
Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by qsupreme2, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. qsupreme2

    qsupreme2 Member

    Hi all, I have been trying my hand at the Zombie theme and it is GREAT. This BG has gotten me quite a few wins and its super fun. I think there might be some tweaks to be made however. So, I was wondering if some zombie veterans could help me out, since I couldn't find a zombie BG thread. Here it is:


    I can't afford Coragh, and I have been thinking about getting a corpse golem however. Also how do you guys deal with equips, since FW doesn't have any spot unequip? Thanks for any help!
  2. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    I would remove:
    1 Dead Moga, Snuff, 1 Corpsepile, 1 deadzone vodoo and Grimmwell.
    Then i would add: 1 Mute Stalker, 1 Corpseapult, 1 Mobilisation, 1 Elsari Night, and one of either Haunt or Soulreave.

    Equip Fw mostly ignore. If you must have something to deal with it Stitched Librarian is a good option.
  3. NFix

    NFix Member

  4. qsupreme2

    qsupreme2 Member

    How do you like Mairdreth? Do you find that you run her alot, or is she too much nora to play usually?
  5. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    I find Mairdreth far to expensive to be of use, she simply dies to easy for such an expensive champion.
  6. NFix

    NFix Member

    in some situations hes very usefull. dunno. i like him
  7. MadLotar

    MadLotar The King of Potatoes

    Here is mine:

    I also tend to use Mairdreth of the Rot since she is very good support and hard to kill in a zombie bg. I know that is hard to believe but the point of zombies is for them to attack in a group, not sending them one at a time. I also tend to either include tomb of hate or unholy tomb in the zombie theme, since it pings every champ, so I can cast festering wounds soon after. Decay is good since so many protectorate factions rely on healing as a crutch and I have popped at least one angel bg with it.
    The reason I don't play with fleshblight zombie is because he is too slow and conflicts with the decay in my bg. I would probably play with infected zombie before I played with him.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2014
  8. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    A revere: mairdreth zombie would be really nice
  9. DrNiles

    DrNiles Member

    I've been thinking zombies over lately, and one potential change I came up with was giving Revere: Mairdreth to Infected Zombie as an upgrade. Fits thematically, I think, given the flavour text about respecting "that which can grant undeath."

    His ability to make zombies even when Zombie Apocalypse isn't up would also help in a Mairdreth BG, where two slots are likely to be spent on non-zombie Wretched Witches.

    The other option would be Necrotaur, based on the Forest Dragon change. They already fit in Mairdreth BGs due to Black Death, though. Either of these options need some changes for me to run them, anyway.
  10. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    A Revere zombie would be nice, but realistically Mairdreth needs something to give her a little more survivability. She is far to fragile for her cost.
  11. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    If the dragons had 4 synergetic revere champions each, they would be usable without changes mostly, their cost and HP would be justificable.
  12. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Idont really agree. Having to deploy 3-4 champions before its worth to deploy the Dragon would just sandbag BGs with those champions and make it even worse to draw the Dragon early or as the only champion before you get your Revere champions out. In zombies for excample you would be ill adviced to include the witches needed for Mairdreth.
    Imo the Revere Mechanic as a discount for Dragons was a bad idea to begin with.
  13. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    That's why I used the word synergetic, Imagine in the case of zombies having revere on 4 champions that make a good black death/disease module, after that you can get mairdreth out as a HP efficient beater. Or in hyaenids (because the mechanics of the dragon are pretty similar), if another hyaenid were to get revere: the exile (say, stalker) in the moment you deploy the exile you'll have 3-4 deep wounds unit and you could use the exile to claw through your enemies.
    Of course that not all dragons are as lucky as mairdreth or the exile in terms of synergy.
  14. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    What I don't get is why Thirion gets special treatment
  15. jesterman7

    jesterman7 The King of Potatoes

    what abilities do you guys favor on zombies? just all disease stuff?
  16. MadLotar

    MadLotar The King of Potatoes

    I also like the zombie plague and defiled aspect. Not too many zombies have zombie plague, outside of infected zombie and Timothy the Vile. There should be more. Rotting blows and black death, on more zombies would be nice as well.
  17. mario75

    mario75 The King of Potatoes

  18. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    I think it would be cool if corpse golem had the ability "replicate" as an up-grade. Replicate along with the ability "consume" sounds fun. When corpse golem 1st came out he had the ability "swarm corpse golem" as an upgrade. The latter ability made zombies a cool theme before zombies were a good theme. Giving corpse golem replicate would really take mid to late game zombies to the next level.
  19. voodoochile

    voodoochile The King of Potatoes

    I thought High Warlock 2x was a must in zombies...
  20. HardyGames32

    HardyGames32 I need me some PIE!

    Deploy. Replicate. Consume cheap zomb summon from Fleshblight Witch. 2 champs for the price of one, not OP at all lol

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