To Balance or RageQuit to a Miss Click: New Players Beware

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by aseryen, Nov 26, 2017.

  1. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    i understand, knowing how it went, maybe also they woldnt have accepted sony's project. still, now here's what we have. I'm not happy with the state of the game, but I would be a lot less happy if i didnt have a game at all. I think also this is the feeling of most players that are still here playing. The ones who couldnt bear this state, already left, or are watching and waiting for a definitive verson.
  2. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    There was private beta testing on the client.

    & the old client was a jumbled mess of code that was so ****ed up it made fixing simple bugs excruciatingly difficult. Theres been nothing but positive steps since the client was released & if thats still not good enough then feel free to leave & spare us the *****ing
  3. Silveraine

    Silveraine I need me some PIE!

    Not sure why you are so bent up on making 'us' leave. If you want the forums just to be a bundle of joy and happiness then I'm sorry. Sometimes harsh words need to be spoken out, how else would the devs know what the population is thinking? Light cannot exist without darkness.

    Look I have no issues with waiting and watching as well, that is what I have been doing for the past 6 months. But I felt these points needed attention so I brought them out. If my words made anyone cry then I'm sorry. But I wish nothing but the best for the game.
  4. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    I understand your point. Nobody wants to censor the forum and make it a oasis of joy. If you look, even most dev-supportive players like me or ethe or themacca, have made numerous posts about problems of the game/bugs/needed fixes etc. what we are trying to oppose to are the posts made only to rage without any other utility.
    aseryen and Etherielin like this.
  5. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    Darkness is just the abcense of light though... It's not really a quantifiable entity. You don't measure darkness, just like you don't measure cold - you measure the absence of heat.

    Business major in college btw
  6. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    PSN has everything at their fingertips, and yet are lacking some of the largest resources available to pox players. On the other hand PC users are bombarded with a poor client that is an exact mirror of PSN?

    Fundamentals a Basic Programmer/Coder should know:
    Toggle: On/Off
    Set: Active/Inactive
    Mouse/Screen Coordinates

    Input Controls:
    Single Click
    Double Click
    Left Click
    Right Click
    Middle Mouse Click
    Click Hold
    Click Drag
    Scroll Up
    Scroll Down

    It is hard for me to sit here and have players talk as if they were part of some kumbayah cult and that the reasons for players being around now trumps the reasons why players left. Add insult to injury that we get a Client without a programmer that understands basic input functions or the fact whoever is overseeing them doesn't, I'm aware it's not just one person to blame. I so adamantly call out @Sokolov and @Senshu because if they are our team captains, it's time to delegate others, and if they have it is up to those individuals to step up as Team Leaders and make their voices heard formally in a way the greens/devs seem to be refusing.

    That being said; I've actually made some useful content other than gameplay videos that point out some of the glaring features I dislike in the client. The filter and hotkeys have been fixed which was a good sign QOL was being worked on. It's a compounded injury and it gets worse by the fact we have had delay after delay which causes players to engage in the game less and less, while also bringing out the true loyalists that will play no matter what. Issue here is the loyalists don't represent the community accurately or even the state of the game enough to warrant that the loyalists here now have any more claim to play this game than the ones who left expecting more.

    I would like to argue that the ones who took a hiatus are doing more good than some of us sticking around; I left due to an injury over the summer and can't really get into playing the game turn by turn but I have always loved deck crafting and theorizing which is just as much if not more Poxnora than the individual matches. Understanding deck composition and finding strengths and weaknesses in a rune comes from both the battlegrounds and in the manager.

    I would like those that can @Gnomes @nepyonisdead @Markoth @MaruXV @Etherielin to sit down, idc if youre drunk or high doing it either, but if you could do this for the community...not calling you out to be hostile, I'm just suggesting some alternative content. The spectate feature won't be going anywhere ;)

    Record your Screen:
    Launching & Logging into the Client
    Opening the Deck Manager
    Build a Deck
    - use the filters heavily
    - discuss something
    - suggest something

    The purpose for this is to demonstrate 1:1 how you build your decks so if you use the Rune Manager/Checklist or any other resource make note of that in your video. The PSN community will most likely only use the ingame client so that is something to make note of as well.

  7. Silveraine

    Silveraine I need me some PIE!

    Was never trying to quantify anything, but ok. Good info.
  8. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    But we do measure what cannot be measured, even if that data cannot be comprehended. right? Dark v Light made me think of black holes so that's where I was goin.

    Light is to Active Players as Darkness is to Absent Players? Which gets on the topic of Active vs Inactive and Forum vs Client player kind of
  9. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    i would love to make some videos but , you know, its not like im doing this as a job. Neither is Ethe, or Gnomes, or others. So everybody decides what he can do for the game with the time and resources he has.
    I can talk only for myself. I was planning to make bg build + match videos all the time but there are 2 problems: time/organization and language. English is my third language so my pronunce is not properly perfect, and that might be a minus on the video quality. Also to make a decent video you dont just sit down and register what you are doing. You plan, prepare content, find a decent co- caster and then register. all of this needs time and preparation, and i struggle a bit to find it, as a fulltime company owner with hobbys, a wife and daughter. most of the time i have free time in pox, I prefer to take it lightly and just play. But I already contacted some players in the past to record some videos, maybe ill do it for real. Now im focusing on managing tournaments, and there is a big one coming so...
  10. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    If I had to guess, it is probably only measures by relating it to quantifiable data (light refraction in the case of a black hole)

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