Iran > "Dipshizz" P5+1

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by DarkJello, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Looks like the following Dem is making "common cause" with the "Death to America!!" crowd:

    "Senator Chuck Schumer of New York has become the first high-profile Democrat to publicly oppose the nuclear deal the U.S. and six world powers struck with Iran. Outlining his rationale on the website Medium, Schumer said he would vote against the deal “after deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching.” His opposition centers on the fact Iran would be able to build a nuclear weapon after 10 years. And, Schumer says, under the deal, inspections of Iran’s nuclear sites was not “anywhere, anytime.”

    Even more troubling is the fact that the U.S. cannot demand inspections unilaterally. By requiring the majority of the 8-member Joint Commission, and assuming that China, Russia, and Iran will not cooperate, inspections would require the votes of all three European members of the P5+1 as well as the EU representative. It is reasonable to fear that, once the Europeans become entangled in lucrative economic relations with Iran, they may well be inclined not to rock the boat by voting to allow inspections.

    Congress has until September 17 to vote on the deal that was struck in July. President Obama has threatened a veto if lawmakers reject the historic accord. It’s unclear if opponents of the deal in Congress have enough votes to override a presidential veto."
  2. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    I wonder if you have ever spoken to any Iranians? Or to anyone who has visited Iran?

    All the Iranians I have met have been really nice, and people I know, and things I've read about visiting Iran talk of an extremely welcoming and friendly people.

    I get the impression that it is demonized to a ridiculous degree in the US, and seen as being populated exclusively by people whose sole goal is to destroy America. I guess it's not surprising if the only images you see of it are a mob with a placard - though I would have hoped that the US public, jingoistic as it can be, would realise that this is an exception rather than the rule. I guess if you peddle a narrative that suits someone's world view they lap it up (not that this is exclusive to the right).
  3. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    I wonder who @badgerale is talking to... Do tell. I work with several arab docs, and have worked with a handful of others in the last 10 years.

    The fun-loving super friendly and cool people you reference are NOT the politicians/clerics running Iran. Any comment on the article I linked?
  4. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    What an idiotically US-centered view ... Considering anything but the shortest-term interest of the US doesn't seem to have struck his mind.
  5. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Your view is focused on the short-term, while Schumer makes the point that 10 years is not very long. Schumer is American, thus the US-Centered view. 1 + 1 = 2.
  6. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    ... Did you miss or ignore where I pointed out that he is only thinking about the short term? As for him being an American and thus only having an US centered view, are you really fine with your politicians having the horizon of one country? That's pretty ... silly?
  7. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Did you miss or ignore my first sentence of a 1 line comment?

    He is an American, and has an American-centered view. You are not an American, and you do not have an American-centered view.

    Iran is reported to have ICBMs. Nukes are terrible enough, but an easy way to pop them to Europe and/or Israel and/or Shangri-La is catastrophically game changing. I can absolutely guarantee with 100% certainty that Schumer is NOT just thinking of one tiny horizon. He disagrees with you sir. C'est la vie.
  8. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    As a politician youshould have a wide view. The fact that you view a politician having a narrow field of view as normal is unsettling. You're so terribly naive.

    And what is "game changing" about Iran habving nukes? The US has nukes, too, spooky scary!
  9. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    It is up to you to comprehend my prior posts. Have a great life.
  10. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    ... Yeah, that's kinda what I just wanted to say ...
  11. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Schumer is a jew and has mostly jew constituents. He is rejecting the deal with Obummers blessing because they figure the can easily pass it without him. This allows him to save face with his jewstituents and the motherland.
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Say jew again
  13. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Die Juden sind Baskits Unglück!
  14. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    The Jews think baskit is an Orc?
  15. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    I don't follow...

    Jew is not a bad word.
  16. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    Not everyone gets LoTR references and I'm ok with that.
  17. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    How is "Say jew again" a lotr reference?
  18. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    He's saying the German word for bad luck(?) Ungluck is similar to Urukhi or whatever the lord of the rings orks are called.


    or that 'Die Juden sind Baskits Ungluck' sounds like 'the jews think Baskit's an Urukai'
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  19. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    Close enough
  20. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    More like Uglúk. The accent and the umlaut dots have rather dissimilar effects, though.
    Ragic likes this.

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