Who likes playing 400 hour FW games?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Atherhog, Dec 10, 2015.


Seriously, does anybody enjoy playing with/against FW cheap meat/attrition decks?

  1. No way... taking 100 hours to play a game is not for me

  2. Sure... I have nothing else to do with my life, I may as well ruin your fun aswell

  3. Sure... I enjoy playing against a never ending swarm of cheap spam

  4. Delete FW

  1. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    This poll is missing a whole ton of options. Its not my fault the salt hit the pan.

    For me, there is a little ***** in my head, that wants to win games. She gets turned on when the games get long. She don't want no 1 minute GG. I wanna see the opponent suffer in every position possible. See them thinking they're winning and on top for a while, then flippin their ass over for a good hour.

    I live for that Bane Shift man. If I wasn't enjoying my 400 hour long games, I wouldn't be playing them- let me tell you that. I would've stayed with IS or KF

    But nooo. "Oh TeaScholar, you're too hardcore for me. I wanted a quickie game. Why you gotta do that man? Why you gotta play around with your food for long periods of time?"

    And that's the magic of it: With FW, if you ever try it yourself- most of you have.
    It's barely ever known whether you're gonna win or not, UNTIL maybe half an hour into the game. There have been times where I thought I lost, but kept fighting out of spite, and ended up winning eventually.

    FW. We are easily shat on, but if we are underestimated and left alone, we will find you, we will inhibit you, and we will make phylacteries outta you.

    So grab ur partner and que up, and when you see that FW avatar, remember what you're dealing with sir.
    mortal ix, Anima26, vitor and 8 others like this.
  2. st3ck

    st3ck I need me some PIE!

    If Unholy Tomb was more effective, and the cheap champs stronger, FW could win more quickly and save us the pain.

    I say we super buff them so the attrition only takes 4-5 rounds.

    Unholy tomb. 2 Damage to enemies, 4 nora per champ
    Tome of Hate, 4 damage
    chop block, 7 damage
    festering wounds, diseased 6
    And dark favor 2 as a FF bonus, since the FW bonus is poop

    Boom, balanced*.

    Sok, write it up!

    *Not Balanced
    Alakhami, Tweek516, Atherhog and 3 others like this.
  3. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    I support the idea of Dark Favor 2 on every champ that's deployed as long we can keep our CD reduction.

    (This hints at just how important our current bonus still is. As OP as DF2 on everything is, I'd still prefer keeping CD reduction)
    Qucas likes this.
  4. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    SP is a great faction to face, because every time they lose the central font they normally surrender! Even Ballballer does it! I know from experience playing with SP it is nigh impossible to come back after losing the central font, I can come back from that though with other factions like SL and UD.
  5. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    FW players always get so mad when people say their faction is boring. Just get over it.

    IS is OP.
  6. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    the problem is, the only people who still play fw just abuse the cheese because the rest of fw is garbage.

    cheap meat spam and ghost = long games.
  7. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Boring? I play FW because it's the only faction that isn't a dull parade of moderately functional 70 nora champions. I'd play other factions more if building BGs for them wasn't a snooze fest.
  8. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    the problem isnt fw, its that the devs dont know what their doing when it comes to fixing this faction.
  9. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Boring to play against. *

    Was typing too fast
  10. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    not all fw bgs are like that. just the one the hand full of fw players still left play. pretty much all the other fw bgs outside of cheapmeat spam or cheese really suck.
  11. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Teascholar plays FW meta and that one is still really boring to play against.

    Deadpool was playing some random Bane Shift I assume was his version of FW meta and it was still boring.
  12. Mercer Skye

    Mercer Skye I need me some PIE!

    IS really any better? Midfont is contested, conspicuously placed champion close enough to get double tapped by all ranged units....gotta test it anyway....yep, RD'd. Trying to play any kind of stealth? Nope, Unobstructed View. Going to see a champ other than the normal 30? Nope, Priestess, Euan, Talgar, robo-dog

    How about SP? Whispers, echo chambers, blah blah

    SL? Quickening/Quicken, DB, Vindrax

    Every faction, ad nauseum, tends to play the same crap over and over, with very little exceptions. If anything, we should be bemoaning the limited supply of viable or even 'viable' options for some variation across the board.
  13. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Yo i'll play against IS meta over FW any day of the week.

    I think IS and FS defnitely have the most viable themes though. So lot's a variety there.
  14. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    teascholar plays stall bgs. i dont see how there can be a fw meta when there are no decently ranked fw players playing the faction.
  15. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    obviously the problem is that the community is filled with whiny *****es
    Qucas and TeaScholar like this.
  16. chris0024

    chris0024 I need me some PIE!

    This can be easily identified as a whiny player complaining after a loss but these FW hate threads are nonstop. Attrition has been a pain for as long as I can remember. Granted it is not as bad as it used to be (anyone remember that 6 hr match between 2 FW players?), but all that has happened since then is that the matches are not as long. If you play FW you are prepared to play an hour match more often than not. It is not fun to play against a never ending army of cheap champ spam, especially when they can neuter your healing.
  17. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    the only fw players left just play cheap meat spam(because of the faction bonus only being useful in this type of bg) or cheese(like ghost or chop block bs)

    regular fw themes are garbage. even a normal meta mix is pretty bad. That's why I don't even play the faction anymore, its the only one i stopped playing, lol.
  18. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    As long as FW's faction bonus remains the way it is, FW will always be about cheap champ spam in one form or another. There's honestly no way around it. What FW lacks in mid-cost ability-driven combo champs they make up for in simple, efficient meat walls, occasionally backed by powerful expensive ranged options.

    Thus, to change FW's bonus would require changing the entire faction, since the entire faction is literally built around abusing it. And obviously, changing an entire faction's worth of runes is a lot of work, hence why Sok and the others are loath to do it. Furthermore, if FW doesn't have its cheap champ spam, what will it become? Can anyone really see FW being anything but cheap meat at this point? Ignoring the flavor concerns (which are many) Poxnora would not have a dedicated late-game faction without FW. IS comes close, as does SL, but as people have already pointed out even these fail in comparison to FW's late game godliness. From a strategy game perspective it does not make sense to be without the classic attrition faction.

    That leaves us with the option of keeping FW's style the way it is, but just toning it down some. But this option is no good either, since that would likely leave FW far too weak in all areas to be relevant. It would require buffing up either their mid game or early game; and if those are buffed, then it would be even more of a balance nightmare to have a faction that is good at every stage of the game.

    To be honest, some of the key problems with FW are really just problems with the players who face it. People say they hate playing against attrition because games take too long; but the length of a game is not a balance concern. It is simply a frustration brought on by a negative cultural attitude towards delayed gratification. If a form of entertainment does not come and go within the space of a soundbite it is not worth partaking in; this is the mindset of so many of our youth these days. No one has the patience for real strategy games anymore because people have grown too accustomed to FPS's, or MOBAs, or 30-minutes television shows. Anything without fast-paced action and constant visual stimuli lasting for longer than about half an hour (varying depending on the individual) is dismissed and new entertainment is sought.

    Some will say "yeah well I just don't have time to sit for an hour playing a game". And if that's the case, you either need to manage your time more efficiently or you need to not play games before all your work is done. Back in my day (yes, I'm old enough to say that) games and hobbies were only undertaken on weekends. Every free moment during the week was reserved for regular work. If you're too young to work, or only work part-time, you would study, or attend to personal issues. If you managed to secure a few free moments, you would read, or go down to the bar or something.

    Games would also fill that time, and it's interesting to note that REAL strategy games such as Chess or Go or, hell, even Warhammer/Starcraft/Civ all take far longer than half an hour to complete. This is what gaming used to be. But now people wouldn't be caught dead spending more than 15 minutes with a single game. They can't be bothered to learn to adapt their playstyles to suit a longer, richer, more strategically diverse game environment.

    And this is what playing vs. FW forces you to do: adapt or die. You can't approach playing vs. FW as you would playing against other factions. As much as you think you deserve a fast game that caters to your diminished attention span, you don't. Poxnora does not exist to cater to today's gamers. Poxnora caters to the tacticians, the critical thinkers, the theorists, and those who are willing to invest a little more time into their passions.

    At the end of the day, all of this goes back to my original point (by now lost in a sea of text) about how none of these problems are actual balance issues. The qualities of the player's IRL situation cannot possibly be accounted for in all balance inquiries. Thus, if a person does not have the time to devote to a game like Pox, in the event that a game takes longer than anticipated, it should not fall to the devs to redesign an entire faction.

    Sorry about the soapbox rant, but I've had this on my mind for a while, and this thread seemed like a good place to vent it all. I love FW the way it is, playing with it or against it. I always walk away from such a game with feelings of completion and satisfaction at my thoroughly quenched thirst for new knowledge. It truly saddens me to realize that I am the last of a dying breed of gamer, the like this world will never see again.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
    mortal ix, Anima26, yobanchi and 5 others like this.
  19. Bellagion

    Bellagion I need me some PIE!

    EVERYBODY hates playing against:
    FS they have so much nora and instakills
    IS strong buffs and healing and RD so annoying
    ST big throbbing walls of meat
    KF omg double tap range 8spd op
    FW cheap meat attrition UT unfun
    UD op relocates and HUGE damages
    SP they have so much nora and champs
    SL strong defenses and regen and powerturns so annoying

    These FACTIONS should be REDESIGNED or NERFED OUT of the game. THX DEVS for listen
    Burcho, Qucas, themacca and 1 other person like this.
  20. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    you dont have to worry about tomb anymore at least, sok destroyed that relic. they might as well just remove it from the game.

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