Cyclops Racial

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vorian, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Faust

    Faust Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Not every Draksar have Regen.
  2. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Are you nuts? Because that idea sure is. Monstrous could be given to almost anything and it would be OP.
  3. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    It would make winning with Cyclops too easy!
  4. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    You missed the point, and have apparently not been reading the update previews closely enough. ;)

    No offense Boozha, but you tend to be a creativity killer. You rarely seem to offer constructive critiques, instead just smacking everyone else for having ideas. Again no offense intended, but be quiet or help out with the creativity. Please. :)

    Anyway, the devs have said that not every champ in a theme or race will have EVERY ability common to that group. So my idea is that only CERTAIN cyclops would get ONE of those abilities, hence there being multiple. So like, the Mauler wouldn't get any of them (WAY too op). But the Earthshaker could. And the Ritualist might get the Blood ability. And I would be willing to bet that most Cyclops would receive the Tribal Bound ability, but not all of them (like the Mauler). The intention of these abilities is to make the Cyclops cohesive, and actually have something that brings them together other than looking similar and being fat (or "muscular", if we want to be nice).

    Does that make more sense? I know that having some of those on some Cyclops would be op, and I wouldn't put it on those ones. I would give them out to buff shoeboxed Cyclops. and to bring unity.

    All hail the Cyclops Empire!
  5. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Who says the cyclops have no synergy?
    They have:
    Pathfinding: alleviates one of the most important problems of the theme
    Surge behemot
    Boost: cyclops
    guarded: cyclops
    call to arms
    vitalize with many 5 speed
    improve range
    Warwizard in general (more help with the mobility problem)
    They have an hero with in-theme synergy (melee becoming 1-3? 1-5 stormcallers anyone?)
    They have access to detection, shatter, recycle, corrupted nora, drudgery, dispel, magic bomb (anti def) and relieve to name some counters available on the champions, don't forget SP adds to that general spot removal and spot cleanse, also swarm units if you want to count them as counters and cyclops eye belt grants spot precision, strike and slam.
    In the offensive aspect, they have battle drum, cast alacrity, improve range and initiative, you can add regular alacrity, harpoon, and rod instagib with stormcaller.
    They also have tribal hut.
    They have at least 6 options of small champions.
    They have enough ranged champions, enough alt damage with magic and other you can rely on.
    They have exellent tanks and a superchampion (battlefiend)
    They have a good distribution of cost, making for a pretty low curve in most battlegroups.

    So I'm not sure what are you asking for.
    Paper Skull likes this.
  6. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    Also, Sacred Peaks Amulet equipped on a Cyclops give him Bastion of Mobility, so there's that, I guess.
  7. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    I never said they weren't well balanced and fleshed out. I merely said that they don't have much tying them together. And the things you listed are almost all on only one to two champs, or Exotics/Legendaries (which I never count towards a theme, they are the "hero" units, they shouldn't be the bulk of the force).

    Also, Corrupted Nora sucks on the Shaman, and is merely a point AGAINST their synergy. Why? Because Ritualist has/can have Nora miner. Which means you hurt yourself, which is just plain stupid. This means that you can only have one or the other in a group if you have half a brain, so... Not synergistic.

    Also, as much as I love the Tribal Hut, it only works on 4 units. And then you have to spend the Nora to put them both out. Also, it means that for it to be effective, you MUST include x2 of each the units it effects. This SEVERELY limits your choices.

    Also, they are very lacking any type of cleanse, except for I believe the Shaman (and his version sucks), and he is ONE. UNIT. It is my belief that every theme should have access to at least two of each "thing" (shatter, cleanse, detection, etc.).

    Also, the Pathfinder ability is on a single champ, again limiting your choices. The same goes for most of the abilities.

    You have choices as the Cyclops, but it really comes down to what you will sacrifice, not what you will gain. At least, that's how I feel whenever I play them, and it is not a good thing.

    Keep in mind, Cyclops are by far my favorite theme (despite my pic!), hence why I am arguing about this. In addition, I am unsatisfied with them. Sure, if you build a "good-stuff" battlegroup (I HATE those words!), then you'll be fine right now. If however you want to have choices, choices that aren't limited by needing certain things to do well, than Cyclops are not the theme to play. That's just how it is right now. The same goes for a lot of the Shattered Peaks actually.

    And in case your wondering, I once did Statistical Analysis of the Economic status of Pox Nora, so yes, I know what I'm talking about.
  8. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    I don't really think they need more Nora Discount. They're already cheap to begin with. Add that with SP Bonus.
    Call to Arms is on Stonecaller.

    What they need is playability on its playstyle. Clumping together to die to 2x Head of Osarius + 2x Tinderbox on the same turn is ridiculous.

    At least give them:

    Cyclopean Rigidity (For each friendly Cyclops champion within 6 spaces, this champion gains an additional rank of Tough and Regeneration).

    This way, they basically do not die to simple AoE while getting blocked here and there by stealthed relics, or cheap boghoppers, summons, or Chuck Spider/Freeze Bug.

    Can you even begin to imagine what does a simple Chuck Freeze Bug do to a clumped Cyclops with no Bastion/Pathfinder?

    It ain't fun to see your large brawler buddies die because its getting roadblocked by 1) Lil Blue Bugs (Freeze Bugs), and 2) Lil Blue Smurfs (Kas Pupil)....

    Sure, you got the Amulet and stuff. Wouldn't that basically give all the Cyclops a +% premium to its cost? You have to invest 3 total slots for 2 Pathfinder units, and 1 Amulet. And you have to pay for it, AND you have to have a bad Detection Unit that can't really do much aside of staying alive.

    Even Bastion of Mobility doesn't solve their problem of having to spend most of their AP on cheap road blocks. While they spend their AP and blocking each other (the front cyclops with now 1-2 AP cannot move away to make way for other cyclopses behind it), they're getting ranged all day long.

    The only way is a Cyclops initiatives on:

    Enduring Aura

    Either way, they just need some way to negate all the health-chipping that they receive from blocking each other's way during the fight.

    *P.S, I'm talking about 2x2 cyclopses. Not the modern 1x1 ones.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
    SireofSuns likes this.
  9. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    The fact that you tried to impress me with that last sentence says a lot about the rest of your points so I won't even make the effort to make a point by point reply.
    The only thing that is clear is that you do not know what you are talking about.
  10. egami

    egami Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Cyclops get Climb and Amblyopia so we can have enough realism. Of course, with amblyopia, the Cyclops lack depth perception so range champs randomly miss 33% of the time.

    Realism is a poor reason for things in pox. It's like arguing Dwarven King should get Majestic because he's a king. The Cyclops are interesting and it might be fun to tweak them a bit but climb is really just helping reduce some limitations in this fatboy theme. Which one canargue they need. or don't. But don't use realism as the reason.
  11. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    My point (which you either missed or ignored again :p) was that I have spent a great deal of time analyzing things in the game and in the forums. As I had pointed out, what you were noting were things that really only help in a select few circumstances (and not all the time either like with Corrupted Nora), and don't work on a global/mass scale for the Cyclops (which was what I trying to get at).

    I'm not trying to be arrogant (which I think is what you were getting at, I know I can come across that way without meaning to), I'm just trying to offer suggestions in areas that I feel need a bit of help (though I'm more willing to do so with things I know better, Cyclops were my first battlegroup).
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
  12. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Agreed. Though, if you'll notice, some of Pox Nora has realism, while other parts don't. And sometimes this leads to... Painful circumstances.
    For example, you have the Disease dmg type. It is known to be the worst in the game (supposedly) since it is the most often countered (other than physical and magical, which do more damage anyway so...). People have offered the suggestion before that we could ignore realism, and make it be able to hurt even things like Constructs.
    Now, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that idea, but it does show that there are some areas of Pox Nora that DO have realism, and it ends up hurting someone, somewhere.
    On the other hand, the Voil are described in lore as being strong enough to lift G'hern, and even Cyclops (Sheesh!). But they can just barely stay alive (from what I've seen in people's games). And neither are they big enough (in-game) for this to be seen. Now, they don't really need to be buffed a ton, but wouldn't it be nice to have the game be consistent?
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
  13. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Well, I kinda hate hunter abilities, so I kicked that one. Colossal is stupid enough.
  14. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    Buff cyclops? really? they already got war wizard and runt. both 1x1 2x includes in a cyclops deck. Especially runt.

    No seriously... go look at runt and see why the game needs revamp, if Sp doesn't run that guy cause there are "better" options its faction is just plain OP.
  15. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Full cyclops bgs are far more competetive than a lot of you give them credits for.
  16. TheBulwark

    TheBulwark I need me some PIE!

    They don't have much tying them together? Oh I see, you must mean other than all their synergies and the fact that they are all ONE EYED GIANTS?!?!?!
  17. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    He is not as good or cheap as the nct, how come he is never run with his 6 def and pummel?
  18. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    It's true, Hunter abilities are not the greatest things ever. I was attempting to work off two things: 1] Cyclops are probably used to fighting small guys. 2] The Hunter ability is there, so it might as well be used (or else it needs to be replaced, which is better). So those led me to suggesting Hunter: Small. Though, it is only a suggestion. ;)

    This is true, and I do see them doing very well. However, there are plenty of things that I feel have been put into lore, and been completely left out of them (and other themes too, "sigh"). So, I do not think it is too unreasonable to ask for better consistency with lore, and perhaps more stuff that brings all of them together (not just a few here and there). Put simply, I do not really feel the Cyclops are very in tune with their own lore, and this should be fixed (not by just ADDING racials, but by replacing other lame things on them {Curse you Corrupted Nora!} with the racials, or whatever you want to call them).

    Okay, like I said, they have something in common, they're all fat guys. ;) And you have actually already touched on the problem that I feel exists, they have synergIES, not synergY. They need ONE thing, that ties them ALL together, everywhere, all the time, no matter which ones they are. Period. Just like EVERYONE ELSE (maybe not everyone, but you get the point). :(
  19. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    Agreed on the problem being Synergies instead of Synergy.

    They can have synergies, but the main synergy should be something else that is really focused.... something like Zombies for example..

    Main Synergy: Zombie Apocalypse

    Lesser Synergies from Abilities: Protective, Reinforcement, Summon Zombie, Zombie Herder, Disease Auras + BoTU

    Lesser Synergies from Other Sources: ZomboCatapult, Corpse Pile, Fleshhelm, etc.

    Main Synergy: NONE

    Lesser Synergies from Abilities: Ichor: X, Vitalize (limited synergy to specific clops), Improve Range, Tactician, Boost: Cyc 2 & 3, Pathfinder, and teleportation (not specific to Clops).

    Lesser Synergies from Other Sources: Tribal Hut (limited synergy to specific Clops), Tribal War, Cyclops Eye Belt, SP Amulet

    They do have a lot of synergies, but not a thing to tie them up all together.

  20. Stargorger

    Stargorger Member

    Cyclops don't have a unifying racial ability. Ergo they do not have the same level of synergy as other similar races that DO have a unifying racial. This isn't opinion, just a fact. They do not have a racial.

    SireofSuns is essentially asking for a racial to tie the whole race together. There's a large number of 'themes' like this that may be similar units (they all have one eye LOL WTF?) but have no unifying ability. Unless you want to consider the Blessed-with-suck '2x2' size...

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