Comments on Profile Post by mw24

  1. profhulk
    Speaking from experience Kartch had alot of sand bag abilities before his changes(sustain, damage shield poison). Now it isn't as much of a tempo hit when he gets one rounded at his 81 nora cost as opposed to his previous 93 nora cost. I am sad that he lost regen, 2 armor and 7 hps off his base. The regen should have stayed but I dont miss the poison 3 change to poison 1.
    Jul 22, 2015
  2. mw24
    kartch hasn't had sustain or damage shield physical for a long time. He lost 2 def, 7 hp, regen 3, and poison 5. He gained hunter giant and precision.(neither ability is useful against most opponents yet cost him around 10 nora)
    Jul 22, 2015
  3. mw24
    damage shield poison*

    on a ranged unit, poison 5 is almost always better than poison 3. It certainly was on kartch.
    Jul 22, 2015
  4. profhulk
    I miss the rank 3 poison and regen, Nothing I can do about these changes. Seems like they want to make Kartch easier to kill so they can buff up IS some more.
    Jul 22, 2015