Every faction has beast boost except fs

Discussion in 'Forglar Swamp' started by profhulk, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Why doesen't fs have a beast boost champion? I see no reason why our faction should be passed over for a beast boost champion because we have semi aquatic beasts. Glowing slider or boghopper mentor are perfect candidates. Lets make this happenn.
    Skullferno likes this.
  2. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    FW would like a word with you.
    Woffleet and Ohmin like this.
  3. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    I agree on the Bog Mentor. Give him Boost Beast 3 and Cast: Feeding Frenzy. Maybe even give him Herder FS. Also we could redesign the Wurm race into beast instead of dragons. I could also see perhaps maybe even reworking Fentek or maybe a new Fentek with Drive and Boost Beast 2. Just some minor things. I want the FS beast theme to be strong. My Hypno Frogs are thirsting for blood.
  4. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Fs has zero boost champions jazzman. At least you have boost skeleton 3 for your beloved broken bones.
  5. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    Needs more Toads in my theory *cough*
  6. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    I know right. We could use a alpha anuran of some kind.
  7. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    Tiny, God of Toads. (A ginormous horned toad with demon wings.) "They say you hear it's rib-it once, and than you are surrounded by them..."-Moga Story Teller telling pups about The Great Hop
  8. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Right, and at least FS has Mastermind, Improve Damage, Aid Defense, Noble Sacrifice, Mirefolk [Insert Adjective Here], Battlemaster, Defender, Scramble... etc. if not focused on a specific race (though the first three can be all Firk focused). We're also one of 5 factions to have a Commander: XX ability.

    To say nothing of the only in-faction trifecta of Vulnerability-application, Amp, and Charge for a single damage type (albeit Poison).

    Point being, saying: "Hey, your faction has certain abilities that are useful that mine doesn't!" Doesn't mean that your own isn't compensated in other areas, or that it is "necessary" to have the same ability to have a synergistic potential. I'm not wholly against Boost: Beast being in FS (or FW for that matter), and certainly I think Mentor could use some lovin'. However, I don't think it's necessarily the best way to go about it to simply combine those two factors. Nor do I think would it really help "Beasts" gain any real headway as a theme in FS. I think even UD would still have a stronger synergy for that theme (as well as, generally, some stronger runes in that category to begin with) and that's not exactly a strong or focused theme in that faction.
  9. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    I really don't care what, I just want beast and FS to work. I want my Hypno Toads to be back in action.
  10. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Beasts are not a strong focused theme in SL, UD, or SP yet they have beast boost champs. We dont need to get a beast boost champion. I think it was Only for fun that proposed glowing slider be buffed with regal presence. All those theme support abilities you mentioned are available in other factions aside from Noble sacrifice which is on a short lived mirefolk that no one wants to run and a jellebrium/plant. I thought it would be fun for fs to get some shoebox champ like boghopper mentor or glowing slider ninja buffed with beast support upgrades.
  11. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Well, I think Mastermind is still FS only, actually. (Noble Sacrifice was ninja buffed onto Bok Gatekeeper) However, while many abilities might be shared, they don't all have them in the same faction, the the point at hand was that FW (which you were responding to, pointing out they at least have some form of "Boost: X") doesn't have them. Period.

    Again, I'm not against Beast synergies being introduced to FS, I just don't think Boost: Beast is the best way to do it, not without a lot of other overhauls to many of the Beasts in FS such as Raptor, Froblic Bull, Lobster, Turtle Rider, etc. Right now there are a few good beasts: Doombringer could be good with more initial damage (fun fact: Revere: Hydraxor actually helps all Quest: Damage champions while triggered), Hypnofrog is still fairly good but niche, Slipworm is a time-honored favorite, etc. But most of these also fit into their own themes already. Poison, Semi/Aquatics, Boghoppers, or Electicity, etc. They aren't generally built to work well together, and/or wouldn't really care about the damage aspect of Boost much for their purpose anyway.

    I'd much rather see Mentor buffed more to support Semi/Aquatics in general, or redesigned entirely as Boghopper support rune. Glowing Slider I'd rather see buffed to be more generally useful as a cheep support rune, rather than weighing it's potential down with a mostly useless racial ability. At least that's how I view things based on the current status. In the long term, that may change.
  12. AmmonReros

    AmmonReros I need me some PIE!

    Coral Creeper has both Improve Damage and Noble Sacrifice. Just saying.

    imho Boghopper mentor deserves some kind of Cast: Feeding Frenzy. But definetly not paired with Boost Beast better than 1. After all that would be +40 dmg on him one turn. Please dont say that other champs like Sarinda can do more. Those are LEG. This guy is Common.
    However if he got for example like Boost Beast 2, Rover High Tide and Spellsurge(!) Feeding Frenzy that would be enough right there. Matter of fact that would be quite a lot already.
    Skullferno likes this.
  13. Jonesy23

    Jonesy23 Member

    I would love to have a boost: beast in FS. I understand that FW doesnt have a boost: beast unit, however, most of their " beasts " are skeletons or zombies, for which, there is other support units for those themes. The only way to boost a beast themed deck in FS atm would be to run some unit with Battlemaster or some ability like that. Personally , I try to make all the units I put in a BG fit the them as best I can ( for example, only running firk champs in a firk BG ). While its possible, and at the moment the only solution to absence of Boost: Beast, run someone like Darkmarsh Instigator with a beast group , I just think it would be better with the suggested above ( mentor ) having boost or possibly a new unit ( new fentek could be interesting ) whose type would fit the theme better , such as houndmaster for IS.
  14. Bobzie

    Bobzie The King of Potatoes

    most of the FS runes are based on surge, and indiviual increase of damage , this has been the direction of FS aslong as i can remember thus leading FS faction lacking more on boosting other champs, as you can see equips and spells are mostly for singular survivability or damage burst.
  15. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    I am kinda curious why you want boost. It's a pretty bland ability that just buffs all units in your deck without any interesting synergy.
  16. Wh1teWo1f

    Wh1teWo1f New Member

    "I agree on the Bog Mentor. Give him Boost Beast 3 and Cast: Feeding Frenzy"
    Cast: feeding frenzy on boghopper mentor. Man I haven't seen such a good idea in ages! This could really save this champion!
  17. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    The main thing i wanted for mentor was water generation and cast feeding frenzy to bring him out of the shoebox. The boost is a signature ability of a beast support and thats why I wanted it on him. If you guys have a better suggestion please post what u think he should get instead of boost.
  18. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    Beasts are certainly a strong focused theme in SL, especially with the advent of ichor. They also have strong ties to sand (Skeez Herder, Sandhunter, Manticore, Shrieker)
  19. Wh1teWo1f

    Wh1teWo1f New Member

    I don't see him much as a beast booster but more as a aquatic theme support. That's why imo cast: feeding frenzy (Wich would bring the spell back to game aswell) and water gen.
  20. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I proposed this for mentor in another thread:

    DMG 10
    SPD 6
    RNG 3-5
    DEF 0
    HP 39
    Attack magical
    Boost beast 2
    Spellsurge: feeding frenzy
    Marsh lessons
    High Tide
    HP rank 3
    DMG rank 3

    It has a aquatic beast support build and one more efficient focused on normal beasts. His HP is 39 to benefit from foment in splits or in the future.
    Cast: feeding frenzy is too much IMO.

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