Updating Savage Tundra Public Deck

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by Senshu, Oct 23, 2014.


Which deck you would most like to see as the next Savage Tundras Public Deck?

Poll closed Oct 30, 2014.
  1. Bestial Beats

    9 vote(s)
  2. Winter's Grip

    24 vote(s)
  3. Abomilanch

    12 vote(s)
  4. Snow Pack

    19 vote(s)
  5. Cahoots

    12 vote(s)
  1. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Hello Everyone,

    As many of you are aware the public decks have been in need of some updating given all the changes to Runes. As such we have been working together with the Player Council to put together several new Public Decks. The council went around and pulled together many different deck ideas that show the possibilities of this faction.

    We want all of you to vote for which decks you would like to replace the existing Public Decks. Each forum account can vote for 1 deck per faction. All of these decks have been designed to be comparable as possible to each other and the other factions' Public Decks.

    Note: Public Decks are the static decks you earn from playing the Walkthrough Campaigns or purchase from the Training Match deck selection.

    Bestial Beats
    High HP and defensive abilities is the basis of this beast deck, their main weakness is in their low mobility.

    Winter's Grip
    This amplification deck boosts the strength of your frost based attack and spells. This deck is capable of explosive power turns.

    Yeti's use their abilities to incite fear into the opposing units, while other units take advantage of this vulnerability.

    Snow Pack
    This deck works as a pack with every unit helping out the other units who share the same race.

    The flying units of ST unite, mobile and effective the Strigs in this deck can boost the capabilities of other flying units on the field.

    We are open to any suggestions regarding summaries and quotes for these decks. This Poll will be open until October 30th.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
  2. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    This is between "Bestial Beats" and "Snow Pack". Strig is a personal favorite, but might not be right for new players. I will go with Yetis for the new players to introduce the faction.
  3. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    In case this name was meant to be a merge of the words "Abominable" and avalanche, I think the curent version sounds a bit weird and "Abomalanche" might sound better.
    soulmilk, Entrepidus and Morfeas like this.
  4. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Lonx because the internet likes cats.
    Lushiris likes this.
  5. Eadbusta

    Eadbusta I need me some PIE!

    Winter's Grip was the only choice for me. I think that is really what ST is about: Cold hard spell spam! :D
  6. Hiyashi

    Hiyashi I need me some PIE!

    I don't like most of those decks. I know the point is to give a limited preview to the faction. But I think it's a bit too limited if you take a bunch of runes x2 and slap them into a deck like that.

    The Lonx deck is probably the worst offender with nearly every champion being included twice. It does have more variety in the spell/support department but I think the champions are the more memorable part of a battlegroup.

    Winter's Grip is my favorite by far. It has two big champions that a newbie is going to enjoy putting on the field and some easy to grasp synergy that is also fun to use.
  7. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    well you are in luck you only need to vote for one.

    amp decks are indeed the simplest most basic st deck you can run, wouldn't be surprised if it wins
  8. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    Bestial Beats

    This looks like a solid BG at first glance.
    I think it's noob friendly and easy to use.
    I get an urge to say its a bit lacking in range, just slightly but not too bad.
    Overall it has a nice blend of runes and decent power.
    Blizzard cloak is my only concern really, just because i feel new players could be frustrated fighting against it.

    Winters Grip

    Im not fond of this BG.
    It isn't all that bad, i feel it attempts to not go full Frost because of the obscene power level that would be for new players.
    I appreciate that, however i feel this toned down approach has just created some awful hodge podge of runes.
    I think a seasoned player could get off performing rather well with this BG but i think new players would need to spend quite some time with it to master it and make it yield positive results.

    It has an array of attack types which is great in theory because you dont want to be all frost and not have flexibility.
    However, it lacks the main component in a welcoming capacity.
    The deck seems to aim to Frost Breath and Ice beam the opponent while gating paths with snow and raining AoE of amped destruction.
    I understand the Super turn Spell spam also the Discipline of Death turn with all units gaining an amped frost attack.
    Again, i dont think the deck is bad in general. I think its a poor new player deck and requires too much experience to play effectively.

    I see new players being trapped into spamming AoE's. This could win some matches as it did in the days of old. However, it could also just waste nora and make a frustrated Tundra player.
    Discipline seems so straightforward and obvious, i feel new players will overlook that combo.
    I would never want to force any1 to play with Blizzard Elemental.

    Now from an opponent stand point, i dont feel like new players want to be introduced to the Spell Spamming ST that we all knew and hated when we first started playing.
    ST has alot more to offer now, id like to show that to new players and let them decide to "BE THAT GUY" later if they choose to.


    I like Yeti's.
    This deck isn't bad.
    Something worries me about it. Not sure what it is, but its there.
    With that said, looks like a solid BG with alot to offer.
    Ramping range, nora control, Healing, AoE, Big dmg Beaters.
    Maybe remove someone for Avalancher.

    Im sure im overlooking something about this BG
    I dont know what i find unsettling about it, maybe other reviewers will see the flaw i can't seem to pinpoint.

    Snow pack

    Maybe because ST is just really solid, i find trouble hating any of these BG's out right.
    Maybe a cheiftan for support or to add a little more longer range.
    Despite that, there is alot going right for this BG.
    Again, im a bit wary of blizzard cloak.

    Im pretty much in the same boat that i am in with Yeti's here.
    I may be better off just bowing out judging ST all together.
    Either these decks were constructed alot better than the others i've reviewed or i have a unkown bias for ST.


    I think the champs are fine
    I feel the spells could be done a little better.
    I wouldn't want to expose new players to Frostbite,Hypothermia. By that i mean that i wouldn't want to be forced to play that as a new player.
    Wish is kinda bugged and id want more equips to use the spell in order to have more options.
    Rebound is kind of counter productive with Wish unless you have a specific goal.
    So yea, a re-evaluation of the supporting spells, relics, equips.

    Vote: Bestial Beats
    Goyo likes this.
  9. Oblitrix

    Oblitrix The King of Potatoes

    Yeti BG is nice . But Fear Theme is completely wasted against FW. The savage tundra is well represented in Winter's Grip.
    mortal ix likes this.
  10. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Well the voting process is over. A big thanks to everyone who participated.

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