Comments on Profile Post by MikeLin

  1. kalasle
    I take it you were watching my game...
    Aug 16, 2016
  2. mw24
    the fw bonus is garbage. certain runes in the faction were created with the weak fw faction bonus in mind(kinda like IS to a lesser extent) but that still doesnt make up for how bad the fw faction bonus actually is.
    IS and FW faction bonus should be reworked imo.(fw's asap)
    Aug 16, 2016
  3. mw24
    anybody that says it doesnt suck, probably doesnt play it frequently at a high level, or use it often against skilled competition.
    Aug 16, 2016
  4. Ballballer
    ^It doesnt suck
    Aug 17, 2016
  5. mw24
    @Ballballer says the sp main with a nora gen faction bonus.
    Aug 17, 2016
  6. mw24
    @Ballballer if the fw bonus is so great lets have fw and sp trade bonus.
    Aug 17, 2016