Buff Ud's Ranged Units

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mw24, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    lol, this is hopeless. gd is the wrong place to go to try to improve the game...

    @Sokolov lf access to the secret forums...
  2. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

    Sarcasm is hard on the internet, it seems.
    themacca likes this.
  3. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Trust me, I'm a doctor. No, UD does not need ranged buffs. At. All.
  4. Mausini

    Mausini I need me some PIE!

    You are the fish of poxnora, you really are and I feel sorry for you.
    I played that game much longer than you and I did play it in leg league regularly when I have the time to play. (And I did that in a time where playing in leg actually meant something).

    Your balancing proposals clearly view that you do not know nothing about what a faction should look and feel like. Not every faction should play like all others and the discussion if any faction should get good cleansing/dispel/detect/healing/shatter/ranged/melee options was made again and again and again in the past with a very clear outcome.

    The answer was NO.

    And now you come around the conner. The new strategic and balancing genius and want to show us how it is done.
    The joke is: You do help to improve the game. The devs just need to to the exact opposite of your balancing proposals and they are on the right way.
  5. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I am not gonna spend more time arguing with the majority of gd, the devs and players who i want to see my thread can see my thread. That is all.

    dzso, agirgis, reaper, devilsrath, junithorn. Itd be nice to get your opinions on the current state of UD even though some of you aren't very active atm.
  6. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    @Sokolov can you just come forward and tell him he's an idiot already so he loses all of this ridiculously unjustified ego?
    WhatTheHex likes this.
  7. Mausini

    Mausini I need me some PIE!

    Yes please. Stop posting where we can see that stuff.
    First good idea for ages from your side.
  8. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I haven't got a response from a single highly skilled/knowledgeable UD main yet. Just randoms trolling. fail.

    I guess lordq is a good response. @DMrBadguy do you know UD?
  9. WhatTheHex

    WhatTheHex The King of Potatoes

    Pretty sure all players you want to reply already put you on ignore. Because they think you're full of Bane Shift.
  10. Andralexis

    Andralexis I need me some PIE!

    Pretty much each and every true UD player will dismiss your proposal, mw. UD historically had enough tools to deal with range and a lot of fantastic melee units. Buffing the ranged units automatically puts a nerf bullseye to the faction.

    Where's Sepulcher when you need it to actually explain this better...
    profhulk and JellyBerry like this.
  11. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    You have all made two mistakes.
    The first mistake was trying to use reason with mw.
    The second mistake,which is much more severe one,is that you replied to mw.
    Pattn199 likes this.
  12. Karmavore


    If MW gains access to the Council sub forums I'm quitting poxnora.
    themacca and Pattn199 like this.
  13. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    i am willing to bet a UD harb (most OP rune in the game right now) that he wont
  14. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    Why would it be a big deal to get access to the council forums? Don't you have access? Can't be that hard to accomplish then :p.
  15. Karmavore


    Poor attempt at trolling.
    Pattn199 likes this.
  16. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    what is a "true" UD player? There are only like 3 UD players(being generous, dzso and devilsrath are the 2 i know of) in the game that are active who can play it better than I can. Most of these other UD players don't know the faction well enough to excell with it and it is annoying when they criticize my post harshly, when they don't have to deal with the issues I bring up because they aren't trying to play it competitively.
  17. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    Your grasp of KF isn't exactly that amazing. So it can't be that hard to get access to the council forums. Halfgod plays kf better. I don't feel comfortable claiming to be better at kf than you but if I mained it i would be.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
  18. Karmavore


  19. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

  20. Pattn199

    Pattn199 I need me some PIE!

    i think atleast @Agirgis1 belongs in that list aswell.

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