Vashal Competitiveness

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by BloodAshes, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. BloodAshes

    BloodAshes The King of Potatoes

    Was very curious about starting a Vashal BG, price isnt a issue for me but i'm very curious as to has anyone else ran them with success? Along with any example bgs, champ line up seems straight forward but more regarding spells and equips.

    I generally play FW so I lack the knowledge of that theme, Ive played the public deck and enjoyed it but would rather a more competitive Bg around including Vicar and choosing proper upgrades for them.
  2. ArchersAxe

    ArchersAxe Member

    Usually what happens with a Vashal bg is it turns into a Beast BG. Vashal Druids already run Boost 1, but Boost 2 is helpful as well. Champions with Battlemaster and Global buffs like Motivate are a big help to them as well (Cavalier, Quillback for Defender, etc).

    The Vashal Cavelier is very good, but people tend to use him to dish out damage over time (Fury and Block/Tough). Problem is, he'll turn into a nora sink. Instead, I usually make him a front line support unit with Coordination and Block/Tough. The amount of extra damage you can get out in a turn with Scramble, Drive (where available), etc makes Coordination just as wise an Upgrade if not wiser.

    If your budget is not an issue, KF Doomballs are tons of fun, but that's getting further into Beast/KF Meta theme instead of Vashal.
    BloodAshes likes this.
  3. BloodAshes

    BloodAshes The King of Potatoes

    Thanks this is all very helpful!, I'm leaning towards slightly mixed Vahsal/Beast themed seems like a solid choice :)
  4. enuff

    enuff The King of Potatoes

  5. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    You can try the rat pack public deck before investing.
  6. Celestus

    Celestus The King of Potatoes

    I find they are at home in a beast Bg but not in a vashal only bg

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