Elven Prodigy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Djangoguy, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    I do like Elven Prodigy conceptually, but maybe such a large modifier is indicative of some design/formula weirdness. If she really needs a tone down, I could see her going to 6 range.
  2. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    nora modifier are arbitrary, for example I think nora miner's modifer is around +60, and nora cow is around +45.

    there may as well be no equation when a nora modifier is involved
  3. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    When i make an elf deck in kf i always have 2x Elven Prodigy. They lock opposing range down so well. A lot of factions have their best units being ranged
  4. chris0024

    chris0024 I need me some PIE!

    silly thread with silly responses. i am amused...continue :cool:
  5. scrampy

    scrampy I need me some PIE!

    If you guys want prodigy nerfed then I either need to completely give up on this game or pox has reached a great level of balance. Saying you can't engage her because she is range 8 is silly considering she has no attack of her own and if she is 8 spaces away from your closest champ she is not being used effectively as a unit with 5 range can hit your melee units without proccing backfire. The fact that you can control when she attacks makes her kind of irrelevant against better players and there are plenty of ways to work around it (Demon shield, get in her min range, RD, stay out of her max range, etc.)
    Cinder405, chris0024 and super71 like this.
  6. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Wait why would i be "butthurter" if i was in fact playing k'thir and prodigy is op, wouldn't i be happy ? Actually i just have played pox long enough to know their are numerous ways around her blind fire from 8 range. I'm sure someone better than you can help you figure out a plan if that prodigy is too difficult for you big guy maybe list your faction get some help champ.

    Also i haven't played k'thir in like 3 months i was also one of the first people on k'thir forums about trees, then beasts, then elves saying they needed to be toned down. I don't know how your getting a discount of 38 nora and if it's true then i agree that should be changed. In the meantime maybe as i said before ask players that are better than you how you can beat that 38 hp champ with no attack and 0 defense

    demon shield
    righteous deflection
    vertical push

    Hopefully you get the idea.... In case you don't

    Bodyguarding nonsense with ud and fw
    stealth champs
    global damaging spells
    chopping blocks
    the 22 champs with stun in the game
    the 8 champs with paralyze

    Hopefully you get the idea.... But if you still don't pox isn't the game for you buddy.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
  7. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    Actually he's just a noob who doesn't realise which champions are good, what makes them good, what is bad etc.

    He was whining about draksars before they were even remotely viable (regen/violent cost changes).
  8. Runegod

    Runegod I need me some PIE!

    But aren't draksar currently really good ? When i do my dailies they seem the easiest with my draksar bg.
  9. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    They are, but they weren't particularly good back then, or at least nobody played them.
  10. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    I played them and they were terrible. They are pretty good now but could be better overall, skeezick are stronger.
  11. Djangoguy

    Djangoguy The King of Potatoes

    Yo, @claydude5, that's the program I run to calculate the formula:


    main ()

    float TOTAL;

    scanf("%i", &HP);

    scanf("%i", &DEF);

    printf("MINIMAL RANGE:");
    scanf("%i", &MNRANGE);

    printf("MAX RANGE:");
    scanf("%i", &MXRANGE);

    scanf("%i", &SPD);

    scanf("%i", &DMG);


    printf("NORA COST:%.1f",TOTAL);



    I don't get the joke bro, could you explain please?
    claydude5 likes this.
  12. Raxar

    Raxar I need me some PIE!

    You just put in parenthesis many of the few cure all spells in the game... spells that neutralize just about any champion. It's also bonkers that you are suggesting that she is ineffective unless she is 5 spaces away and that you talk about "backfire", which is by default useless against her. Its actually hilarious to me that KF players would even name counter equips and spells when the entire reason we are here is that she is under costed. Though to answer the "Just vertical push her!" argument... The problem is that I'm wasting spot removal where I shouldn't have to. Come to terms with the concept of value and that if I uses a spot removal spell on your under costed rune by default you just won in terms of nora. To be sure, I understand that there's ways to beat her, but saying I should waltz up with a melee beater and double tap her is an insult to KF players who will surely play better than that. You aren't going to go hug my ghalroon with her, you are going to safely sit her back and neutralize my ranged champions, which is fine when the cost is correct.
    Djangoguy likes this.
  13. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Didn't expect you to. Good day
  14. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    Jesus Christ. I saw your post and thought "I don't remember writing this", then realized after about a minute that you weren't me.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
    Djangoguy likes this.
  15. scrampy

    scrampy I need me some PIE!

    It was pretty obvious that I was referring to blindfire and not backfire in my post despite the incorrect reference. The fact that you do not understand that placing her 8 spaces away makes it easy to avoid blindfire suggests you do not have experience using her as is the case with most of the people calling her OP here. Think about it, if you place her close to the frontline so that she can blindfire 8 spaces away, she becomes an easy target given how squishy she is (And you can still hit things by getting in her min range). If you place her behind the frontlines you can still hit things from range. She is rarely (I can't think of a KFer using her) utilized in the top 200. Why? Because being unable to control when you do damage is a HUGE liability. And it is not like she completely negates your ranged attacks, you just now have to save your ranged attacks for a finisher or an attack that will swing the battle in your favor. At best she will trade blows with your ranged attacks 1:1 and that is only if the player you are facing is incredibly unskilled and simply chooses to repeatedly attack from range while remaining in the prodigy's range. Any skilled player will know not to attack at range with the prodigy out and will either use a counter (stun, paralyze, etc.) or simply attack while in her min range (If she is close, thus utilizing her long 8 range that you demonize) or out of her range.

    I tried initially using her in the top 100 when elves were OP and also in my archers BG but the fact of the matter is that she is very easily worked around by skilled players, essentially limiting her to a champion that can do aoe dmg every 3 turns until she is wiped out because she has an incredibly low hp pool (38). I invite you to run her, her shortcomings will become immediately obvious against skilled players and there is a reason she is underutilized. She will never beat out runes like Bowmage, Deadly Tracker, light of the circle, or arrowsinger in her current state. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying she is shoeboxed. You could run her in your BG and she will serve as a solid deterrent to your opponents ranged attacks. She is probably one of the most interesting runes in the game in that both you and your opponent need to think about positioning when she is deployed. But there are simply much better ranged runes available that will always be better than using the prodigy simply because you can control their damage output.
    Cinder405 likes this.
  16. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Antagonize be my favorite way to counter the prodigy for the boghoppers.
  17. kagebunshn

    kagebunshn I need me some PIE!

    Hardly anyone even uses prodigy. It hardly showed up at all on the most recent meta data. It was autoinclude until they nerfed it post revamp.

    It has always been a cheap rune because it has no basic attack AND it can't be equipped which means it is pretty impossible to give it a basic attack now.

    So...it is a more expensive less effective righteous deflection that is easier to counter and dies to 2 hits by almost anything.

    Everything that counters NKD counters prodigy. If you arent running Things that counter NKD, you are playing bad.
    super71 likes this.
  18. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    True thanks i forgot that one as i am sure i forgot a few others also.
  19. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Yeah don't worry i tried explaining it to him then listing like 30 ways to get around prodigy and then he started with the insults and what not typical pox player. This was the point i was trying to get at but i guess it went over his head.
  20. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    "Moderation in these forums is too harsh."

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