Voil Glarewing

Discussion in 'Shattered Peaks' started by Vorian, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    Its absolutely amazing in voil and gives them their needed range support!
  2. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    Please tell us about your experiences with it. I personally can't see it and find other voils more useful. (Or are you being sarcastic? Hard to tell.)
  3. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    Well for one it can replace the transporter for detect. It also has 1-4 range so it has a high threat value. With boosts dissipate doesnt matter. Also its got blinding and deflect which makes it a good tank. Its a long range tank with detect.
  4. Nebron

    Nebron I need me some PIE!

    If you read anything past this you should re-think being a SP player because you're clearly as deluded as this guy.
    PurpleTop and soulmilk like this.
  5. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    Well instead of being rude:

    I think that the Glarewing is lacking.

    -While it is a viable replacement for detection, Transporter brings so much more mobility and utility to the board, that it really outclasses Glarewing. Transporter can also spend more of its AP on movement and searching, rather than needing to attack.
    - 1-4 range would be awesome except for the Dissipate. At max range, without upgrades, it's 4 damage. It's awful, and there are better options when it comes to range (Screecher, Sorcerer, Bomber)
    - Compare Blinding to Stunning. Blinding will prevent double-taps, but that's it. Stunning lasts a whole extra turn and prevents movement, and lowers DEF. It's a poor ability considering it only lasts 2 turns, and it should really be 3.
    - It is expensive. 82 Nora for roughly 50 hp and deflect is not efficient. Courier is far better at 5 more nora, and fills a very similar role.

    Overall it's just a little bit worse than everything else. There are consistently other voil that do each of its jobs better than it does.
    soulmilk likes this.
  6. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    Have you guys actually tried using it in voil? Its one of those champs like chaos brave was, which looks bad on paper; but is actually amazing when you try it out. Dont forget with boost it does 7 damage from range. Against melee champs you can attack them from range, which forces them to close in for an attack, which gets deflected. Then it can double tap, and its near invincible in ones on ones because of blinding. I defeated number 20 today using it!
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  7. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    I was the first person to start using the chaos brave when everybody was saying it was Bane Shift! I knew what I was talking about and soon tinydragon used the chaos brave as well, followed by everyone else. He did not copy me; but like me he knew what was underrated. Remember when everyone including the top players said bowmage was Bane Shift?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2014
  8. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    Tried it. didnt like it.
    Against dorfs, he basically deals 0 damage with dissipate due to high def champs. at most <5dmg.

    Sure he does good with dodge and stuff, but for 82 nora I expect something else. (tried ur deflect build)

    On certain occasions he's nice. But its way overrated, its like saying a cyclops lurker is good against a ranged champ. I think that's what happened against #20. Because nobody expects to see Glarewing, so you got that covered. But normally, he just doesn't work effectively.

    *and limited is kinda borken right now. you don't know who's exo who's LE anymore, so its a tad irrelevant....*

    He's good situationally. But almost every other time, useless due to contributing 0 damage, but an expensive detection and a creepblocker blinding.

    For the same amount of nora, I can do much more.

    He CAN be a tank tho if designed well. But its so easy to squish him in 1 turn in a non 1v1, which is the common situation in most matches.

    And don't judge voil as of now. Regal Presence is bonkers with Boost. You should see Glarewing without Regal Presence after its balanced.

    Without the damage, HP, Def boosts from Regal, Banner, and Boost...He's so lackluster in comparison with others in the same cost tier
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  9. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    I did play with him for a bit, and he just disappointed me. I actually was running a highlander voil deck just to see what I liked and disliked about playing all of them. I would never deploy him, there was always a better option. Though if it's working for you, keep it up.
  10. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    it's meh. Personally I think we have better options for whatever role he is supposed to fill. Also if your use is as a replacement to the transporter, then I will probably never use him in that sense. Transporter is and has been for a long time one of the best runes in shattered peaks. I'm never gonna try to replace him.
  11. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    I personally found voils struggled without 2 max range 4 champs. Of course it all comes down to perfect ap management, do you close in for 2 more damage or save up for a double tap the next turn. I just beat another limited player using it, blinding makes it a ***** to kill1 With 60hp from boost and regal presence, its almost impossible to 1 turn because of blinding. Dont forget wings of steel and a banner for 75hp.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2014
  12. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    I have used the DEP it is twice as good as the transporter because of its cool down.
  13. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    But at a shorter range and limited to demons. Transporter is still really good.
    PurpleTop likes this.
  14. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    Plus DEP doesn't fly or have evasive, and obviously can't be played in ff SP
  15. WraithxxV

    WraithxxV Active Member

    Honestly it seems like a pretty decent unit, but Voil players are used to having so many good options that Glarewing looks bad in comparison.
  16. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    While DEP is going to put out more pseudo ap gen per turn over a long game, it is much easier to position transporter with flying and mobility and he has a much larger threat range.

    Thrower seems like a more appropriate comparison to DEP, but I'll avoid complaining about thrower's design and cost--a pet peeve of mine.

    Regardless, DEP isn't an option in FF SP, so whichever one is better doesn't matter much.
  17. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    Just because I'm curious, why don't you like the Thrower, @Raikan ? I'll admit to not having played in the past month, but prior to that and even prior to the revamp I used him quite a bit. Pre-revamp he might have been slightly overcosted and had little use outside of moga (surge was base), but he offers a sort of mobility that no other unit really could offer (warwizard had grant: teleport, but still yet another option). Post-revamp he's even better..... planar bound is an upgrade so you can run him alongside Transporter for some fancy mechanics and you can make him surge off of beasts instead of moga (more for the less nora thing). and warwizard doesn't have grant anymore so he is the only one in that field. Any particular reason you don't like him?

    I find him absolutely essential in Moga at the very least. I still run him in my main deck
  18. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    I like him a lot and he combos well with our other relocation effects, sapper and cannons, etc.

    Instead, I should say that I don't think he's very well designed because the player ends up paying for a lot of abilities/stats that are useless. Outside of moga or beasts, the player has to pay for 4-6 range which is pretty useless with his damage. Even in moga/beasts, the player is paying a lot for range and surge on a 5 speed champ who will be spending a lot of that ap repositioning other units (and therefore not be able to use the range or surge damage very effectively even though it cost full price). In short, I think the player is paying for abilities that can't be used to any real affect, or are practically useless given his limited ap.

    I've thought about a lot of proposed changes but none that I thought were good enough. For example, I thought about making his range 1 and giving him a debuff based attack like throw bolder, but throw bolder is 4 ap and it gimps his ability to be a ranged damager in moga/beasts. Also, I considered giving him dissipate and adding a rank 3 dot, a debuff or slam to his surge tree so a player w/o moga or beasts doesn't end up paying for 4-6 range on a champ that can't do much with it (given his low damage and low speed). Finally, I considered making his base range 1, and then putting a Range 4-6 upgrade in an upgrade path with throw champion and damage boosting effects in his other tree along with some other support ability that complements throw. That allows the player to focus him on dealing ranged damage or being more of a support g'hern, but not both (which I feel he really can't do w/ 5 speed and so he shouldn't have to pay for both sets of abilities). I haven't been too happy with any of those approaches yet for a variety of reasons (custom coding, gimping his moga/beast power, etc.)

    I'm sure someone will say that thrower isn't designed to be meta viable--he's only for limited bgs, etc. etc. etc. Obviously I don't see eye to eye with that philosophy.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
  19. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    If the goal is to make him more useable all around, id say drop surge beast.... Honestly it's pretty useless and I only take it because I don't want him planar bound but don't need to surge moga, and they one costs more.

    I'd say drop surge: beast for some sort of vulnerability in that upgrade path to do nothing but make him cheaper. Or maybe just give him Vulnerable itself in place of surge beast. That will significantly drop his cost and not really break his role.
  20. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    After playing bot ud and sp in the exo league, I can safely say thrower is our dep and more useful in some situations! The only drawback with him is his damage, and the fact that he cant throw instigators. I used to love throwing instigators! Give him accrue instead of planar bound!

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