a critique of leoss

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by sassquatch, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

    A whole giant Leoss devoted thread without the word Protoss or Starcraft. Wow.
  2. Dwlr

    Dwlr I need me some PIE!

    Leoss for me are in a better place then they have been since their conception. Personally I find their racials to be fine as is. If you don't look at a race with tunnel vision as you have you can see that they aren't the only sufferers of losing abilities in order to use their racial ability so that too is fine IMO. The biggest thing I'd like to see is the ability to be able to include Mosharn and Hraken in the same group, they belong to the same theme and to my knowledge they don't have lore that should keep them separated like Garin and Kiergana would be so why not? They'd need to be adjusted to compensate a bit, but I don't see why it'd be a major problem to allow certain groups to have 2 re-toned split heroes just to double down into the theme. Compensating for some slight over-cost with some under-cost in certain roles can be used to balance the theme as a whole out. This has very little to do with anything regarding the state of the game, but some people do play highland decks and without Hraken the Leoss lack range so IMO you're kind of forced to take him in such a group just to have a decent spread, while the game clearly doesn't support the highland playstyle it seems a little silly to forsake it entirely when a theme gets enough runes to run a diverse battle group of that nature. Additionally I find it a little off-putting that Mosharn essentially has a mini-Mosharn and there is no Hraken substitute. Mosharn seems like a unit that could have dual Pride and Soul of Ailur with some minor adjustments, it'd help with the pride units who tend to be frontlines anyway to increase the Soul presence there since the a lot of the soul units either are range or not really front-line material. I find it upsetting at times that they don't have some sort of healing option on their units outside a single unit with Heal Mass and given their cost they're meant to last a bit with the abilities that bypass Def being as they are Mosharn and the Wall of Ailur still can take substantial damage and it'd be nice to be able to heal them in some way. I honestly feel that the split races would be better suited being an entirely new faction, they're not getting much love in terms of getting new additions aside from the odd the Undead Tortun and new faction would let you tailor their faction bonus, rework Hraken and Mosharn and in terms of the other races there already exists some precedent to excluding one rune if you have the other with Grimlic of K'thir and Menalaus, granted they're more or less the same card, but it shows it can be done so they could do again if they wanted it's not as if certain runes couldn't simply become splits of the new races either. The Ailurite Brother forces a split with K'thir last I checked and if you're running a pure Leoss group it'd be nice to have that potential option in your group without forcing the split so making the Ailurite Brother a Leoss/K'thir split would work there and open other runes to the same treatment as well as potential new design space with that in mind. Hraken is the UD Leoss, so even if they don't rework the factions it'd be nice to have a few other IS/UD Leoss just to make things a bit easier on the UD split full Leoss group and he's not the only one that potentially suffers from this issue, Mangleshell is in the same situation being FS/SL split where the Tortuns are mostly FS/KF. For the Leoss faction they surely have a King laying around which could either be a Hero or an Avatar. It seems like overly wishful thinking on a theme/race that seems to be dead and ended to go through each individual one when they don't seem to be getting any spells, relics, equipment, or champions built specifically for their theme like other themes have been getting, so I'll leave it at my general thoughts and even those aren't fully fleshed out and are just ideas since I don't even think the split races will get looked at in the theme rework.

    -Mosharn and Hraken in the same group through an ability or through becoming Heroes for a new faction.
    -Leoss Faction to rework the theme from scratch with a custom bonus.
    -New Leoss such as a Leoss King as a hero or avatar for a Leoss Faction
    -Healing support Leoss
    -Mosharn getting Pride and Soul of Ailur
    -Hraken substitute like Wall of Ailur is a sub for Mosharn when running Hraken
    -More IS/UD Leoss to support full Leoss Hraken split with UD, 16 champs max and that makes all your utility cards UD doesn't seem right when Mosharn can take IS and ST utility cards with impunity in his 'natural' split. *I realize Hraken can run the same split as Mosharn and miss out the Underdepths, but the Underdepths has options I like for the Leoss, been playing them with Bloodstained Claws and of course Sacrifice and Retribution sort of goes with their high(er) Nora Cost.

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