League of Legends

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Morfeas, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. poinl

    poinl I need me some PIE!

    His W is cute, but i'v found him to not actually be that strong.
    Iv been seeing jax's dominate. He's even stronger than i thought he would be.
    I'm playing AD malzahar for free wins atm. The malz minions kill turrets/inhibs in about 3-4 seconds. And anyone you ult is beyond dead.
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    alistar is everywhere
  3. poinl

    poinl I need me some PIE!

    Oh, and never let eve go through. My god.
  4. Pico

    Pico I need me some PIE!

    @ Jazzman1221
    URF Xin Zhao is very fun. Try it out sometime man. Slay them Galidudes.
  5. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    I prefer Wukong. Same playstyle as Xin with 10x more juke potential. It's just too hilarious watching those Zed spammers ult the clone every time.
  6. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Ap wukong troll spotted
  7. poinl

    poinl I need me some PIE!

    Ludens echo wukong works on urf.
  8. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    xin is better 1v1 and at taking objectives tho. hes also easier to play.
  9. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    several supports are super broken at medium/low elo. blitz is nuts, leona, and taric are broke as well. blitz grab is super easy to land and pretty much guarantees death for whoever gets hit by it. tarics invulnerability ult is just stupid and leona all in is similar to blitz grab in ensuring instant death for whoevers hit by it.
  10. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Xin is also boring and linear. I can't stand playing him.
  11. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    hes fun too me, especially with warring kingdoms or viscero skin. strong at duels, farming, ganking, and snowballs easy.
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    English however, apparently is not.
  13. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    honestly leagues ranked system is garbage and extremely inaccurate. It's pretty much a waste of time at low elo, you might eventually get to your proper ranking after a few hundred or thousand games but you just dont have enough impact in these 5v5 matches and it ranks you only based on your win% which will likely be 50% regardless of your skill level.(unless your especially bad or especially good)

    league ranked has terrible matchmaking/extremely unbalanced teams, an afk like every 10 games, and feeders/trolls/unskilled players who should be playing bots much more often.

    I duod with poinl and we were the best players in nearly every game we played and got exactly 0 lp after about 10-20 games.

    also all of this is made worse by the time it takes to play each game, the game doesnt even let you surrender until the 20minute mark.

    most of the time the games are decided by who you get on your team from the games poor matchmaking system.

    it might be different once you reach gold or plat but probably not. Its amazing to me that you can get a team that goes 2-20(and be the only player that does well) or a player who just disconnects and still be forced to play at least 20 minutes and still lose 20 lp. Games been up like 10 years and they still havent fixed these major flaws with the system that would be simple to fix if anyone put any time/thought into fixing them.

    smurfs also have a very negative impact on low elo and low elo players ranks and make low/mid elo rankings even more inaccurate.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
  14. Gaverion

    Gaverion I need me some PIE!

    You and I must not be playing the same game. When I first started out I was bronze 4 by the end of that season I was bronze 2. Last season I played a decent amount and ended up in silver. As I got better my rank improved consistently. Do random afks happen? Yes but they are the minority.
    BurnPyro likes this.
  15. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    bronze 4 to bronze 2? lol...
  16. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    ironically you're in bronze 5

    you're such a delusional person it's a miracle you haven't got your own reality show yet so other people can laugh at your utter stupidity and failure
  17. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    burnpyro is mad because he sucks at league and pox.
  18. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Not as cool as AP Trundle.
  19. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    why is everyone banninc new taric? havent even gotten to try it yet
  20. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    You just answered your own question.
    IMAGIRL likes this.

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