Comments on Profile Post by nepyonisdead

  1. Alakhami
    You probably have low blood pressure. I have the same effect from coffee.
    Oct 8, 2017
  2. nepyonisdead
    Any idea how to work around it? I generally work better at night and I used to drink a lot of energy drinks before so I am trying to stop that.
    Oct 8, 2017
  3. MaruXV
    dont drink coffe, hit yourself with a staff on the nose, it should help to stay awake.
    Oct 8, 2017
  4. nepyonisdead
    I dont have a staff but I have a heavy dictionary I never opened before would it work? also how many doses of that therapy do I need?
    Oct 8, 2017
  5. Alakhami
    Try green tea or herbal tea, excercise everyday. If I need to stay awake I always have an energy reserve due to a strict healthy diet and a strong affirmation. But really the latter should be enough.
    Oct 8, 2017
  6. Alakhami
    Also, you can drink Cichorium which is very similar to coffee -- both in taste and in the invigorating effect -- but without coffeine. Though you might not have it in your city.
    Oct 8, 2017
  7. nepyonisdead
    yup I am fairly active and in good shape ((if I may say so)) but the green tea is solid advise I heard the same from other friends too :) will get on it thanks buddy
    Oct 8, 2017