Cactuar Crate - Path of De'lim Edition

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sokolov, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    should incite rage be dispellable? turns out it isn't
  2. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I think I might do more with nora cost effects like Hunter: Meek and maybe some stuff that keys off of higher costed units.
    fattyy2k likes this.
  3. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

  4. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    the witch theme needs alot of buffs, curse needs a buff and or cd 2, same with hex.
  5. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    darkmarsh warsong needs to be nerfed asap and boghoppers need buffs to damage and to a lesser extent hp.
  6. Bellagion

    Bellagion I need me some PIE!

  7. MogaBait

    MogaBait I need me some PIE!

    I can't wait to try it on ;)
  8. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    hyaenids need houngan and mundungo to have 5 minimum range, need some cost reductions, need commander base on pack leader, and need better stat builds on mundugo, the swarm hyaenid, spearman, and the hex hyaenid. static aura should also be removed from breaker, give him a dot instead or lightning storm.
  9. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Please stop
  10. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!


    elves need more synergy and cost reductions,

    demon elves need the same thing as well as better ability builds on their champs.

    mirefolk need berserker to lose careless and less of a penalty for not being close to water imo. fw champs need racials and buffs to several themes.

    moga need buffs in several areas but I am not very familiar with them atm.

    voils need cost reductions especially to bomber, 5 maximum range on screecher, and skyhowler needs to lose screech and probably blood frenzy and gain abilities that would be more useful to a champion of its range. voils also need boost back, the removal of voil boost was just weird. sceian also needs more upgrade lines so he can be played outside of the voil theme.

    sand needs sand spitter and sand elemental to have at least 5 maximum range and buffs to individual sand champs. sand spray was also overnerfed and should be able to stack or at least gain inexperience back.

    spiders need more defense against swarm, spells, and range, and possibly more range or relocation.

    salaman need more ranged units, fire salaman and negamage need at least 5 maximum range and fire salaman need different abilities

    firk need cost reductions and a buff to their synergy. a little more hp and or def would be very nice as well.

    beast bgs generally need more range and synergy. the change to pox renovators limiting them to 2 per bg was a very bad idea considering how much they lack range.

    yetis need cost reductions and buffs to their ranged units, shaman needs 5 maximum range at least. yeti also need access to commander as well as augment not just 1 or the other like how its set up on yeti painter. give another yeti access to commander imo. grumble statue needs a buff as well as yeti cub. throw snowball and chain lightning both really suck and need damage increases/cost reductions.

    cyclops need to have 6 speed on nearly every champ, seer needs 5 maximum range, some cyclops need their ability sets changed, and revere zeventrech and revere abilities in general are way overcosted. zeventrech is also overcosted by about 20 nora, his equip is as well. drummer doesnt need vitalize the ability sucks, alpine cyclops needs its mountainer ability to be apart of the cyclops racial.

    myx drones were overnerfed and the myx theme could use some buffs.

    stitched reconstruct should be changed eventuall but in a way that keeps the theme strong and just limits the abuse.

    choking aura was overnerfed, the ability needs to be returned to aoe but at a lesser % than 40.

    give nohkando guide's pupils boost back and remove regal presence from frost queen, its not effective on ranged units. Give her something else that synergizes with jakei or jakei/elemental/frost

    increase the damage on jakei shaman and possibly give her chill. jakei elder needs a cost reduction. shard master needs more damage and a better range 4-6 or 5-6. icecaster could use a 2-3 nora cost reduction. change wish cost to 30 and remove the nora refund portion of rebound.

    alot of this games fire immunity and possibly eater needs to be removed so that fire bg can be played properly. purefire needs a buff, give it 8-10 damage at the same noracost. reduce the cost of tinder box and the frost equivelent by 5 nora to 30. banish shouldnt refund nora for the equipment just like vertical push doesnt, banish also refunds too much nora. orb of protection and head of Osiris need cost reductions to 35. mandate from sheoul should have the hunter hero portion removed in favor of something else maybe more damage, it is currently way too strong against hero.

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
  11. 15Deadmen

    15Deadmen The King of Potatoes

    why? you'd just complain about those things after cuz now they're op cuz sok did a bad job cuz your description of buff/nerfing runes is vague as firk.
  12. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    how can you not see how incredibly useless these suggestions are. please stop
  13. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    faultbreaker: give faultbreaker faultbreak base and reduce the cost of the ability by 4 nora. I think all the titans should have 65-70 base hp. tectonic pulse needs to damage all enemies in its path like a bolt.

    Carrion colossus: change ravenous torrent to deal carrion's attack damage and remove the damage it does to itself or cause the damage to spawn a carrionling. vivify needs a 2-4nora cost reduction. lower the cost of its carrionling abilities by 1-2 nora each.

    ancestral avenger: remove pariah and give it healing deficiency. limit the amount of turns that it can stay incorporeal before having to change back to corporeal.

    glacial titan: remove physical resistance and give it mirrored instead imo.

    dreadnought: give him regen 2 or 3 base. rampage is overcosted by about 10 nora, cleave is also overcosted by 2-3 nora. give him multi attack 1 base. add massive leap to his 2nd upgrade line.

    greater pitspawn: reduce the cost of blood frenzy 2 and 3 by 2 nora. increase the damage on greater pitspawn by 2-3. give him attack magical or attack fire. remove death touch, give him fury, life siphon, trample, and tormented base. make his 2nd upgrade slot blood frenzy ranks. Might need a little more work on this champ, not sure if he will be perfect after these changes or a little too strong but hed be much better than he is currently.

    the fs and sp titan look great Id just add 5 hp to every titan.
  14. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I can see reducing Faultbreak some.

    Rampage might be overcosted a bit, but going all the way down to 5 seems insane for an ability that grants AP directly and resets the attack chain. Even if it doesn't trigger on a given turn, it's done work just by making enemy positioning harder and limiting their options.

    Pariah is to prevent friendly effects from making Ancestral Avenger unkillable. We've tried various things already on him, including time based Incorporeal AND Healing Deficiency.

    Some of the other suggestions seem good, I may do a few.

    Note that adding 5 HP to each would increase their cost.
  15. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Weird part about this one is I already did these 2 things.

    Doing MA1 on base for him too would shoot him over 100 nora, not sure about that one, but I may shift some things around.
  16. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    CC is already runnable. Vivify is definitely worth the nora, and certainly shouldn't be as low as 4 nora. Death Spawn: Carrionling is pretty efficient as it is at 5 nora.

    Propagate is being consolidated which is also a buff to CC and will already make Torrent trigger it - that's plenty buff IMO.
  17. Bellagion

    Bellagion I need me some PIE!

    Please... no more Mirrored. The ability is insane.
    Tweek516 and themacca like this.
  18. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Hate the idea of removing his signature ability and then turning him into an escalating beater, which UD isn't short on. I do like Life Siphon tho - he needs some sustain.
  19. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Are you surprised Mirrored Shield isn't run? Or is it not 30 nora awesome?
  20. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    It was 25 nora on release and run a lot back then, but the game has changed a lot since then.

    It may even have been run at 30. I remember using it on Ice Golems.

    Btw, how does Mirrored not increase EHP, or is the key word there "consistently" due to non-physical? It seems like it should have gotten better as time went on given that there is a lot more non-physical damage available, tho there is the proliferation of untargeted damage as well.

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