Death Benefit

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Fikule, May 3, 2014.

  1. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Currently playing this:!/deck/cjKco@ck-CiNc9ac93caBc8lCkycoic44Cg1CjZS6ZSgs12Sns5aR2Nr1IrTe2J

    Just looking for advice on swaps for it.

    Right now the most used runes are:
    Polluted Martyr
    Death Harvester
    Essence Drain

    Least used atm:
    Soul Siren
    Frostvein Witch
    Steal Life

    Tactic is currently the standard Death Benefit/Harvest BG:
    Tank with Martyr
    Bird for collection, death bene and detection
    Whisperghast and Corrupter to grab kills
    ED/Mobi/Martyr/Coragh/Sarinda to 1 round enemies
    Gravewatcher as a nora saver (used mostly on either a Corrupter or Sarinda, thinking mostly on keeping the corruptors going)
    Corpse-a-pult as harass

    But yeah, swap suggestions appreciated. Bit of a mess atm.
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  2. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I'd say that you are trying to go with the most advanced mechanisms of both RMH and DB instead of going gentle and for that you are messing it up.
    I would try a simple DB frontline module with coragh, korsien and raider, with ghost stalkers as globe grabbers and swappers for corruptors and I would include serkan for sure.. I would keep frostvein witch because of drudgery + blockade are good tools in current meta.
  3. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Basically, the only bridge between the two themes is ghost stalker and the meta state of some double death champions, but, if you are running ghost stalkers, you would do better including more spirit synergy like ethereal soldier and shadestrikers.
  4. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, tbh I think it's more RMH than DB, especially the way I'm running it.

    I use the interactions between:
    Polluted Martyr
    Death Harvester

    the most. Using the Martyr and spells to nuke down an enemy before pulling the corrupter over with the whisperghast to finish them off. Then when anything dies I pick up with the bird if it's safe, otherwise I use Cast: Despoil on the ghast.

    It generally means that even if I lose a skirmish with the Martyr (corrupter is able to stay pretty far back) I don't lose much, but if I win, I gain a lot.
  5. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Sorry what's RHM?
  6. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    RMH. Think it's Relocate, Mobilization, Harvest

    Tho mine doesn't really use the M as much as the ghast's relocate is bonkers. Usually an Essence Drain instead ^^
  7. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Definitely more of an RMH hybrid; the only DB you've got are Martyrs, Coragh, and Ravenwraith. As RMH decks go, yours isn't that bad. I would, however, recommend choosing one module or the other, as DB and RMH are somewhat counter-intuitive. DB wants to sit back and slowly attrition the opponent to death, while RMH wants to play aggressively with relocation and powerturns with Corrupter. If you're going to go the RMH route, I'd drop the Blood Banshee, Ravenwraith, Frostvein Witch, Bird, Martyrs, and both Bokors. Throw in some Ghost Stalkers (be sure to upgrade Swap 3), Ethereal Soldiers, Cleric of Unrest (Invig 2 is quite useful here), Shadestrikers, and a Czar of the Void (fits with an aggressive playstyle, and helps to reinforce the frontlines with meat as you get kills).

    I would also think about dropping one Anathema, the Steal Life, both Corpse-a-Pults, and the Vendetta. The second Anathema is fairly unnecessary IMO, and with your spells already being somewhat expensive, you won't be able to afford casting them unless you're already at an advantage. Throw in a Dead Zone Voodoo, Soulbane, Tome of Hate, a second Elsari Bazaar, and a Soulreaver. These will provide more utility and afford you some protection against points where your deck is weak. Dead Zone Voodoo is a tad underrated I would say, especially with so much free DMZ around. That + Tome will allow you to survive a potentially tough early game (preventing font contests and shrine rushes respectively), while Soulbane is simply more reliable than Steal Life. A second Bazaar will allow you to rely less on the expensive Mobi and grant a that last little bit of AP required to ensure a kill. And finally, Soulreaver is simply required in a deck like this with so many key units being susceptible to CC.
  8. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    What about this?!/deck/ck-CiNCw4C8bcoXCkycoic9dCg-cuPCjZs6Zs15Sgs12Sns5ar1IrTe20e1me2J
    Not much death benefit and more taking advantage of ghost stalker and whisperghast synergy with polluted martyr. Added moragen for the global AP and because cast: ghostly visage on her and/or in sarinda can be fun. Incorporeal moragen can lock down enemy units unthreathened and and incorporeal sarinda is still able to pull and deathstrike foes.
    Another interesting inclusion could be utterdark spectre to stealth those champions, and with that power, elsari siren can be much better.
  9. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Ok, I sort of did a pick and choose of ideas here and ended up with:!/deck/CjKcg3CiNC9ac93cy-c8lCkycoiCjZs6Zs15Sgs12Sns5aR2NR1IrTE2y

    Basically I dropped most of the DB. The theme is Harvesting now with a sub-theme of stealth/domain.

    Harvest Champions:
    Corruptor (SPD / DAM)
    Polluted Martyr (Initiative / Flamethrower)
    Sarinda (Relocate: Foe / Deathstrike)
    Whisperghast (Cast: Despoil / Voices in their Head)

    These champs, along with ED, Chain Lightning, Bazaar and Corpse-a-pult (yeah, I can't help but love the sustained 10 damage per turn with silly threat and meat) form the basis of the harvest. I include Martyr because he is just the best meat shield, and with Whisperghast's Despoil it just ensure he costs about 27 nora to act as a high damage tank, which is too efficient to pass up.

    Stealth Champions:
    Blood Banshee (Hidden DMZ / Sonic Aura 3)
    Dark Seductress (Escape / Domain: DMZ)

    This just works well as a sub-theme due to the Dark Seductress acting as a mobile ED and the Banshee providing Fascinate. Haunt and Cast: Despoil allow the champions to be present within DMZ pretty often. This lets the Banshee stealth and hit for 15 + 6 from aura and allows the Seductress to assassinate for 39 damage. I know the seductress isn't great, but I just find her too fun to leave out ^^

    I think the hanger-on runes in the BG are Korsien, Death Harvester and Steal Life.

    Death Harvester I keep at the moment because he provides detection and extra nora gen while he does it. Not sure if I want to swap him for the librarian really. Thinking it might be best to swap Korsien for the Skeletal Raider, since he has detection and is another option for the Gravewatcher for cheap meat if you really need the detection (as Korsein can't be reanimated).

    Thinking I'll just follow Jazzman's advice and swap Steal Life for Soulbane.
  10. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Ghost stalkers? they help with both your modules, and with the three of them if you include spectre
  11. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    possibly yeah (you are really pushing for them ^^)

    I just assumed they'd be less useful if their projections aren't boosting something.

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