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I need me some PIE!, Male

hello, just wandering if anyone has a UD harb for trade :) Dec 16, 2019

nepyonisdead was last seen:
Jan 7, 2025
    1. IMAGIRL
      Happy Birthday!
      1. nepyonisdead
        Jan 2, 2021
    2. nepyonisdead
      hello, just wandering if anyone has a UD harb for trade :)
      1. MogaBait
        Are you still looking for a UD harby?
        Dec 21, 2019
    3. nepyonisdead
      Video tutorials for new players --> Check out video section on the forums for details
    4. nepyonisdead
      Lads check out the small challenge under the videos section and sign up if u are interested :)
      1. sWeNibor likes this.
    5. nepyonisdead
      If this is the end then I just wanna say it was an absolute pleasure you bunch of whiny trash talking suckas and ill miss the lot of you
      1. Willow, MaruXV, Gnomes and 1 other person like this.
      2. Axeraiser
        wish you were around for the glory days bud
        Jul 6, 2018
    6. nepyonisdead
      if u wanna be in the next poxhunter episode please give me a shout now
    7. nepyonisdead
      Today I was asked a question by one of my teachers, I refused to answer citing attorney client privilege.
      1. nepyonisdead
        He is forming a committee to investigate my alleged collusion with the cafeteria
        Dec 9, 2017
    8. nepyonisdead
      Its a pleasure to see the game coming back alive :) here is hoping the the old school best make a comeback so i can face em for a good comp
      1. Etherielin and MaruXV like this.
      2. badgerale
        Despite everything - bugs, lack of chat, lack of features - the game itself is good.
        Dec 3, 2017
      3. nepyonisdead
        100% agreed and as far as balance goes I am more than delighted with the state of the game, people who think any one faction is so overly unbalanced need to just watch old youtube videos of pox 5 or 6 years ago
        Dec 3, 2017
      4. badgerale
        Yeah, and not just balance. The game play itself has improved - all the overloaded superchamps with 20 abilities are gone and each champ is costed properly.
        Dec 3, 2017
    9. nepyonisdead
      I am doing an IS bg builder / match recording with the one and only markoth.. so if you are around drop by at 8 pm UK Time on discord
      1. MaruXV
        So he is finally going to teach you how to build a decent bg? ^_^
        Nov 27, 2017
      2. nepyonisdead
        You are assuming I am teachable ... poor markoth will have to give up for the first time in his life
        Nov 27, 2017
    10. nepyonisdead
      Removing the fq feature should be permanent, People are finally stepping up to whatever they get matched. This is the right mentality to pox
      1. OriginalG1 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Bondman007
        Now instead of FQ request they just DC and leave ya hanging for 4 minutes...bring back FQ
        Nov 24, 2017
      4. nepyonisdead
        yeah but at least people will actually try and improve by facing people like tiny and co. The fact that you qued should mean that you indirectly declared you are ready to face any bg on any map vs any player.
        Nov 24, 2017
      5. potatonuts
        Oh and FW mirrors suck, nobody wants that.
        Nov 24, 2017
    11. nepyonisdead
      Despite not liking jon snow and the fact that he is dating ygritte in real life....but DAMN that king in the north scene gets me every time
    12. nepyonisdead
      Tried watching the big short again.... I didnt understand jack Bane Shift again but damn did i enjoy it
      1. IPhoenixl likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. nepyonisdead
        It's really nice :) if you are smart enough to understand it which evidently I am not xD fW I am sure ull do better and explain it to me
        Nov 17, 2017
      4. IPhoenixl
        dam me.. i was going to watch it yesterday (only time free for this week) then i saw that the new "the strangers " movie is out so i had to watch the first one..... maybe later but try the strangers if u love thrillers and scary movies :)
        Nov 17, 2017
      5. nepyonisdead
        Will do
        Nov 18, 2017
    13. nepyonisdead
      So I am asking yall to get creative and come up with a cool new name tag for me to take it into battle, PS: maxxarek references are prefered
      1. View previous comments...
      2. nepyonisdead
        @themacca you know me in ways even my therapist doesnt xD
        Nov 8, 2017
      3. darklord48
        Maxximum Carnage
        Nov 8, 2017
      4. nepyonisdead
        love that one
        Nov 8, 2017
    14. nepyonisdead
      I think I conditioned myself to fall asleep after coffee because every time I have one to stay awake I end up sleeping 30 mins later
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Alakhami
        Try green tea or herbal tea, excercise everyday. If I need to stay awake I always have an energy reserve due to a strict healthy diet and a strong affirmation. But really the latter should be enough.
        Oct 8, 2017
      3. Alakhami
        Also, you can drink Cichorium which is very similar to coffee -- both in taste and in the invigorating effect -- but without coffeine. Though you might not have it in your city.
        Oct 8, 2017
      4. nepyonisdead
        yup I am fairly active and in good shape ((if I may say so)) but the green tea is solid advise I heard the same from other friends too :) will get on it thanks buddy
        Oct 8, 2017
    15. nepyonisdead
      Lads someone leaked the new GoT episode
      1. IPhoenixl likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Phynixe
        Someone link it to me please.
        Aug 16, 2017
      4. nepyonisdead
        nepyonisdead not the best site but it will do for this one ;)
        Aug 16, 2017
      5. potatonuts
        there is an HD version on piratebay
        Aug 17, 2017
    16. nepyonisdead
      ever wonder what happens if u equip a pincushion with demon shield? does he eat double the arrows, or does he fly higher during th animation
      1. Xiven likes this.
      2. nepyonisdead
        #food for thought
        #late night snacks
        #free the hashtag
        Aug 15, 2017
    17. nepyonisdead
      just started watching Tudors and can I say Natalie dormer is just perfection defined
      1. Excalibur95 likes this.
      2. Agirgis1
        never heard of this show before, high rating, looks interesting.... gonna give it a go
        Aug 14, 2017
      3. nepyonisdead
        It's very tedious buddy and it takes a while to build up, but if you have nothing else to watch give it a go :)
        Aug 14, 2017
    18. nepyonisdead
      Game of thrones is back baby :) so here is question of the day... who do you THINK will sit on the iron throne and who do you Want it to be
      1. View previous comments...
      2. nepyonisdead
        dany surely wont take the iron throne simply because its too good to be true as you said and also because of a foreshadowing scene back in S2 ( the house of the undying vision)
        Jul 16, 2017
      3. Vote Kanye 2020
        Vote Kanye 2020
        I'm going to go with the night king. Would be funny if they set up a massive war between all of westeros and the white walkers, then the white walkers just demolish them. Seems like a George R R Martin thing do.
        Jul 18, 2017
      4. nepyonisdead
        The night king is much more powerful in the books too and technically he can literally just own them all right now, also with the dany vs cersei war they should be outnumbered 20:1
        Jul 19, 2017
    19. nepyonisdead
      Lads whats your favourite pizza topping? I am tired of ordering the same Bane Shift and want some new creative ideas.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Geressen
        broccolu and carrots go well in pasta sace but I never trued tgem on pizza.
        Jul 14, 2017
      3. Geressen
        im typing this wgule lying on my back head swivveled sideways towards lapyop so bad typing.
        Jul 14, 2017
      4. darklord48
        When ordering American style pizza, I go with pepperoni and jalapeƱo, sausage and olives, or if you can find it, sausage and sauerkraut.
        Jul 14, 2017
    20. nepyonisdead
      What game of thrones character describes your personality best?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. nepyonisdead
        ..... I dont even know how to respond. I truly know nothing
        Jul 3, 2017
      3. themacca
        Jul 3, 2017
      4. nepyonisdead
        oh macca xD you know me too well <3
        Jul 4, 2017
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