Game of Thrones, Season 6

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Ohmin, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    So Arya reacts to stab wounds as humans do while humans around her act like humans do and Dorne was badly done?

    is there a point to this?
  2. Saandro

    Saandro I need me some PIE!

    No she should be dead. Do you even understand what kind of damage twisting the knife does? And she just falls into water and still has energy to pull herself out and move. And humans just stare at a little girl bleeding to death in front of them? No, this isn't how humans act. Maybe you would, idk. They should be rushing to help her ffs. I like how you say Dorne is bad as if this makes the rest less bad. No it doesn't. It's like people think saying ''Dorne is bad'' means they are being objective because they admitted one part sucks. The rest sucks too.
  3. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Wow Saandro has never seen a stabbing and doesn't know what bystander syndrome is.

    what a noob.
  4. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    you mean that big guard in dorne? that knife was poisoned probably. or his acting was bad. as for Rickon's reaction to seeing shaggy dog's head, I think that happened during his capture and he's had time to adjust.
    Geressen likes this.
  5. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Hotah shouldn't have gone down the way he did, he kicked ass in the books.
    Ohmin likes this.
  6. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Sidenote if small Jon Umber is indeed truthfully loyal to the Boltons then he is such a dissapointment compared to the great Jon Umber.

  7. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Clearly the daughters of Dorne know more about killing someone with a knife and/or poison than one of the trainers at the most feared and powerful assassins guild in the world renowned for never failing their assignment (and being particularly good with targeted use of poison).


    That said I'm with Gerressen on the crowd's reaction (even if it seems obvious to me that someone will actually end up helping her and that a large part of the issue is the show playing up the drama/suspense, if they wanted the character dead they'd have shown her getting killed... and then everyone would be pissed about why the show spent so long on a dead-end deviating from the books when that time could have been spent on Griff or Stoneheart or having Dorne actually be a good storyline). Which would be even more true in a world like that of the story where people might have to worry about WHY a random girl is bleeding out before being willing to help.
  8. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    the show has gotten so bad, so many unbelievable, soap-opera resurrections and coincidences. Characters do things without clear motivation. Just poor writing, really.
    Lop and Saandro like this.
  9. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

  10. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Aren't almost all of those in the books? Or obviously going to be in the books eventually?

    I mean, if anything, the show is much more deadly than the books. With more stick-to-itiveness for those deaths.

    I guess one could argue that the books do a better job of presenting them and have their contrivances to allow for them handled much better.

    @Gerressen: That comic makes it look like she got naked while everything was burning, rather than her clothes having burned off, which makes that... very strange.
  11. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Leaked scene of Arya and the waif facing off in the next episode
  12. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    i like wen piccolo rips his arm off and regrows it.
  13. Lop

    Lop The King of Potatoes

    stopped watching after season 4. decided to give it another chance. one things for sure. mr wu of deadwood isn't gonna be happy.
  14. Zetsu

    Zetsu The King of Potatoes

    It seems the show can do no right by peoples standards. There are more ressurections in the books. Cry if someone isn't ressurected, cry if they are. I personally wish Jon was gone for good. Motiviation isn't clear so it must be bad writing... I bet you had Oberyn died exactly how he did and it wasn't written in the books yet, you would still cry. Why didn't Oberyn finish The Mountain? Writers are terrible, they massacred a skilled warrior. Why did they kill him? Something like that. There are some things I question but its very minor.

    I actually felt the first season was the weakest. The lines felt rushed to me. The main thing that had me hooked was Viserys + Dany relationship, and Arya. Now I enjoy almost all the cast except Jon.
    Geressen likes this.
  15. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    as they say: Haters gonna hate.
  16. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Given I'd read the books, I wasn't "butthurt" by it, but I did think it was a shame that we'll never see Barristan and Tyrion interact on the show as a result. But to be honest I probably miss Strong Belwas' existence more, as far as characters in that region go.
    Geressen likes this.
  17. Zetsu

    Zetsu The King of Potatoes

    Really enjoy that episode. I'm not really one for big battles but I really enjoyed that one. The dragons roaring or growling sent shivers down my spine. Some really nice music too.
  18. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    (Yes, that was relevant.)
  19. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    I thought the whole Daenerys and Asha Greyjoy meeting this episode was much feminist empowerment, but it was done in good taste. The new Ghostbuster's movie on the other hand is a trainwreck of epic proportions (feminists trying way too hard to push their agenda).
    jeeperz2 likes this.
  20. Zetsu

    Zetsu The King of Potatoes

    Not really forcing them as super badasses. George has been building both of these characters up from the very start, it has nothing to do with feminism. Show's narrative is books narrative but sped up. People complained about George being too slow in the books and the show writers for being too fast. It's like I said a few days ago, you can't seem to win. People want to complain about the smallest of details.
    Geressen likes this.

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