Abilites being gained randomly

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by aseryen, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    Perhaps this is just me not knowing some of the new runes out or the combat log missing interactions (which would be a bug)

    The first time I noticed abilities on my units without me realizing it I searched the combat log and right where it would have notified me had anything happened there was an error message and it said that it was reported and my issue would be checked, I didn't do anything that was a prompt I received and again that was my first time noticing the added abilities.

    Just today I was playing a skirmish match, I have it paused so I can type and possible report back later. I have a Rockforger deployed against an UD/FW group and when a rockling spawned that very turn it had homing sense and mobility.

    This may be a spell and if it is the AI cast it on my unit which would/should be a bug and checked, also if it is a spell the interaction was also not logged in the combat log.
  2. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    Yes it is a spell :)
  3. Burcho

    Burcho I need me some PIE!

    probably boundless enthousiasm
  4. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    ty, didn't know where to start looking. Will have to check it out.

    Edit: yeah I shouldn't always use poxbase to check. I know it's and expansion or two behind sometimes.
  5. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    It's several expansions behind all the time and will be more and more so.
    In otherwords, whoever used to update it either no longer plays or doesn't care. It's a dead website.
    (I do really miss it though. As far as I know it was the only way to easily search for split faction runes, or runes with specific abilities.)
  6. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    Currently only behind with Spirits and it was updated with Visions of Amareth during this Expansion (Spirits Beyond) regardless, poxbase can be a year out of date and simply because it is faster to build a deck than in-client or in the runemanager you are almost doing less work using an outdated 3rd party site and then referencing what runes you have further questions on in the rune checklist. I always have multiple tabs open to build on bg.

    Far off from the OP and definitely not about the bug anymore however, let's go here because it's only a month old convo of something I know I've been asking for since 2012, I'm fairly certain I remember when poxbase was created and I refused to use it because it was a 3rd party site, I had barely used poxbox at the time, back when I was trying to trade with players for runes and I kept telling myself that if Pox was ever going to have a future they would have their own trader and database.
  7. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    yeah, sure thanks.
  8. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    Note original post still valid

    Since it was Boundless Enthusiasm, there was still no note of it in the combat log
  9. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    The AI seems to think that all spells should be used against the opponent regardless of their effect.
  10. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    Doesn't it make sense albeit a lot a of work, to have conditions on some runes that the AI listens to. When I went to the local hookah lounge a few years ago I talked a lot with the owner about AI (idr what exactly but it was his job to code) and how most interactions don't actually need to be coded just possibilities granted. Obviously it's more complex than that but AI is a larger feature than pvp and while it's not ever going to replace it having an unintelligent AI makes is counterintuitive

    When was the last overhaul to AI? I think it was around when DoGz got hold of Pox or just before that under SOE, however when it did get changed it was noticeably better. I'm just waiting for the day where the AI might be challenging up to a couple rounds after the first font contest. At this point in time most games the maps are what make the AI less and less intelligent.

    It'd be great if there was a page where you could log in and vote on how the AI interacts with other runes. A random bg would be selected like skirmisher and 4/5/6/7 runes would be randomly selected from that bg. Similar to a captcha but nothing to verify against, just gain data on how others would place which rune when/where and on what. If I had any idea where to begin on this I absolutely would.

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