Saturday 14:09 Pacific

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BurnPyro, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    So many possibilities for worthy opponents. See ya'll next week.

    Also lol @jabjab playing again after ragequitting when IS got nerfed. #onlyplayswhenISgetsbuffed
  2. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Oh Bane Shift, Burn logged in and I missed it?
    DarkJello likes this.
  3. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    Threads like this do not acomplish anything, we are all too aware that population is low during this little lull between releases, we are working on changes that we think should improve player retention and help new users - but these things take a little time to produce.
    Tarathil and Lushiris like this.
  4. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    I'd rather have a community with intelligent people that have fun and enjoy the game than just a bunch of horny teenagers.

    But I guess /marketing
  5. Iskandak

    Iskandak The King of Potatoes

    Gimme a dwarf over boobs any day. IS ALL THE WAY BUB!
  6. Iskandak

    Iskandak The King of Potatoes

    I heard ppl liked dirge
    Vorian likes this.
  7. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    We already have a marketing budget set for the expansion release. which will be very soon.
    Tarathil, DarkJello, Pattn199 and 3 others like this.
  8. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    The thing is, you guys keep telling use the game is growing and showing no signs of falling apart. I can't be ****ed to find the posts but I know multiple greens have said something along those lines. The simple fact is, this game is dying. Gedden's new user interface didn't work. The changes to rankings didn't work. The addition to steam didn't work.

    You greens just plug your ears and close your eyes and claim everything is fine, all the while your community is telling you the opposite. Why do you treat your current community like one of imbeciles who are unaware of the state of the game they play.

    We try to suggest many different ways of reviving this game, but because some of them would reduce profit in the short term, you guys just ignore them.

    You have a system now where players have to GRIND to make any sort of rune. 2 weeks for a legendary is a joke for a new player when they will burn out after getting blown out by someone in ranked, or waiting 30 minutes to not get into a training pvp game.

    There is no instant gratification in pox's grind either. There is no little intermediate steps where you think, "oh I feel I am progressing", or "wow I'm glad I played today", there is just log in, do the godawful dailies, do the daily campaign, and log out. FOR 2 WEEKS. WHO ON EARTH WANTS TO DO THAT?!?

    Even if they make it through the 2 weeks, they would have to dust EVERYTHING they got in their set. This is ridiculous. Nobody likes getting rid of runes they don't have extras of, especially new players. Even if they dust their crap, there is no guarantee their rune they forge will be viable now, let alone more than 2 weeks down the road.

    No new player is going to want to play pox when the only way you guys reward them is with crap old runes instead of shiny new runes. Either accept the fact that your current system is crap, or the game will die.

    Know why hearthstone is doing better than this game despite the obvious fact you guys try to copy it? Let me list the ways:
    1. It is run by an actual company that people have played the games of for decades
    2. There is instant satisfaction when you can earn packs by spectating a friend or by doing a quest and winning the games necessary for the quest.
    3.Balance exists for the most part with a few outliers
    4.The new user experience is short and rewards with actual packs and not crappy 10 year old commons
    5.Actual incentive to do ranked monthly by giving cosmetics
    6. Tournaments, remember those?
    7.Releases are spread out over a few weeks rather than blowing their load and losing the playerbase after a week
    charlieriot likes this.
  9. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Just use AA splash art.

    So badass...
    PhdNiceGuy likes this.
  10. XFurionsX

    XFurionsX I need me some PIE!

    Nerf AA art.
    MEATMAN, Qucas, Pixyrus and 1 other person like this.
  11. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    Believe me, I understand your frustration, having been just a player myself 6 months ago.

    We have been discussing NUX and player rewards a LOT internally, I am a big supporter getting people to open more packs to keep them hooked, by making them more accessable.

    We are working on several things internally, some of which you will see come the expansion launch, which should go some way to improving things.

    I can assure you we are not sitting down thinking the game is perfect, we are actively working on several ways to grow the game.
    TeaScholar and xezno like this.
  12. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I think this game can do very well if you guys continue working with the community to improve it and fix existing flaws that it has. I thnk you guys are doing a good job.

    @BurnPyro dzso is a good opponent, he is like top 5 or 10 skill wise of the active players playing. hermaios is decent as well although his rank might be low atm.
  13. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Fix game, then advertise.
    mortal ix, mw24, JazzMan1221 and 2 others like this.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    plenty of the art in this game is great, it's how I came to join. I just wonder what kind of marketing you guys will be going for? Are you hiring an outside person or internal and to be discussed?
  15. Dresnar20365988

    Dresnar20365988 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    IS is in the crapper. Fix now.
  16. Beasts for life

    Beasts for life I need me some PIE!

    This works fairly well for most games.
    Can you guys hire Kate upton?
    claydude5 and chickenpox2 like this.
  17. Ralphen

    Ralphen I need me some PIE!

    I'm not sure about the "more free packs equal more player retention" equation.

    The main problem with Poxnora is its complexity. Too many rune, even more interaction, lot of stuff to remember, not enough time to think about your moves: these are the things that, imho, discourages a new player to stay and enjoy the game.
    Jason likes this.
  18. dooiefries

    dooiefries The King of Potatoes

    Why would you accompany the new expansion with a marketing campaign, when new player retention is so non existant?

    From my point of few, as a fairly new and not very involved player, there are two things you need to work on:
    1. create an AI that makes playing this game actually interesting
    2. find a way to sort the MASSIVE archive of runes so that a new player is not overwhelmed

    For instance, let me start off with a bunch of elves and let me slowly discover the world with it different races and factions. Give me rewards for playing that add to my elves collections, until I have reached the IS strongholds and are integrating dwarves in my armis. etc etc. This could be set up so that a new player chooses either Wrath or Protectorate. For Wrath you start of with a bunch of demons and follow a different path.
    This can only be done if you create an actual playable AI to make such a campaign interesting.
    PvP should then be done against players on the same scale within this trajectory. So the runes they use will be familiar to you after a couple of games, but will be quickly fanning out if differentation as you progress through the world. If I open a Maxx in a demon reward pack it will be a real surprise for my opponent to face such a Majestic dude for the first time. On the other hand because the amount of runes I get to add is limited, it is not overwhelming when a new champion is seen on the battlefield.
    BurnPyro likes this.
  19. Jason

    Jason Guest

    This is essential and I'm so happy someone else says it.

    I'm actually sad to see new abilities added to the game. There are just too many of them.
  20. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    I don't think there is one single problem with pox, it is a number of things, one of which is difficulty in getting into the game, I personally believe pack opening can be addictive, so it can't harm.

    Complexity is always something that PoxNora has struggled to have a good balance with, but a lot of people cite the complexity of PoxNora as one of the things that attracts them to it, so we don't want to over-simplify it, but we are making efforts to streamline abilities and try to make it so things are more consistant.

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