FS Patch feedback.

Discussion in 'Forglar Swamp' started by GabrielQ, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    I'm currently focused on the new Wurmz, but I'd say the changes to Quagmirrian were a solid step towards viability. I still think Hydrate (Area 2) isn't costed appropriately compared to abilities like Battle Drum (faction global) and Battle Hymn (global). I understand the importance of context, but I think the global vs local difference is enough to bump Hydrate down to 8-10N.
  2. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I think hydrate should cost 5-6 nora less, and revere 5 nora less also, I think that would put quagmirrian into full viability, but I cannot say when these changes will happen, if they happen.
  3. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Anyone has bugs to report?
    I found that:
    aquatics that are levitated by grant: flight still consume 2 ap to move to non water spaces, even if the preliminary pathing is okay
    Vitalize is now an AoE but the text wasn't changed
  4. Flyingfinn

    Flyingfinn I need me some PIE!

    I found out that I just might wait till next patch until I play again. Or change factions.
  5. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    We'll have to ask you to leave the sensorate avatar here.
    Anima26 likes this.
  6. Flyingfinn

    Flyingfinn I need me some PIE!

    Never. What I mean is FS meta is getting worse and worse and it is really tiresome. Cannon nerf was badly done and so was poison cloud before that. It was only needed because of Augur's slam. A lazy need.
  7. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    cannon was a crutch, and it stills counters a lot of things with the addition of defense now and is able to contest a font very well with his threath range and 20 hp, it's still one of the better offensive relics.
    poison cloud I would have nerfed in other way, maybe in the future I'll revisit the mechanic if I'm allowed to.
  8. Flyingfinn

    Flyingfinn I need me some PIE!

    50 nora for 10 damage and possible font contest... I know that the previous version was a bit too strong but not that strong for it to be nerfed that much.
    Sealer0 likes this.
  9. AmmonReros

    AmmonReros I need me some PIE!

    Vitalize as AOE hurts my feelings :/
    was building a FF FS Tortun BG to get my Mortars to "natural" 5 Speed but having to have the Quag around the -5speed units ... meh.
  10. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    Terrible change, I agree.

    The cost should be reduced by around 10 nora imo.
  11. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    What's the the area for it now? I've always thought global abilities like Vitalize should be reduced to a range of ~10, but if it's much smaller than that I'd disagree with the change.
  12. AmmonReros

    AmmonReros I need me some PIE!

    6 I think it was.
  13. Leadrz

    Leadrz I need me some PIE!

    @GabrielQ ,

    Reckon you could convince them to drop the nora cost of murky depths?
  14. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Maybe, it would be a nice boon for aquatics, but they need some other things first.

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