical damage. But hey, noobs gotta start somewhere.
  7. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!


    I would remove Pride, one hammer strike, and Blink.
    I dont think Pride would help the new user playing this deck as much as it should.
    I think two hammer strikes is obscene especially compared to the other decks responses.
    I think Blink a psuedo instagib is not good for a PD where noobs are trying to learn the game and have fun.
    Earth shaker is good replacement for Pride, font contestion is huge in Pox and the lumbering + decent dmg is a good tool.
    That suppression spell may be a decent replacement for HS or Blink.
    Divinity's touch id even like more than Blink.
    Not a bad deck, just a little too much when you already have cheap meat in Hunter, AoE in Barb Bolt, Free Stats in Commander
    Great Range options, Free AP in Warcheif and Zedin demands creativity to kill him.
    Way to good of a rush deck, id want softer support options to help it along.


    Strong BG. So strong that i fear when mastered would be the best of the PD's.
    There inherently has to be ONE that is the strongest, i understand that.
    However, i feel that this has a little too much to offer.
    Great mobility with catapult. Jab showed how much dmg an underestimated catapult can do.
    Great range with 2 throw axes, 1 hammer throw, and 6 ranged units.
    Stealth, font control, dmg ramping, AP manipulation/AoE dmg, neg equips.
    Anti range, Bracers!.
    Ample healing, Cleanse and the most egregious to me

    No other BG i've reviewed thus far has that much Spot CC.
    I believe Hammer strike is really toxic. One is bad enough, Two is way too much.
    I remember playing when i first started the Double Ham was what i hated the most about IS.
    I didn't understand how they got to freely kill my unit for not doing anything skillful, and there was no counter to it.
    I need to go back and review, but im pretty sure cleanse was limited in every BG i've seen aswell.

    I think this BG is just too good for a PD and would be the most played PD and will be easily the best by a large disparity.
    For the sake of diversity and having a balanced deck level across the PD, id not go with this one.

    Stone born

    Good deck, still crutching on the obscene double ham.
    Im wary on remote control, Silverclan protector and i think one War Enchanted is enough.
    Drop a Silver Clan for a Hoplite
    Drop a War Enchanted for a Catapult.

    Deck is one dimensional, but it is a decently built deck.


    This is my favorite one.

    Im a fan of council elder. He brings good strength to the deck and is a sleeper rune for sure.
    Seargent is mad cheap for what he does, he will be an asset to any BG,
    Euan is strong and mainly keeps away cheese. I dont think he's too Overpowered for the PD decks.
    There is good healing, good range, ample Block and Dodge.
    The spells are diverse and useful.
    I dont see this deck just steamrolling the others, and yet it is really strong and able to contend.
    Two Heroe's may be a bit much, you could drop one for a crusader or IS angel.
    However, i wouldn't be upset if released this way.
    Its easy, straight forward, great useful abilities that aren't confusing to use.
    Good power and fun to play.

    Drunken Dwarves

    Melee Heavy
    Tries to utilize the drunk theme and i don't think thats something new players are going to want to manage.
    My first instinct is to say this is a bad deck.
    However, crutching on double Ham, having axeman and brewmaster, i know the strength it has.
    Hooligan and sharpshooter despite being the only true ranged threats, they are very good ones!
    Honestly i feel like this deck is really reliant on excellent play that a seasoned player would produce or it is going to be betting on early draw wins and establishing an early dominance.
    I dont see alot of comeback potential or really any room for error.
    The biggest help this deck has is double Ham, which is still obscene and if the only reason i lost to this deck was because i had flying hammers dazing me all game, i dont really find that fun or a measure of skill.
    I could be biased, its just something about looking at this deck, doesn't sit right with me for new players.

    Vote: Inquisition
  8. Ozariig

    Ozariig I need me some PIE!

    I voted for Dwarves of the Stronghold. Looks strong to me and it matches my playstyle the closest.
  9. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Well the voting process is over. A big thanks to everyone who participated.
  10. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    We have a tie. What is the tie-breaker? How about a drinking contest, winner takes all!
  11. Ozariig

    Ozariig I need me some PIE!

    Sounds like the Drunken Dwarves will have an advantage. Maybe they should have a two-beer handicap?
  12. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    Sounds like fun. However, I remembers the top 2 make it, so the contest would be just for fun.
  13. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    My Legacy has been confirmed.

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