Many of the new exo seem to be severely lacking

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mw24, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. 15Deadmen

    15Deadmen The King of Potatoes

    I actually said nothing about FFFW being good/bad or that Tiny only use broken bgs but okay.

    Did he tell you that they sucked so he's not using them? It seems to me that he's still in the testing phase. I've seen his bg change a bit over time.

    I agree that FW is hurt a bit with creeper nerf since we've been used to him, but there was a time when dusk creeper didnt have soul collection, and other factions dont have soul collection. As much as I want it back, I think removing it gives FW more freedom to create new BGs.

    And on Arroyo, the guy is an SP split, so he doesnt have to be undead. there are other spirits who arent undead.
  2. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    You can play fw as much as you want, I am just talking about how it does in competitive.
  3. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Ah i suppose that would be a real pain to deal with, pox players always want their new toys and complain when they don't get them. I guess expansions that focus on one theme doesn't help if a lot of players don't play that theme. Not much can be done i suppose unless you took like a poll in each faction forum and asked what they would like to see next expansion.
  4. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    The new kanen seems to be 8 speed and doesn't have stasis or weight unless i missed something ? The new is dwarf has 8 speed until he attacks 3 times which basically means he has 8 speed for the entire early game.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  5. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    We established 8 speed was bad.

    Speed was reduced.

    Some time passed.

    8 speed is back baby

    We establish.... you know how this goes, I'll stop.
    super71 likes this.
  6. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    Wait, MW started running dark knights after giving me a lecture about how bad they are in our game? Well then...
    Baskitkase likes this.
  7. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    yeah i ran dark knights and bunch of other shoebox fw to reassess their current power level. I play nearly everything in this game that's not le at one time or another, pay attention... FW is even worse than before the patch, lol. After all the talk the devs and council members did its a huge slap int he face to UD and FW mains having this be the result.(teascholar jumped out the window in his meme) From time to time very positive changes are made but at a very slow rate. Not only that but alot of changes that are made make little to no sense. I lost alot of faith in the devs current ability to really fix these runes properly, I don't think they have the tools, gameplay knowledge, resources, help, or whatever else to get this work done properly. I had high hopes but low expactations originally for this patch, then I started to believe the hype the council members and devs were saying. They kept telling me that a ton of runes and abilities were going to be fixed and that this patch was going to make a lot of progress in this area. This patch did make alot of progress in certain areas of the game such as the art, new abilities, new chat, changes to rank exp gain/loss, dodge prevention, avatar fixes, and much more but as far as fixing the runes themselves it didn't go so well and even added to the problem in many cases.

    If I would have gotten a preview of the changes I could have prevented nearly all of the negative rune changes from going live and helped them to fix them properly. I don't understand why the council can't help them get it right, I heard that they didn't have much impact this patch but that's probably because of past failures. I think they need a new council or new system to work with the players in rune creation/balancing. This is an important aspect of this game that needs to be done right for people to get the most out of playing it. Balance will never be perfect in any game but it most certainly can be much better than it is now in this one.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  8. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Your a bit to quick to nerf or buff runes though and a lot of your ideas for nerfs or buffs are unrealistic. However if a few unbiased people were selected to check the strength of runes it would make expansions much nicer.
  9. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    What is this hype people keep talking about? I haven't been hyping patches. Who is doing this?

    Also, just because you don't like what changed, doesn't mean progress wasn't made.

    It doesn't matter who is or who isn't on the Council, or who makes the decisions. The only way you will like all the changes is if you made them all yourself, and even then you won't get to do everything you want.

    And, also, repeating stuff over and over doesn't make it true. If you want to convince me with your POV, actually make coherent arguments and back up your statements.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
    Lushiris likes this.
  10. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Yea, I am definitely not saying there aren't 8 SPDs. My question was specifically about which ones you felt were particularly contributing to draw wins and how they do so, as well as whether the ones with deployment drawbacks are also a problem.

    Re: Empowered: Speed, I am currently considering changing it to: This champion has +1 SPD and Mobility. This ability is removed after 3 basic attacks.
  11. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    it'd be much easier if i just made changes myself versus working with others to make them but I really don't care who has oversight on rune creation or balancing. I just want stuff to be well balanced so that I can play the factions without worrying about it not having a decent amount of ranked viable options.(there is more to that but that's the short version)

    I spend most of my time on the forums trying to fix or prevent mistakes from being made. I don't want to do much balancing directly, that is too time consuming.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  12. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I also want stuff to be well balanced. Just because you disagree with me on what that means doesn't mean we don't have the same goal, which is why I appreciate feedback even if I don't agree with it, and sometimes, people change my mind :)
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  13. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    The ones that contribute to draw wins, are any 8 speed champs without drawbacks. They do so by allowing to much movement early game which can cause problems for someone that only draws a 5 or 6 speed. I think the revised empowered: speed makes a lot more sense and seems more balanced, and could probably get a small cost decrease for the change.
  14. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    How do you reconcile the fact that you think +1 SPD is super important and 8 SPD is super powerful, but that reducing -1 SPD for "the entire early game" should only come with a "small cost decrease?"

    (I guess this also depends on what "small" means here.)
  15. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

    It seems 8 speed champs aren't so bad if primarily on melees, imo. The main issue seems to be flawed map designs(some maps) allowing draw wins not 8 speed itself. KF is no longer super efficient like it was before, the faction seems alot more tame than now.
  16. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    That's what she said(sorry couldn't resist).

    Normally I'd stick to the topic and comment about what's being discussed, but after reading some of the comments I feel it would be meaningless.

    It seems to me that people see council as some people who hold some kind of power, and believe they would do a better "job" than those in there. I've said this many times and I don't mind saying it in front of Sok because it's the truth and I'm sure it's his intention: we hold little to no power, we simply give scarce opinions about topics we create or Sok does. In the end it's his call, and I'm comfortable with that as that is his responsibility and it would look really bad if he delegated it to players.

    And @super71 , I truly believe that "unbiased" players don't exist. We, as Poxnora players, are resulted from our own gaming experience, and naturally tend to favor this or that rune/faction, no matter how much one may say he doesn't favor anything specifically. I've managed to see some council members' opinions, and although some occasionally sound blatantly biased to me(hell even mine are sometimes) I don't think there are better people to compose it right now.

    In my honest opinion, a council member needs, more than knowledge, humility to admit he may be wrong at ANY given time. It doesn't matter how much a person thinks he knows, if he's not open for discussion all that knowledge is useless because the purpose of the councuil(brainstorming suggestions) would be nullified. And that is what I think many people here lack, the good sense of understanding someone else may simply know more about the game.

    And that's all I have to say in this thread.
    Netherzen likes this.
  17. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    If you don't know what is wrong with 8 speed champions after however long you have been around pox, i don't even know why were having this conversation.... Reducing 1 speed is huge early game i have said numerous times why as have many others.

    Empowered: speed is what were talking about and reducing it to only give +1 speed and mobility seems like a good idea. Whether it be a large cost decrease because your cutting the speed back or a small one is up to you. I suppose a champ with +1 speed for a short duration + mobility is a lot less of a threat than a straight +2 speed. A huge issue with spline hawk and pontiff having it is, spline hawk becomes a flying 8 speed champ with empowered: speed which as we already know with k'thir angel of restoration is just bad. With pontiff i have already seen where an opponent moved pontiff around claimed his font went for mid font hammer threw and double attacked with pontiff for mid font. At this point their is almost no chance for a comeback, because your opponent took a nora hit lost mid font and won't be able to contest by the next turn. Ranged champions under any circumstances should never ever have 8 speed.

    That poor poor goblin archer may he rest in peace.
  18. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    And @super71 , I truly believe that "unbiased" players don't exist. We, as Poxnora players, are resulted from our own gaming experience, and naturally tend to favor this or that rune/faction, no matter how much one may say he doesn't favor anything specifically. I've managed to see some council members' opinions, and although some occasionally sound blatantly biased to me(hell even mine are sometimes) I don't think there are better people to compose it right now.

    In my honest opinion, a council member needs, more than knowledge, humility to admit he may be wrong at ANY given time. It doesn't matter how much a person thinks he knows, if he's not open for discussion all that knowledge is useless because the purpose of the councuil(brainstorming suggestions) would be nullified. And that is what I think many people here lack, the good sense of understanding someone else may simply know more about the game.
    And that's all I have to say in this thread.[/QUOTE]

    Their are many players who would be willing to admit they are wrong, and have a good concept of the game. My problem is we keep using people that are known for one faction in the hope that they won't be biased. A lot of unbiased people exist in pox they are the ones that sit and play every faction or theme and don't care for wins or losses.
  19. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I don't understand this reply at all. I wasn't arguing that 8 SPD isn't powerful. All I was saying is that it seems weird to think that -1 SPD is only worth a "small" decrease while also saying SPD is valuable. It just seems like an inconsistent stance.

    But as I said, it depends on what "small" means. Personally I planned to make it 4 or 5 nora, which I'd call a large decrease (from 9).
  20. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    If you know 8 speed is powerful and you know it breaks most pox maps, why make 8 speed champions in this release to begin with ? For empowered: speed that seems reasonable to me but only because the speed has a couple turns before it goes away, if the speed and mobility were permanent it would have to cost more.

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