League of Legends

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Morfeas, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    lmao some kid got super buthurt
  2. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Dunkmaster Darius is best skin NA. That is all.
  3. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Well, my first ranked game of the season went well...

  4. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Well, you picked Garen what did you expect.
  5. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Nunu Bot would like to have a word wi-H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H
  6. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    I wasn't Garen, I was Lux.

    And all game Garen was complaining about how he got counter picked by a Teemo... A Firking Teemo... Garen is super tanky, good sustain from Teemo poison, and doesn't rely on autos. How is this a counter pick?
  7. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    I gotta say, apart from you, Malz and MF that's some impressively good item builds for Bronze 4.
  8. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Garen basically has no passive vs. Teemo, due to his E constantly procing. Not to mention Garen does pretty badly vs. ranged top laners. Teemo's W ensures that Garen will never get in range of him. Teemo easily bullies Garen out of lane for the first 15 minutes, so he's stuck farming under tower and relying on jungle ganks to keep pace in lane.
  9. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    I fail to see what's so bad about Malz's build.............
  10. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    poacher's knife?
    Morfeas likes this.
  11. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    learn to look at the top screen
  12. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    I recently made an EU account, just for emergencies (and because I know there are quite a few EU players in Pox). Although since I play on NA, I'm looking for a nice gentleman to level the EU account to 30.

    Maybe to make the process faster, I can post the username and password just right here on the forums, so you all can access it (if you want to help). Post if your interested!
  13. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Yeah don't do that.

    I have a lvl 14 account on EU, but I generally can't be bothered to play on it. Playing without runes and masteries in a random "who's the best smurf pre-lvl30"
    gets really boring with 5 champs.[/quote]
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
  14. Nebron

    Nebron I need me some PIE!

    I can confirm this as truth.

    BP hit diamond on EUW.
  15. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    NA with all the international succes teams, owait
  16. JaceDragon

    JaceDragon I need me some PIE!

    NA diamond = Korean Wood 4

    Anyway i'm the only one here who don't like lol?
  17. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    In the League thread? Most likely.
  18. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    I'm pretty sure that's not the correct Malzahar build but then again I don't know much about Malz.

    Garen cannot gapclose and cannot farm VS Teemo, so he is reliant on ganks, which are a joke pre-gold. Thought you were Garen because he was highlighted, my bad.
  19. Nebron

    Nebron I need me some PIE!

  20. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Not NA kid

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