As an IS main: Sarcastic post or hard truths from a vet?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Anotherblackman, Feb 25, 2021.

  1. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    it’s funny how you bring up bastion. I literally redesigned him. I suggested the iteration that is current bastion because combo attack devastate was so terrible. Now you are saying I do this for every single rune in the game because I have to “love every rune” and hope they are coddled into existence. I gotta pray every yes men with eye balls doesn’t see my thread and be like “how dare you suggest IS get amp healing!” And me be like do you want to keep 40 people in your game? Or want to make a fun game.

    never mind that on my final year of playing, I played. I played and I played. I know the maps maybe have gotten better but me just looking at the tunes and the best champions that have been changed since then... is Favored Nomad. Never mind the tons of legendary, and limited runes. No it’s Fiona the reskin.

    I looked at about 200 runes before I came back here. Guess what. Lich king got better than he was! Sure he might have too since units like dead fairy existed and any unit like crossbones was probably gutted beyond belief( I remember @TeaScholar saying something about this) but still to compare a super range unit like that and say that” I’m losing credibility “ is just crazy. You say “if I play x this way then the way you play is terrible”

    you don’t know what I used my arch Angel for. Maybe I only had 1-2 melee unit in my deck and it was a scale armor flying paladin with purification minus bastion with warding and minus talgar with shielding.

    Now the game is saying “hey stupid get talgar and play talger! He is good in every deck and every situation!” If I wanted a heavy specialty unit like those units I would pick those units. Now your saying for arch Angel to get immortality in this thread would be pointless. You are shitting on my suggestions in the thread. Lmao. This community is both nonexistent and hive minded yes men. Out of one person in this thread he actually put away the troll out of all these names I have seen in threads to slaughter countless runes. A complete no name I have no clue of has more humility to admit that IS is trash on sight and to give me a way to appeal to this “game” and have the changes implemented.

    But I ask you this... where is my money for me helping design this game? I want on a team or something for some compensation if imma be doing common sense work. If a designer and is playing his game and is saying “I’m glad thing are working” sure that’s great. But if he’s more content with that than let’s say... pushing the boundaries of deck building because it would make “thinking Xcom style” too hard well then I wouldn’t even be heard.
  2. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    What kind of delusion are you experiencing?
  3. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Yes, they are liberals, listening to reasonable suggestions aren't in the cards, and if you present math to back up your claims they think it's hate speech.
  4. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Wait, you designed the game. The game is trash. And you want someone to pay you for it?

    Also funny is that Talgar is rarely run anymore and bastion is in most every IS deck.

    Personally I think the problem is that you were quite good at the game for a while, then lost your mojo with it. Rather than accepting that your not playing as well, or putting in effort to get up to speed, you look to blame the runes.

    Every time you come back you play a bit, lose, then rage at how terrible IS is.

    But why do you expect to suddenly win as much as when you were playing your best? It takes time and effort to get back to that level.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2021
  5. Karmavore


    Oh Iajab... You're next level insane.
    Never change buddy.
  6. Karmavore


    You're giving the man a little too much credit to his delusion of being rank 1, even ranked highly among all the other big names is laughable at best. He's like Igor, or Vamipro. Definitely not bad, but not good either...
    He's always has this mindset, mindless zealot always *****ing never overcoming.
  7. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    Summary of this thread:
    BurnPyro likes this.
  8. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    "No... not like it being immortal, was it’s main appeal to anyone with a brain. It was the only champion that could eat 5 Essenes drains, and soul reaver and soul reaves, dooms, retribution’s, hammer strikes, you get the point. “Oh Euan is great at 84 nora! Listen to me tell you what’s great!” I’m telling you I had a champion that filled that role easy by being what he currently is, except when he used to die, it used to not matter if FS drowned him."

    So you want a champ to be able to eat 5 essence drains, and soul reaver, and soul reaves, dooms, retributions, hammer strikes ? Doesn't that make your entire argument void though ? Your now arguing for a rune that would be beyond broken ? How is your arch angel getting drowned, I didn't know flying champs could be drowned unless they were grounded, given it says that right in the text of drown.

    Didn't come back to save face man, I came back because I felt bad everyone was ganging up on you. Tried to think up solutions to the runes you listed because I believe you do have some points here, but it is not super constructive the way you voiced those concerns, so I I tried to help you out there. As far as the hive mindset, I agree with that, but a lot of the players that made these forums unbearable aren't here anymore which is good.

    Either way good luck whether you decide to continue playing or not.
    Varthas likes this.
  9. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    hell yeah I expect some sort of payment. The reason why bastion is still being played is because I went into the thread where people were suggesting trash. I recall someone wanted bastions speed to be reduced to 6, and he gain bezerker 3 in exchange for losing any and everything save for stone clan( ya know when it gave unstoppable and tough 3)

    when I seen that I developed, first the concept then a final iteration that they thought “hey this is basically how Bastion plays... why not”

    Minus unstoppable, add warding, boost cost to insane levels just cuz, and you got yourself a decent rune that is most definitely overpowered in the current setting and WILL be nerfed again, especially since anything outlying is “bad for game balance”

    but let’s say I put that amount of development and care and thought process(I thought it was common sense from a designer perspective) into every single, and I would... in video form of course cause I’m not typing Bane Shift for these devs to just ignore, and would rather make something that, got Mortar Crew revamped. To this day, I swear the current Mortar team is cause of me, and if you think it’s OP. Good. And it will be nerfed.
    hell Medic was nerfed to gain a physical attack because he was “too cheap” and you know what the did? They removed immunize! They called it “consolidation” no that’s you cucking something and you have no clue what you are doing. I had to immediately start a thread and you know what a jackass of a developer said to me, and everyone in the thread?”Oh I didn’t know it was such a signature ability and was actually used in the game” Well when you designed a faction to be ran around healing, diseased is on demand inhibit... That’s when I asked myself... Do I have to spell it out for every single rune in the game to these people with the knobs and switches?

    After 5 years my influence lives alive in this game and it’s either a baseline for balance for it’s about to be kneecapped for the final time by people who don’t know how to make a fun game. It shows how far this game has fallen from actually being a tactical game to being a card table top game for yesmen.
    After I saw the direction that the “developers” didn’t know Bane Shift, I gave up not only on IS, but the entire game. We are paying people to listen to our ideas? Why can’t they make choices that I applaud instead of loath? I wish I could call Hugo Martin and tell him to add “hey I love your game but add this feature to DOOM” or Call up the GoW4 designer and tell him to change XYZ cause it would be funner. I have posted tons of Reddit’s asking for the simple things to be added by CoD MW by activision... were they ever implemented?

    The development including the player base has forced the remaining players to hold the reins to the jackass of a game and they have become spoiled and also entitled and because I come out of no where, serve y’all with a thread with the same amount of entitlement that I saw both back then and currently to this game... and tons of the yes mans can’t help it, want me gone immediately...

    Karma is the pure example of why I left the game and will never return, he was “council “ member and ensured the game would never Firk with anything KF. Don’t believe me? Is vortex still a 2x rune, that if they trigger a transfiguration, vortex becomes super blink? Do you still lose games cause KF can just vortex your last 1-2 units and range spam your Bane Shift to death? Do they still got sermon, boost, regal, and surge and battle hymn, allowing them to achieve insane levels of phalanx that Was only Rivaled by Pre-nerfed IS? Do they still have better healing in the form of a 25 nora equipment and 30 nora relic that splits itself? I just saw the nerfs go live to the aspect of life... after 5 years?

    I expect every single Council member to play this game, and if they quit they destroyed this game without staying to heard the hard truth, just like they the 45th.

    I know you Badge you used to be a beast at UD, and occasionally Split deck. You used to make your decks, as I recall you used to play things that, while meta, usually had their own top 50 twist on it. Now if I was to see the top 40( can’t be 50 since there ain’t no players) would there be any variance outside of 4-10 runes? You are saying I wasn’t able to keep up, no I flat out dropped out the race... as did a couple thousand people who used to play this game. Just cause these same folks that stayed think they are the greatest all time... well you can have it.
    You are the greatest at the worst version of poxnora that ever existed.

    Most of you think this is a rant. No this is a call to action to wake y’all council yesmen up.

    mans for the record I wanted to be the “council” guy for IS. Sokolov would have hated me but I would.

    @Karmavore you really think Rank 1 is impossible... much less for me?
    I want to here you say it. I have something special for you when you do.
  10. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    Fun fact: I'm not getting paid a single dime for this and I actually spent my sweet time helping this game grow for the past 9 months instead of ranting in barely comprehensible sentences. Get off your high horse and start contributing instead of yelping about Jurassic era of Pox. These threads do nothing but pollute the forums the way you write them.
    Tweek516, Varthas and super71 like this.
  11. Karmavore


    I mean this is just highlighting how of out touch you really are and why nothing you say should be taken seriously.

    I was always lobbying behind people to nerf KF since it really didn't matter, if you where good you'd still find a way to win. You're also forgetting I was the person who basically gutted tree's so no one could complain anymore. But hey say whatever without actual facts to fit your narrative.
    The three things you mentioned don't even make the cut in theme bg's let alone meta.
    Vortex, doesnt blink anymore hasn't for years. x2 Vortex??? Really? Lol.
    Elves don't have regal presence unless you consider running Nymph with Crown of Petals.
    They've never had Sermon.
    Elf stat stacking is still a thing I guess, but this is an overlapping issue with Fan Faire being a thing.

    Your entire argument format is "IS is terrible, X has Y, and the back to IS is terrible. It's just baseless non-sense.

    You where never the type of player that could adapt, just endlessly ***** about various things that really didnt make any sense.
    You stand behind your arguments which is commendable in some degree, but you're also just Firking delusional. so idk.

    Also anyone can reach rank 1 if they spam enough games on rank reset day, which is probably what you're remembering.
    But when everyone who was considered good was playing the game, you never where never even close to breaking top 25, let alone rank Firking 1. Don't kid yourself man.
    Maybe you could get it now, since it's a Firking joke, and rank hasn't mattered for years, considering all you have to do now is dodge anyone that's good and win consistently (at least above 60%).
  12. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    @Karmavore aore thanks for making it easier to Seem much better than you imply with ease. I have time today. NUMBAH 1.png

    this photo was taken on a sunday at 10:50 pm March 5th 2013. You know it during a weekend... back when people ya know played the game and it was peaking pretty high both daily and nightly.

    Unless tiny, Warfoot(pedeguerro as i knew him) DevilRath, Indijanac and Kamune(a much better KF player than you ever were I might add) were easy people and I somehow manage to spam enough wins on those "noobs"

    I have a whole 30 point difference with Devils and tiny alone.

    So there goes your "listen to me because Im known and i know of this guy" credibility because you lied and are still lying all over me and downplaying my skills when you know for a faction i kicked your ass with All of Is'es themes meta or not, so many times, me posting this Alone is enough to trigger you and your "god" complex.

    But I Love... I absolutely I love how you take credit for KF. They have no faction identity, not to say they had much going for them since they usually dipped in every faction to find a way to make their stuff perform.
    Trees? Nothing more than the KF rip off of a summon Myx or Construct deck, with a multi attack passive build in. Elves? pfft they ripped off everyone with everything they could. The closest they got to something original was the tree burning decks, those were actually very interesting both from a design and consumer PoV. After the Sokolov thing, then what? They were a phalanx. better, faster and stronger than IS( and SL skeezicks and draksars) were and skeezick back then were crazy so that was the power of KF, top in everything across the board, in every way, with more healing, better protection spells, synergy, damage, defense utility, NORA GENERATION! KF was batshit crazy because of that algorithm and to this day(5 years later) you claim its still that way because of "fanfaire" no its that way cause you never considered fanfaire to be considered like Warcry was considered(pre nerfs because it was in KF and SP for no Firking reasons) and you could have taylored the factions around that like how for the entirety of the existence of IS is summed up by 3 runes, hammer strike, rightous Deflection, and Desperate heal. You were ineffective and it still shows to this day. People say that Im a zealot, but you are one in practice and the sad thing is if you gutted Fanfaire long ago, while you were "in charge" it wouldnt be a "problem " today. 5 years.

    You and many other have confused this thread as an IS dont got Bane Shift thread. While that is true, its more of a "game don't got Bane Shift going for it, but you wanna make expansions thread." Its not just about IS. I think of players like caine1198 whom if you would ever count him out, he would borghas bomb the Bane Shift outta your shrine. Not no more cause that wad deemed OP. Could he make anything close to a meta deck? yes. But you have told him that his playstyle needed to be phased out. I think of Fw as teascholar was my main mans on this game. he told me "not to sell out" because the game was always evolving. this was while I had 500$ on paypal and all I had to do was click yes and sellout only to buy back in the exact game for less and 20$.

    Its not @teascholars fault for having a vision. And its not my fault for listening to him. Its neither of our faults that the game is in an unplayable state for us, even during a Global Pandemic, because of the choices made by the developers(and by extension the people they appointed on the council for the time that mattered the most, Post re-launch). If i had the chance again i would take that Bane Shift so fast cause nothing I kept after 5 years looks fun, looks interesting, or valuable. I was never a collector, but I had a collection, however if I could sell out again i would. I would sell out for 150$ and be content, thats about how much money I invested in the game and with the current state im especially glad for that. The time I spent in the game however is what brought me back right here... and to see that 5 years later, its Stagnant as its ever been. 40 players online a once is an accomplishment not a failure... 600 people online is seen as an achievement. That is underneath mediocre. People have been inside for an entire year. this was poxnoras moment to come back into peoples lives slowly but if things were actually fun... It would have hit an average of 200 people because that was the average bare minimum.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2021
  13. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    This was the feedback I sent for the theme I was currently playing in the top 10: Leoss. I know for a fact at the time I was top 10 cause I mad a friendly wager with Mrbadguy, and he told me they were top teir in the "right" hands. and I proved him right. i was the only FF leoss, and IS/ST leoss deck player in the game at the time. Here is what I told them:

    Ever since their release, Leoss have always been a Battlegroup that has revolved around the core concept of the lore, Few of the strongest against many. Since their release they have always been a potential deck, but only recently have received the things needed to make the decks work to the degree in the "meta" that is designed to take a key champion from your opponent in a heartbeat(drown, blink, vertical push, essense drain, doom, ect).
    With spells like Tale of valor( the main spell keeping IS in the current one rounding town meta) and healing hand working together, or the Magnates blessing + righteous deflection, the enemy can find themselves unable to counter so they debuff or control that certain leoss focusing on one unit trying to kill it while leaving the rest of the Tiger army to warcry and counter attack. In order to even get into a skirmish most of the time relocation or ap generation spells are required(gale force, instill panic, ferren hideout, invigorate and haste) to fuel the power melee combat.

    In the battlegroup I have created recently it is very weak on maps that have multiple fonts( the underdepths map with the middle lava lake) with no direct path, the obvious weakness of leoss bgs, some of the maps work directly against them harshly on early game play. This was supposed to be addressed with some niche units like Chirai outrunner and border patrol but even then

    Many of the champions themselves are extremely durable and can last multiple rounds in the front lines if the opponent has no ways of bypassing evasive or reflexes(or both on the key tanks ect, bloodmane ravager,paragon of aluir, bastion remenant). This, in my opinion is necessary due to the fact that alot of the leoss themselves are well above the average champion cost for the roles they fill.

    I composed a draft to talk about each champion individually.
    Leoss champions rework:

    Leoss Gaurdian- cheap fodder unit that doesn't offer anything over any other leoss melee other than melee specialist. He is in need of a rework, imo
    Bastion remnant- The key to the core leoss playstyle. Leoss warcry must remain strict to leoss otherwise ST will be annihilating people with swap warcry. Highly durable and very costly, but has potential to change the game with one warcry and can survive long enough to do it which can't be said for Dwarven King.

    Redfist- Very fast, and against warriors, tanky. He is a burst champion and cutting his speed would reduce alot of his threat range. His cost keeps him stable at this level.

    bluefist- Very durable against ranged battle groups, Combo attack stun, should go and he should receive a different ability as it stuns the development of the champion.

    I was in the middle of composing a comprehensive theme rework for leoss as a whole, and then I was told that my feedback while still would be accepted and considered, it was no longer needed and many and most of the changes were "set in stone" for the release.

    Thats what happened to my preemptive "feedback" I then released a video flaming the devs, and thier incompetence. it got a lot of praise, and even then, they must have watched it, dispite the brutal nature of the truth I told them, they changed the game and many of the runes I used in an examples of their incompetence were change. Do I have to insult a whole faction out the shoebox due to my frustration that these folks dont even play their own game? Or play it well enough to understand certain shtuff? the way this community is acting, the war is already lost. the game is a boring dump, and it will never reach 500 people again.
  14. Karmavore


    Holy Bane Shift LOL. This dudes got receipts...

    My guy. You realize getting 1258, 258 above base elo (30~ above three actually good players) shows nothing, this is MAYBE a day/two after rank reset, this just shows like I said you spammed enough games to get ahead and take this Firking screenshot lol.
    This literally proves nothing. If you show you know a more realistic screenshot where the elo is higher, and there's more known names (Indi/Kamu/Cafz can't count towards your argument because these players aren't frequent top 10 players) where you're rank 1, I'll shut up. But you can't because this is all you've had to cling onto to fit some weird Firking narrative you're a good player and what you say should be taken seriously, regardless of how insane, or delusion it actually is.

    This is just sad that you have this Bane Shift ready to try and pull over people's heads..

    You love talking out your ass, and you've gotten good at it, we get it.
    You know "stuff" that others don't, your opinion should have been taken into consideration, PoxNora would have been better off for sure.
    Your approach to balance is second to none, but the "yesmen" wanted to silence you, for fear this game could actually be fun.
  15. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    so first it’s I never got rank 1 so I’m delusional.
    Then it’s I spammed games against bad players
    Then it’s I played against good people but it must have been special circumstances
    Then it’s you spammed enough of these games that I was able to stay higher ranked than Devilsrath and Tiny and Warfoot over that time, which was during a weekend on poxnora.
    Then it’s it doesn’t matter because the people you played with aren’t as good as I think they are
    Then it’s me talking out my ass serving a narrative.

    But then again I didn’t just make up an entire delusion/narrative to take away someone’s credibility from a picture they took right off they screen at 10:50 pm(when ranks used to reset) on March 5th 2013 aka the day the internet broke and Jab was rank 1. Hell if you got the hook up, pull up the date instead of speculating. I gave you the evidence and you act like it’s photoshopped lmao.

    you are an aweful loser both in game as I remember and outside in things that don’t even matter.

    You tried to kill my character but to anyone with eyes that can read this thread, and see that I was a passionate player, with valuable input(value enough to be considered by devs at the time, till it was neglected as a whole) who just liked playing one faction. I’m not a zealot, I’m a player who played 1 faction cause I’m not going to buy 50$ exotics and legendaries and limited edition packs simply because I was a cheapskate. There were tons of people who weren’t whales, but enjoyed 1-2 factions.

    Just because you label me as someone who shouldn’t go against your ego don’t make me a bad person or a bad player, but the fact that you wielded actual power in this game, and the game still is unhealthy where you held the power, shows more about your character both as a player and man with your conflict of interest than about a man who farced and (still) critically criticized the development until they had to facepalm themselves.

    I was able to hang with tiny, able to beat him occasionally along with many others you feel are “unbeatable” , especially you, very easily. That is mostly why you don’t want people like me to return, we would dumpster the current base of this game so hard with our head counting they would need to pull out a calculator if the game was actually worth any of the past or future money that was put into it. Don’t bastardize my points again scrub.
  16. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Do you realize everyone in this community that is left has recommended a change to a rune, and it has gone through ? Should we all get paid then ?
  17. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Yes, and though defi you easily could.
  18. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Why does rank matter at all ? Rank doesn't mean you know how to balance a game or re create rune concepts ?

  19. Mirior

    Mirior The King of Potatoes

    Iajab, honest question - do you know how Poxnora rank is calculated? Because that screenshot is genuinely less impressive than you're treating it as; reaching rank 1 with an ELO of 1256 does show that you took that screenshot shortly after a rank reset, that ELO wouldn't even crack the top 100 today (in the smaller playerbase we have now). My ELO has been hovering in the 1400s for the last few weeks, and I guarantee you I'm not a top caliber player.
  20. Karmavore



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