Comments on Profile Post by mw24

  1. mw24
    dot should be given more to 5 max ranges instead of 6 and 7s and range units in general shouldn't have nearly as much access to dot 4 and 5 as they do now.

    dot should cost less on melee than it does on range.
    Mar 10, 2016
  2. mw24
    some spell effects are able to be dispelled while it seems the majority are not, this doesnt make much sense.
    Mar 10, 2016
  3. themacca
    there's already abilities that give you nora to attacking. why would they just change it from a negative ability to a positive one that does exactly the same as other abilities in the game. Do you think about things you post.
    Mar 11, 2016
  4. mw24
    nora induction isnt beneficial on any of the champs its on, the ability is trash.
    Mar 11, 2016