Comments on Profile Post by mw24

  1. mw24
    shrines need more hp/damage resistance and avatars need to be immune to dot and have a cap on have much damage they take from soulstrike. shrines should play a more defensive role and should have customizable abilities. Avatars should play more of a commander role, buffing/supporting units.
    Jun 18, 2016
  2. mw24
    illusions probably need to be reworked, they arent very much use unless cheesing people by placing relics in fonts or blocking champions, costing way more ap than they should to get past.
    Jun 18, 2016
  3. mw24
    avatar should be immune to rank 4 and 5 dot or all of them should have purify.
    Jun 18, 2016
  4. mw24
    the nora cost of a transfigured avatar should be reduced by at least 5 or cost a small amount upfront and be reduced by 10.
    Jun 18, 2016
  5. mw24
    nora mine, deepcave extractor, and marsh song all need nerfs/reworks. nora gen units should do more than just gen nora.
    Jun 18, 2016