FW Meta 2: Ranged Boogaloo, criticism welcome

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by claydude5, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes


    So the idea behind this bg is to use the vast amounts of DoT and AOE available to FW units.
    FW has always been a lategame faction and so it is necessary to stall until then.

    Regarding Odd Choices:

    Yeti does a good job of this as well as being a fatty that can help our cheap meat stall for longer.

    Absorb Magic because I hate riotous deflection.

    Festering wounds works wonders with an attrition style of bg as well as with 4 boosters of disease damage.

    Hungry Dead on choke points makes getting to the ranged units a pain in the ass

    Any changes that I should make?
    XFurionsX, Uruboz and Djangoguy like this.
  2. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Not sure both Reaper's Blade and Soulreave are needed, especially since loss of life attacks don't proc DOTs. I'd personally keep the Reaper's as an ace-in-the-hole and drop Soulreave for a second ED.
  3. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    Soulreave is for the horrible UD Matchup.
  4. Djangoguy

    Djangoguy The King of Potatoes

    I'd drop that 2nd Dusk Creeper for a second Yeti, as (in my plastyle) I always equip him with Reaper's Blade
    Drop that Doom for another Essence Drain :rolleyes::rolleyes:
    Have you tried Soul Cage to lock down rangeds over Hungry Dead?

    edit: where are Frostvein Witches?
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2015
  5. Uruboz

    Uruboz I need me some PIE!

    More DoTs? Try Scouring Jasper relic or crossbone with scour 2
    Reapers blade its good on creepers
    Frostvein witch its also a good option for another DoT, but shes not undead

    Festering wounds its good for map unstealth

    Yep, FW have a good DoTs options :D
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2015
  6. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

  7. Djangoguy

    Djangoguy The King of Potatoes

    I don't get the joke...
  8. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    I would replace affilicted corpse with crawling corpse because:
    Latch on and mudsling give you good control.
    You can use latch on your own flying champions(like dead fairy or utterdark green skull thing)without giving them lumbering thus moving around the corpse with ease.
    Disease breath gives you a strong ranged aoe attack and the champion got solid stats(good speed/hp/damage).
  9. Djangoguy

    Djangoguy The King of Potatoes

    Have you tested Stitched Dreameater for an AoE-DoT-Thingy?
  10. XFurionsX

    XFurionsX I need me some PIE!

    Good Bg @claydude5 me like it, can you translate it to a poxbox link so i can paste it in the other thread, sorry i don't critice (is that the word?) but i haven't played much so i don't know.
  11. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I think there are better options than risen moga.(tankier ones like ethereal soldier, executioner, and wandering zombie)
    festering wounds generally isn't that good because dead fairy already does disease dot and half the factions have aoe cleanse and healing.
    most of the time reapers blade isn't needed especially with the nerfs to IS and ST angels and IS being less played overall. Shadowshank+creeper is generally better currently.
    Unless you are playing a worm or death benefit bg you usually only need 1 dusk creeper, even if it dies it only has like a 5 turn cooldown anyway and isn't a good early deploy.
    I am not really a fan of afflicted corpse, I would prefer to spend the extra 20 nora to lose lumbering but I have seen people use it effectively.
    I don't think absorb magic is any good, too much luck and chance involved.
    Risen yeti is a pretty good rune but I think you could upgrade from him if you wanted to(one of the champs I mentioned earlier)
    Soulreave isn't really necessary especially when running tome of hate and now that IS isn't as popular and containment unit was nerfed.
    Steal life is good with mind shackle because mind shackle puts units at 0 ap when it paralyzes them(I think)
    Cool, people are running wandering zombie and fadewisp like me now. I hope I don't get suspended or my post removed for saying that...
    I hope you don't tell me that I don't play FW again, I am still the highest ranked non devilsrath alt fw player -____-
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
  12. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    If anyone wanted my honest opinion, my core meta build hasn't changed.

    Being used to running specific combos of champs has a lot to do with it.

    I've tried many combos in the meta as of late, and has led to my overall downfall as far as rank grinding is concerned. I've lost many times lately.
    All to realize the same meta I always ran was the perfect combination all along.
  13. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    Dark familiar and martyrs are broken as hell. You should try running 2x familiar for early deploys/big maps and see how it works. Dark familiar is the new grintmaw bouncer.(slightly less op...)

    I am also trying different fw splits because I don't see much reason to just run ff fw, the hero are pretty lame and the faction bonus doesn't add a lot of direct power imo.
  14. jigz2009

    jigz2009 The King of Potatoes

    Hello guys,

    I want to try Dark Familiars but I don't know how to squeeze those in my current bg.


    any suggestion on which runes to remove to give way for familiars?

  15. Fentum

    Fentum I need me some PIE!

    I don't play a lot of FW, mostly UD and KF, but I always find Rip Witches useful in splits. Are they no good in a FF ranged FW BG?
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
  16. XFurionsX

    XFurionsX I need me some PIE!

    Nope, only if you play Bwitches, if not stick to dead fairy.
  17. Fentum

    Fentum I need me some PIE!

    Ah, ok. I run both in my split for the ranged and alt damage.

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